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StS Versa - Staff/Mod Application


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In-game name: StS Versa / versa
SteamID (https://steamid.io/):76561198352415291
Warns: I have two current warns for RDM, one was I set my mug key bind up incorrectly and the other was a misunderstanding with someone who RDM'ed my teammate
Timezone:UTC/GMT -6 hours
Playtime?:StS versa has played for 84:10:53 (HH/MM/SS), as I fill this out
Do you have access to Discord and a microphone?: [YES/NO] Yes, I own a microphone and have a Discord account.
Do you have the ability to record Garry's Mod videos?:[YES/NO] Yes, I use medal for all my clips.
    Referral(s): [What administrator recommended you to apply?] None but some inspired me, like  GamingCarrot, Purple, Frog, Giygas and merk (Just inspirations not actual recommendations other than carrot and frog)
    Past experiences as staff: [Optional] I've staffed on some Minecraft servers, Rust servers and Multiple experiences with discord and ticketing systems.
    Why should we choose you over other applicants? [minimum 2 paragraphs]I have great skills when it comes to getting across information and points and I work great in a team setting but also do great just by myself, my biggest attribute of my workstyle is that I really don't slack and I don't do much off-time. I understand Lua so I understand most functions and "bugs" about Gmod and can give great insight on how to possibly fix annoying server glitches and bugs. I feel like I personally should be chosen to become staff because of my great attributes, my almost unwanted kindness towards everybody and my working demeanor willing to get anything done the way it's supposed to be done in the first place, I really hate having to do things twice with the same person. I would be an amazing pick for this staff team because it seems when im always online there's only 1 or 2 mods online to do something about it.
    Have you ever been banned or punished on any server? If so, Include details I haven't been banned on any G:mod server, but mentioned earlier I have had infractions on garnet.
    Have you made any previous applications, If so when?:No I haven't, this is my first and I'm just giving it my all.
    How much time do you have to contribute to the role?:I'm basically on 4-6 hours every night when most staff have their afk/off-time in my timezone.
    If you have any, what hobbies or activities are you involved in outside of Garry's Mod? I work at a sandwich shop making roast beef sammich, but it pays me well enough.
Did you read the staff rules?:StS Versa / versa

Edited by versa
Better Paragraphs
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  • DarkRP Management Team

-/+ Current warns

-/+ Playtime

- Paragraphs

+ Read the rules


Here is my advice:

The biggest one is beefing up your paragraphs but its also worth mentioning that we usually want people to wait it out until warns come off their record.

Don't let this stop you from applying though. Focus on your paragraphs and I don't see much of an issue


NEUTRAL for now

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  • DarkRP Management Team

He is right about being chill. Every encounter I’ve had with him has been great. He’s got previous experience in other places being staff and I think that’s valuable. It at least shows he’s teachable.

+1 from me broskie.

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  • DarkRP Administration Team


I've seen you in game a bit and have had good interactions, however your paragraphs are kinda lacking and could be beefed up. You also need to crank up that playtime as well. I don't mind the warns but when you apply always make sure your warns have been cleared beforehand. Improve on these things and you'll be good. Good luck!!

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- warns

+ read the rules 

/ short paraphs 

/ playtime 

+ personal experience 



ive had like 2 conversation with you and you seam like a cool dude and think you would make a good addition to the staff team


Edited by tadtad31
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-1 (I may change this as more feedback is given from the community)

As far as constructive criticism goes - Your written portion is repetitive and doesn't really stand out at all + it doesn't meet the minimum requirement of 2 full paragraphs. Your playtime is only briefly over the bare minimum, and you have 2 current warnings in-game. The only +1 you have so far is also from one of your clan-mates as well, which leaves me sorta skeptical.

On a personal level, I've only ever seen you outside of your base a few different times so I can't really gauge an opinion of you as a person quite yet. I'm sure you're not a bad person, and I'd absolutely love to see you out and about some more in-game, community interaction is key and first impressions are very valuable!


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On 2/28/2024 at 3:42 AM, Fatgood said:

Neutral playtime and haven’t gotten to see/know you much I’ll change to +1 once I do get to know u

Maybe it’s our time zones and play times? i’ll see more people on the weekends and stuff but currently i’m limited due to school, Hopefully i’ll get to see you around soon.


On 2/26/2024 at 11:53 PM, Danny_The_Dog said:

-/+ Current warns

-/+ Playtime

- Paragraphs

+ Read the rules


Here is my advice:

The biggest one is beefing up your paragraphs but its also worth mentioning that we usually want people to wait it out until warns come off their record.

Don't let this stop you from applying though. Focus on your paragraphs and I don't see much of an issue


NEUTRAL for now

Hey Danny, I just wanted to let you know i added a bit more and fixed some grammatical errors caused by autocorrect to make my application look just a little more neat. I also wanted to let you know i rack up at-least 8 hours a day on garnet just going around interacting with people helping people learn the game how to use commands and prop menu/utilities. And i’m also proud to say I know 100% of all in-game rules. I hope to see you around on garnet some time ❤️

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  • DarkRP Administration Team

open-minded about giving you a plus one. really friendly in game which is a good attribute to have when apply for staff. But where it says why should we pick you over other applicants minimum of 2 paragraphs it looks like one long paragraph. please go back and make it 2 and I will change it to a plus one. Also, your playtime is low in my opinion could be because I have some much lol, but that will be beefed up down the line so no worries with that I see you on enough to be active.

Edited by Chawhead
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11 minutes ago, Chawhead said:

open-minded about giving you a plus one. really friendly in game which is a good attribute to have when apply for staff. But where it says why should we pick you over other applicants minimum of 2 paragraphs it looks like one long paragraph. please go back and make it 2 and I will change it to a plus one. Also, your playtime is low in my opinion could be because I have some much lol, but that will be beefed up down the line so no worries with that I see you on enough to be active.

Hey Chawhead, I just updated and renewed my paragraphs tell me what ya think!

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