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DarkRP Rules Updated (4/28/2024) ×

Bring Back the XM1014 for US Demo


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Description: The XM1014 was a great weapon for the US demo until it was taken away and replaced with the m60. Meanwhile, the Russians have kept their shotgun for demo and me and my fellow men often find ourselves being destroyed by these people in the Russian demo class. If we can not get the XM1014 back then at least give us a gun that can rival the Russian demo shotgun. I am also making this suggestion because people in the US get demo and are like hell yeah I have the demo class and then they realize that it is complete shit and they never play it again. All I am asking is to get something better that will make people want to play the US demo class again.

Reasoning: It would benefit the server for it would make people in the US who can't afford to buy dono weapons have some hope against the RU Base factions who don't have dono weapons either. People would have more fun and want to stay on the server, which would then lead to even more people coming on the server. If the XM1014 comes back I believe it will give the base factions in the US hope that they can do something and not be completely useless against the Russian Demo class.

Additional Info: N/A

Edited by Kerry1
i am bad at typing and gettting my point across
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+1 how it was previously worked well, this would add some diversity between the two entry factions; one has an LMG, one has a shotgun again. However it being able to rival the 2GA shotgun shouldnt be a huge concern, that thing is overpowered it should be nerfed, theres no point creating another overpowered weapon for people to use and abuse.

Edited by Jake
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1 hour ago, Jake said:

+1 how it was previously worked well, this would add some diversity between the two entry factions; one has an LMG, one has a shotgun again. However it being able to rival the 2GA shotgun shouldnt be a huge concern, that thing is overpowered it should be nerfed, theres no point creating another overpowered weapon for people to use and abuse.

+1 For this reason, and this reason alone, faction diversity.


13 hours ago, Kerry1 said:

Reasoning: It would benefit the server for it would make people in the US who can't afford to buy dono weapons have some hope against the RU Base factions who don't have dono weapons either. People would have more fun and want to stay on the server, which would then lead to even more people coming on the server. If the XM1014 comes back I believe it will give the base factions in the US hope that they can do something and not be completely useless against the Russian Demo class.

Adding/swapping weapons to equal the opposite faction's weapons is how you end up with power creep.


The 2GA shotgun could use some adjustments, but suggesting a weapon swap with the main intention of countering 2GA demo is unwise.

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+1 I use to main US and the Demolition class with an LMG makes no sense as that makes shitty pushes and shitty holds. With shotguns you can move around a bit but still be caught of guard where LMGs force you to stay in a single spot vulnerable to many of the flanks a lot of the objectives have. Hated this when I mained US and just abandoned the class as a whole for these reasons. Giving the enlisted a shotgun can allow them to hold against huge SOC/Spetz and bigger 2GA pushes with general ease. They are perfect for close quarters combat but are less effective at longer range. But keep in mind all shotguns should have major damage falloff at medium to long ranges as really that makes them a sniper. As of now that's the main issue with donor and 2GA shotguns.  Again major +1 but also understand that shotguns can be either decent, amazing, overpowered, or fucking trash. So it may take some time IF this is accepted to completely balance the weapon. It might be fucking trash at first or it might be so stupidly overpowered that no one will ever play soldier or support again. Try to add some stats to the post to give a clear picture on what needs to be added and your post will be 50 times better. 

Edited by Gamma
Gamma retard and needs to go back to english class. (spelling)
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This needs a major +1 as this would actually make the class usable. If the RU get a nice shotgun, the US should as well. I would also suggest just giving the RU the PKM rather then the US getting the Shotgun, either way works. So as both sides are roughly equal. 

Edited by Slick20013
Added reasoning to accept this suggestion
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+1 I used to use demo with the xm1014 and it was a lot more diverse when we had marines with an lmg and army using shotguns, plus base factions have no way of countering 2GA demo with how over powered it is, giving army a shotgun could at least help negate that but just slightly 

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