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DB Protection Removal


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Description: DB Protection was added a few weeks ago to shorten the amount of raids happening between the two faction. It allowed both US and RU to have complete debriefs without having to worry about being feeded by someone with a nade or RPG. From the receiving of the raids it was annoying at times to have the debrief's interrupted by the other faction hungry for a feed.  It's quite obvious on one of the reason  why it was added and I cannot blame garnet for adding it. But it took the fun out of raiding as a whole. I understand why it was added but there's really no reason to keep it at this point. 

Reasoning: The reason I believe DB protection should be retracted is because whenever someone would raid and get a massive feed and be hyped up about it. It takes time to plan out how to raid and getting a massive DB feed is honestly one of the best feelings on the server hands down. Ever since DB protection was added, the amount of raids went down and the server lost a key component to what made it fun.  Another reason for me making this suggestion is also for the fact of tryouts. During a tryout you cant kill people that fail or minge. You have to tell them to leave and yes it does get the point across but most people kill you if you fail a tryout. Along with that if someone is minging in a tryout and the person that is leading the tryout cannot get them to leave how are they suppost to get them to leave? go to a different spot then kill them? No,  If you died in a tryout then you know you failed and you would know not to come back as said in a lot of SOC tryouts in the past.  

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13 minutes ago, Vizii said:

a massive DB feed is honestly one of the best feelings on the server hands down

DB Protection was added to combat, again, DB's being blown up by another faction, which is extremely annoying for officers and enlisted INSIDE the DB. A Raid should not be focused on getting a "massive DB feed!". If that's your only reason to raid, rather then to keep a prolonged attack on a base, then why are you doing it? 

13 minutes ago, Vizii said:

the server lost a key component to what made it fun.

I don't really agree with this. Raiding is still fun, just because you can't shoot a massive group of people in US/RU DB doesn't make Raids worthless. They still have a purpose, and the main purpose isn't to get a massive DB Feed.

13 minutes ago, Vizii said:

During a tryout you cant kill people that fail or minge. You have to tell them to leave and yes it does get the point across but most people kill you if you fail a tryout. Along with that if someone is minging in a tryout and the person that is leading the tryout cannot get them to leave how are they suppost to get them to leave?

Most tryouts are moved outside of main DB's, if that's really an issue then once everyone is at your tryout have them follow you to a second area where you begin the tryouts. Just because you can't deagle someone in the forehead for turning once in DB, then hold it outside of DB and accomplish the same exact thing. If they continue to run back into your tryouts, use the /report feature and report them for FailRP. 


Personally, I believe DB Protection being a feature on the server is a much more positive feature then negative, it also protects PVT's/New players from massing a US/RU Post/Pre-War DB. 

Edited by Soappppp
grammar issues, smh.
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+1 . Everyone knows I always vouched for DB raids because of how fun they were to setup and how tactical it was to get past people watching guard, it was one of the few stealth things you can do on the server with the squad . With the new rule of DB before raid it fixed some of the problems with random people just joining along mid raid. Ever since the removal of DB raids not only have tryouts/DB's been annoying when there is a minge who just refuses to follow instructions but it has also made peace times very boring. There is 0 reason to raid and when people try to do so during normal peacetime most people are not in base and it's usually killing afk people sitting in base.  People have to agree that peacetimes have gotten boring ever since then. Even regular raids we run in and people just go hide inside DB.  With all that said I don't know if Garnet will let this pass,  not one person made a suggestion (that I saw) to add the protection but somehow it was added anyways. For the people saying it stops PVT's from massing, sure for like 2 minutes in DB time before they can just kill people outside DB or in separate DB outside protection.... I spoke to both US and RU and the general consensus I saw was that they preferred no DB protection. But I am sure people on this post will disagree.

P.S The DB protection is also broken on RU side with it extending to the wall of south DB, another place to just chill in.

PSS. Allowing DB raids gives SOC factions another job to do. SOC factions should be practiced in patrolling the base and neutralizing threats coming to DB. Gives factions something else to do other than sit afk in base until next war. Factions do not need to be in DB to hear the officers yell at their enlisted, officers can instead sweep base and insure a safe DB, take shifts doing it even.

