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Activity Dip for the month of May

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  • The Garnut

Hello GarfieldGamers,

Please note: if anybody tries to empathize with me, IE: "Garnet take a break". "You don't deserve this" or anything pointless of this nature, I will simply delete their posts and lock this post. This post is purely up to explain to you why I'm unfortunately having to be less active than I would like for a period of time.





I'm needing to take pills to hopefully ease up on my pain and reverse some damage from a car accident, pills are extremely known for drowsiness and tiredness and as such, my activity may dip on Garnet for the next 30 days, but it's unavoidable. I don't know how badly I'll be affected by the pills, but this starts tonight.


Long version:

I'm sure some of you remember the car accident I was involved in back at the beginning of this year that put me out for a good week. Unfortunately for me, I've been going to see a physical therapist/chiropractor 2-3 days a week ever since then, however, I'm still in agonizing pain which is making working on Garnet alot more difficult than it should be with frequent muscle spasms in my shoulders/back - I try not to complain anymore, because to be frank, all I get is people overly sympathisizng with me and suggesting I take a break constantly, which I neither want to or can do without it affecting the community negatively. When it comes to insurance companies, to my best understanding, once you have gone to a chiropractor for a certain threshold and it's not helping, you are then sent you to an orthopedic surgeon to evaluate you again and determine what's to take place next.  I went to visit one, he re-evaluated my spine, and unfortunately I didn't get the best news.

As a last resort before operating my back which I can't afford or doing a few rounds of steroid injections, I was given muscle relaxers for the next 30 days which I basically have to be under the effects of 24/7 with minimal physical excretion - they make you extremely groggy and cloudy, and as such:  no driving, and no going to work (albeit working from home on a PC could be ok if I can manage - it all depends on how badly the sideeffects get me, some people don't get them at all). I will see how I can manage to keep up my activity on Garnet.



To all of you who have a burning hate for me, I will have you know that the guy who went a red light and  hit me seemed to have literally bribed the insurance adjuster into ruling against me, and it doesn't seem that my Lawyer is trying to do too much about it. I had recorded evidence of the other driver coming out of his car and crying about how he's sorry he didn't see a red light, but that makes the accident my fault. Go fucking figure. Hopefully when this is all over I can go with this information to a news outlet.

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damn this is the first time i've heard about this crash since i've come back to the server. i know you literally said that you don't want people to sympathize for you but try not to push yourself to your absolute limits working your servers. i truly hope that you begin to feel better so the surgery doesn't become necessary

Edited by Flak
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1 hour ago, Garnet said:

I will have you know that the guy who went a red light and  hit me seemed to have literally bribed the insurance adjuster into ruling against me

My dad works in insurance and he tells me that people (especially guilty ones) try this type of stuff all too often. It's kinda sad ngl. Feel better man.

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Funny enough me and my mother were involved in a (thankfully not severe) car accident back in November. I was completely fine and my mom was fine after the accident, but in a week she managed to get pains in her body similar to yours, resulting in her having to receive physical therapy. I understand the annoyances you might have so I won't mind at all if you relax a bit this month, you're a hard worker.

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Not trying to give sympathy or anything, but take all the time you need. It's out of your control of what happened, and you do what you gotta do. I may not agree with everything you do, but I'd never wish ill will upon you. And you're very dedicated to your servers, and I'd imagine that's super difficult with all the servers you have to try and juggle around to keep updated, etc. So get well soon, and keep up the good work, take the time off if you need it.

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