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Kidnapping Job/Restraints


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Im suggesting a kidnapper role or just the option to buy hand  restraints from a blackmaket dealer


Reasoning: [how would this benefit our server?]

Provides more content. Players can have the option to kidnap each other and try to get ransom from either the kidnapped or police. Small thing that can add a little more roleplaying experience to a server where printer farming is norm. Kidnapping would have a cooldown and a maximum time on which you allowed to have a person kidnapped. Also I would suggest that kidnappers can only ask for a set amount of dollars from a person similar to mugging 


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I do believe Garnet has thought of this before. I'd personally like to see kidnapping as it can add some fun scenarios; For instance-

- Police is booming with a mayor, Kidnapper takes a Citizen, Kidnapper has a cell for said Kidnapper and adverts "(Player) has been kidnapped, the ransom is $15k" and Police decide to break in or offer the money.

- Kidnapper is hired to Kidnap a certain target which has a base, the target goes outside for a short while to sell meth or buy a gun, Kidnapper takes the target and locks them up so the raider who hired him can break in without trouble (Other than people who counter).

Hopefully our buttons get nerfed and no collide becomes not allowed so we can have a great time. If I have enough time, I'm going to create a prototype of this plugin in a way that wouldn't cause too much lag and would still be usable. Might be a bit but I'd really like to see this become a thing.

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31 minutes ago, Entity said:

Hopefully our buttons get nerfed and no collide becomes not allowed so we can have a great time. If I have enough time, I'm going to create a prototype of this plugin in a way that wouldn't cause too much lag and would still be usable. Might be a bit but I'd really like to see this become a thing.

I agree with the button nerf but I don’t think that we need to get rid of no collide completely, I think we should just make them have to have semi-transparent materials.


Edit: +1 I really like this kidnapping thing but we do need to make sure it doesn’t work on staff on duty or have some extra rules stating that “kidnapping” staff on duty or during a sit is FailRP.

Edited by Toast
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2 minutes ago, Toast said:

I agree with the button nerf but I don’t think that we need to get rid of no collide completely, I think we should just make them have to have semi-transparent materials.

I can give you plenty of examples where that could be exploited, also this is the wrong place to comment about your opinion of these. You should head to the respective suggestion thread.

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I am in favor of this as an addition to the server. The only issue, as mentioned above, would be combating the constant minging that this would bring with it. We would also have to define FailRP scenarios to avoid any problems in regards to that.

I like it, but I would recommend possibly laying out some rules/restrictions on the class to increase the possibility of this being added.


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+1  I was actually thinking about this earlier, this was a feature of an old DRP server I played on. Definitely can be minged, we just need to offer some ideas to counter it. I think it could bring a lot of fun into the server. 

A few ways to counter minging with this that I can think of would be, perhaps making it actually a credit purchase. So we don't have people joining and immediately going around kidnapping people. Since credits are playtime based it would counter some of the minges joining the server. I think a job could be added for it, VIP limited and around level 30, it would be somewhat like rapist, could also add the kidnapping TO the rapist if making it a separate job would be a little bit too difficult. Adding it to a black market dealer would provide some issues, however I see a lot of staff on recently, and if reports are issued I believe it could be handled quickly. Definitely would be a good addition!


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1 hour ago, Vaelex said:

perhaps making it actually a credit purchase.

Or just make it a job that requires level 15+ or so? As players will have to get used to our rules anyways, if they were here to minge then they wouldn't make it to level 15 I guarantee it.

Edited by Entity
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57 minutes ago, Entity said:

Or just make it a job that requires level 15+ or so? As players will have to get used to our rules anyways, if they were here to minge then they wouldn't make it to level 15 I guarantee it.

I'd thought of that as well, however I'd assumed it would have restrictions like rapist, no bigger than handgun, no raiding. Which would make it rather difficult to kidnap anyone really, except your very low level players who pose no worth anyhow. Kidnapping someone like the Mayor wouldn't even be feasible. 15+ sounds decent, however how many times have you run into false warrant cops. Myself it has happened too many to count on my hands, which is a lot. Which is something that would be run into here as well. False kidnap oh he didn't advert oh he cant kidnap a hobo, you'd begin running into the same problems with cops being such a low and easy restriction, but it also depends on the rules given to the Kidnapping class, but again, when you make a class for it and it has a specific skin and all you can really do is re-name it. It would become very difficult to RP kidnapping someone, like luring them into an alley or something.  A lot of the times sure, past level 10 or so there is no real intent to be mingey in most cases. However 3/4 of the people around those levels also hardly know the rules, besides your standard DRP rules. Hence why I'd say put it around 25-30, you begin getting into meth manufacturer and other fun things which could include the kidnapping class, if it were to become a class, and at that time players have usually had a few sits, taken their warns and read the rules at that point. 


Edited by Vaelex
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  • 1 month later...

I always found kidnapping on other servers to be nothing but annoying, once you kidnap someone there really isnt much to do with them other than wasting time in their end. Overall I dont see how this will benefit the server, and like said it can easily be minged.



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Not fully sure if this would be amazing but ill +1. I think alot of trolls will abuse this and minge. It would be great if there was a time-limit to keep the user, and a max amount of cash u can pay to get back said user. I think it would be cool to do a trial period for a month or something.

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+1, maybe making this a only VIP job would be a good idea for now to see how it works out,  I like the VIP job I had a nice player model into it I don't think it was really cool, It's really sad to see it was abused but maybe starting it off at a high level or VIP only would be a starter.

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  • 1 month later...
Guest proggy



Please note that accepted suggestions will not necessarily be implemented into the server, but rather forked over to the development team for a second opinion, at which point they are free to choose between implementation or not.

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