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Rules Suggestion About Application Voting:


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Suggestion: Only members of that respective affair team(HR. GM. Etc.) may vote on the application to join that specified team. After all- they have to work with the same people. +1s from the community may benefit. But when all is said and done- the team has to have good chemistry to work together. 

Besides if that applicants' friends or someome who doesn't know the applicant just mindlessly +1s because they feel like it or wanna be a good friend does so. That's ruining the point. 

Oh. And also make reports and appeals only votable by Operators and people involved in the incident. 

Thanks gamers. 

Edited by Denizenv2
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The whole applications thing, I only agree on the GM part of that. I feel as if the community should feel comfortable with the chosen staff, but GM staff should vote on their choice of co-workers.

For the reports and appeals, it's true. Reports and appeals are there to discuss a FALSE punishment, rather than community's opinion. It doesn't matter if the community +1's a ban if it's true and vice versa. In the end, the operator will always choose whether to remove or keep the punishment listed regardless of what the community thinks. Sometimes, however, it depends on the situation but 99% of the time it doesn't.

Good suggestion though!


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21 hours ago, Entity said:

The whole applications thing, I only agree on the GM part of that. I feel as if the community should feel comfortable with the chosen staff, but GM staff should vote on their choice of co-workers.

For the reports and appeals, it's true. Reports and appeals are there to discuss a FALSE punishment, rather than community's opinion. It doesn't matter if the community +1's a ban if it's true and vice versa. In the end, the operator will always choose whether to remove or keep the punishment listed regardless of what the community thinks. Sometimes, however, it depends on the situation but 99% of the time it doesn't.

Good suggestion though!


+1 to this, not the entirety of the suggestion

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