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Remove 3rd Person


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Description: Remove 3rd person

Reasoning: I don't really have much to say other than that, on the other suggestion "Bring Back old 3rd Person And add vehicles".  br0ken pointed out that "3rd person made fights annoying and unfair", and I 100% agree with him, that's what I wan to fix. The new "fixed" 3rd person doesn't fix that you can camp around corners and headglitch. Honestly we should just remove 3rd person completely because I can't see a way to fix looking around corners, which is the main problem most people have with it.

Additional info:  N/A 

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7 hours ago, CodyDrax said:

3rd person has already been dealt with. It's no longer a combat issue on MRP. 

He is suggesting it be completely removed because you can still use it to peek corners without showing any part of your body, but I don't think it's that big an issue. If it were to be removed, I wouldn't mind much either. I think completely removing it would make the game and other player's actions more predictable instead of not knowing if someone is around a corner looking at you, so I would enjoy it's removal. +1

But I know a good amount of players like the gameplay third person gives them, because it gives them that advantage as well, so they don't mind the enemy having that advantage sometimes. We'll see how this goes.

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I kinda agree with Ethan on this one, with what we can use 3rd person for it’s almost completely useless so we might as well get rid of the last annoying thing in corner peeking. Or at least if we can remove it during war, idk I just like seeing my player model 

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5 minutes ago, Bortnik said:

I kinda agree with Ethan on this one, with what we can use 3rd person for it’s almost completely useless so we might as well get rid of the last annoying thing in corner peeking. Or at least if we can remove it during war, idk I just like seeing my player model 

Removing things partially during a war isn't a solution because nobody wants to code that in, and I can understand why.

Corner peeking does suck, but it also isn't something that a select few people do - everybody who knows how to toggle thirdperson does it. And thirdperson really isn't that useful when you're headglitching, honestly.

I like being able to see my playermodel and I also thirdperson peek; I can fully understand the logic behind removing the peek and headglitch meta by limiting or fully removing thirdperson, but I don't agree with the idea of its removal because it isn't exclusively used for combat.

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