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Community Curated Map

Guest Gildarts

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Guest Gildarts



Garnet wants you help to create the new map (Based ON CSDesert)

You might ask what kind of suggestions is he currently looking for? Here are some examples:


  • Suggestions on what to keep, move or remove
  • New Objectives
  • New Bases
  • New POI (Points of interest)
  • How the map should be laid out
  • More hills less hills?
  • Trees brush?
  • Colors
  • Textures
  • Buildings
  • Anything Map Related ONLY! (Guns, Classes and other suggestions do not belong here)



Please be sure when suggesting something to give great detail about what you are talking about, Googled images of real life locations or in-games locations can be added to your post to show what you are talking about too.


All Suggestions will be taken seriously do not abuse this by trying to meme, I will give you a forum warning and you will be bared from suggesting any further. Also Do not message Garnet with suggestions when this post is here. 

If you like an idea like the posters post that way we can take it into account that people want it.


Accepted Ideas:


Bad Suggestion Example:

21 hours ago, Gildarts said:

omg i have a gud suggestion


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Definitely add buildings or objects in bland parts of the map where things can be hosted (tryouts, sims etc.), Since UK isnt used maybe it could be an objective maybe instead of tc. Having no trees at all is a good thing, have people rely on the mountains instead of trees to hide. Lastly adding more to OP, making it bigger/adding more to it

Edited by Coyotee
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Guest Gildarts
Just now, Homeless said:

Cacti for trees potentially? Some sort of cover from snipers would be nice just trees wouldn't fit this setting.

There are desert trees

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3 hours ago, Ethan said:

I made a quick version of a 2D blueprint example for the features below (it's paint, so don't make fun of how shit it looks, lol):


Just a small warning: This is purely an example of the ideas, they can be molded and shifted in any way as this was quickly put together, and most likely has flaws that I haven't thought about. This is also an attempt to allow more RP to occur while keeping the casual feeling of war in-place.

This picture is mainly focused on the bases. The bases are in the corners, the base walls are decently small, only holding need things like the RR, Briefing Hall, Simulation Building?, Separate Debriefing Areas for after war, and any other small buildings that could fit in there that are for purely training purposes.

Outside of the bases would be their fields, housing their Obstacle Course (OC), KillHouse (KH), and their Spawn Room, as these are the largest structures, and can be placed outside of their base. Watch towers could be placed against the border of the fields along with sandbags every couple of meters to make a barrier/line along the cliff face (the lines going away from the fields, the ladder looking things, are to show that it's a cliff face and can't be climbed). There are two official entrances/exits to the fields, can have gates along them or just be left open, and the cliffs go in elevation towards the base making it non-accessible to get in, but easy to slide down to get out. The reason the spawn room is placed in the field is so that combat based classes (non-recruiter) can be closer to the front line, thus making the wars faster paced due to the decreased size of the actual battlefield, and putting the training RP things in the corner of the map (recruiters would spawn next to the RR). The fields connect to the base via those dotted lines I placed, where the dotted line touches the base, there would be a gate to allow entrance/exit.

The way the outside of the bases is designed allows for quicker access to the battlefield, less running distance from the base to the objectives like was clear on previous maps after CSCDesert, and it also prevents base camp from being as difficult to prove because you would simply sit outside of the field, and if you entered the field, then you would be base camping (lines of sight of the inside of the field could be blocked with sandbags/cliff faces as shown in the picture). Those who jump over the cliff, or exit from the field through the two entrances/exits can be killed, those peeking over the cliff can't, treat it like the base walls of the current bases, but they are more secure because they elevate above the terrain around them allowing no possibility of the Coyote/Oatlife report, and make it easier for body's that fly back not to go into the field because they hit the cliff-face.

Now onto the objectives and war zone, there are a couple of ideas to this. During war, functions normally as a war-zone, the objectives, the terrain, etc. This allows faster movement as the spawn rooms are closer to these objectives as stated before. The war zone could also be used during peace time as a non-man's land area where enemy's spotted in this zone would be considered KOS, allowing the Special Forces units of both sides to send scouting parties to attempt kidnaps within the enemy's field area, to raid the enemy's field area, to secure an objective for training (showing Enlisted around the objectives, because it's KOS, these areas would be difficult for large training groups to show around if not escorted or if they risk the enemy just not being there), for ransoms of kidnaps to take place, open simulations on these objectives would be considered peace zones for the duration the sim is there, or for scouting to make sure enemy units that attempt to openly march to the other field for a raid are stopped, and finally to stop the possibility of people walking up to the opposing base and having conversations (as that isn't very realistic, and causes some issues when it comes to raids taking place as they converse, etc).