Edited by BuddenJoe
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I did like it so we didn't have 2GA PVT's massing debrief but it leads to more problems such as recruits going into the protection and needing an staff member to respawn them, as well as having other difficulty with tryouts and ect.

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10 minutes ago, Soappppp said:

DB Protection was added to combat, again, DB's being blown up by another faction, which is extremely annoying for officers and enlisted INSIDE the DB. A Raid should not be focused on getting a "massive DB feed!". If that's your only reason to raid, rather then to keep a prolonged attack on a base, then why are you doing it? 


It's more than that, whenever you plan out the raid with your faction and it's a very high pop time on the server and you get that insane feed you feel fucking amazing. Your teammates are hyping you up when you get the feed and its just an amazing thing to experience when you are spending a shit ton of time on the server. Along with that idk if its just me but when I get feeds I get a bit of an Adrenalin rush from it because of the hype. Its one of the things that brings good memories to the server as a whole.  

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-1 Just because "it took the fun out of raiding" doesn't give the best reason why we should remove this feature.  Also, it didn't really remove anything from anyone's experience except the slight dose dopamine you get from blindly running into a DB right after war and chucking a grenade at people, just to die half a second later. I feel as if this change really let factions plan when and where to strike during a raid instead of them just running in, hoping there's a feed inside the DB. With the tryout aspect, what you could do instead of staying in the DB area is either call staff to get rid of them or go somewhere else inside base so you could deal with the people who fail yourself. Also, if you do decide to move, have your other faction members guard all the entrances if you're afraid of getting raided. 

Edited by JimTrash
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8 minutes ago, Vizii said:

its just an amazing thing to experience

Again, I don't think that just because it feels good to get a big feed, that it outweighs the benefits and USE of DB Protection. 

Edited by Soappppp
i can't fucking spell
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2 minutes ago, JimTrash said:

Also, have your other faction members guard all the entrances if you're afraid of getting raided. 

Wait cant you just do that to stop DB raids instead of adding a protection... have SOC watch for raids if they are so afraid of getting raided?

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2 minutes ago, BuddenJoe said:

Wait cant you just do that to stop DB raids instead of adding a protection... have SOC watch for raids if they are so afraid of getting raided?

Well for one, DB raids are against the rules to begin with. The DB protection is there to prevent people who don’t know that from massing. 

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3 minutes ago, BuddenJoe said:

Wait cant you just do that to stop DB raids instead of adding a protection... have SOC watch for raids if they are so afraid of getting raided?

The problem with that was no one did it at all unless someone yelled at them to.

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Not only does it prevent silly DB raids where the only purpose is for someone to screenshot and say "OMEGALUL FEED WOW" During Normal, non DB raid raids, It makes it so that It's a spot where you can just straightup not participate in the raid.
So like... It's a balanced Thing.

What happened to raids ever being RP related?
I know that Raid Rescues are a thing, But honestly, Raids don't mean jack all other than that. It's on you to make them mean something and make them fun for yourself. Roleplay a reason as to why you're raiding, I.E Your Embassy got trashed and you need to kill a General. It's an RP not a TDM server

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1 hour ago, Dillan said:


Prevents masses, prevents unskillful annoying db raids. It used to be a rule you couldnt raid during db during 2016, and this is a much better fix.

-1 Couldn't agree more


If does get accepted, I would advise staff to add a rule in the Raiding rules

Ex. You may not kill the opposing force During a active DB. Db must be called over before you can kill them


Something like that

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+1 to its removal.

The DB protection just has too many cons for simple protection (such as incorrect placement, requiring staff to respawn people if you want to enforce a claim, tryouts, and so forth). For those arguing, "use another location if you want to host tryouts", each base has a secondary briefing building that is meant for tryouts (and to house separate debriefs). I shouldn't have to involve staff to come "escort" or respawn somebody who is being unruly in my tryouts if I'd like to use the proper location for it.

The simplest and quickest solution rather than maintaining this addon would be to make raiding the briefing buildings (not the same as requiring a debrief to be dismissed before you can raid) against the rules as they were back during the cscdesert event in February of 2019 and actually enforcing such rule, since the rule is still in effect but nobody was reporting, warning, and banning over it (in the event of Mass RDM).

Edited by Torch
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