I hope this accomplishes the goal of giving RP a more easily enforced position from staff members, but keeps the fast-paced part of war-time that CSCDesert offers with it's base locations. Tell me what you think 🙂. I had this idea quite a while ago, but didn't fully explain it as well when Conway made the Paint image for me, we ended up getting the loved Taiga, which was nice with larger bases, but this is what I truly wanted accomplished, and I hope that at least some of these ideas get implemented some how!

I put this on the Military RP Update post where he asked for suggestions, but this is the map layout I think would be most beneficial for the casual side of war people want, and to allow RP to take place within that.

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  • MilitaryRP Super-Admin

- Revamp Outpost into an objective of today's standards. At the moment it looks more like a location you'd be tp'd to for duels than an objective. Personally, I'd like something close to Chaharikar's (pardon my spelling if it's incorrect) Town. From the screenshots I've seen, it's visually appealing and presents multiple ways of attack.

- Creating ambient sound is a good idea on paper. However the current CSDesert map pushes that idea a little too far. The wind/dust/howling whatever you want to call it, is just plain annoying to myself. Depending on the maps location, finding accurate and easy-on-the-ear soundbites would work out well.

- I don't mind where the location of this map ultimately is, as long as we move away from the Forest/Jungle. An urban-esque sort of environment would be what I would most look forward to. Meaning that there are some parts of the map(Outside of Bases) with a modern touch to them. Like a Town from Chaharikar, like an ATTC from Old Taiga. I'd also enjoy seeing some unique and RP-worthy RU & US Outposts. The ones on current Taiga are decent at best, with RU being poor. I feel making those two buildings more significant with buildings suited to the maps location would add some more variety to what the players can do. 

- As far as an objective, I've thought something along the lines of an embassy would be cool. A large, singular building that would combine elements of both Construction and Company from the current Taiga. The building would be multiple stories and enclosed for the most part, with maybe a chunk missing due to a blast or what have you. The idea of having an objective and an urban building that promotes the use of CQC with AR's and SMG's is a breath of fresh air to me. I use and abuse the sniper meta just as much as the next guy but would be willing to try an OBJ like this out.

- Looking at the macro-design as a whole, I think keeping the linear, even distribution is the right call. Have the bases in opposite corners of the map with primary objectives at 0 degrees, 45 degrees, and 90 degrees.


This isn't very organized as I was just spitballing ideas so I apologize for that.

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Moved some thing around just to see what it'd look like. If you mirrored a similar base to US for RU, it would help with the balancing issues present. 

Also I think it'd be pretty cool if we did a revamped talitown where CO currently is. Make the road cut through it, and revamp the buildings. Similar to the town center we've seen on taiga.

Also just added an OC and KH outside of RU, along with a KH outside of US.


Lastly I shifted TC North, as the mirrored RU base is laying half way over current TC

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14 hours ago, {GG}otham said:


Moved some thing around just to see what it'd look like. If you mirrored a similar base to US for RU, it would help with the balancing issues present. 

Also I think it'd be pretty cool if we did a revamped talitown where CO currently is. Make the road cut through it, and revamp the buildings. Similar to the town center we've seen on taiga.

Also just added an OC and KH outside of RU, along with a KH outside of US.


Lastly I shifted TC North, as the mirrored RU base is laying half way over current TC



I think we had similar ideas, if you read mine above, but I wanted to make it more clear, so here it is:

- Move the bases to the corners of the examples shown, and put a spawning barracks (should be smaller than how I drew them to fit the roads, but I was too lazy to undo it all and redraw since those were the first things I drew lol) where the bases used to be.

- Move US's OC to the other side similar to RU's.

- Create a copy of Gas Station for RU side if you are going to be mirroring the sides, but honestly, you could make any base within that corner of the map like a copy of the RU base used as obj #3, or a copy of Tali Town, or a new base entirely, just has to have a DB, RR, and with the extra space, you can have sim arenas inside the base (1 or 2).

- Remove that empty space at the top of the map to make the map a bit closer to even

- Where the quarter circle lines are, that is the barriers for the fields, which would be given cliff faces that would prevent people from entering, but allowing people two leave, and there would be two entrances to that field from the outside that could either be gates or be left open like in my example.

Maybe even make those fields bigger, move RU and TC up a bit?

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