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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/04/2018 in all areas

  1. @Jaggie not letting me massrdm right off the bat @all of the 055 boys. The true studs of the sever.
    4 points
  2. Hey everybody.. i've been gone for 7 days so far and feel as though I should let you guys know i'm not doing the best emotionally right now at the moment. I need time away from Garnet, if for any reason other than the toxicity that would only affect me negatively.
    2 points
  3. There isn't a reason to replace TDM/SnD, they are both fine war modes for low pop, but don't have enough meat in them to be too interesting in higher player count wars. This would just be a fourth option. I would say the war ends at that point, the attackers have won (Just like how SnD ends right as the bomb blows up or is defused). I think these two things you added a really good suggestions, and I will put under the portion where I explain a feature Garnet could add if he has the time to do so, as I want to keep the actual suggestion as bare bones as possible so that it is reasonable to code in easily (of course I am not sure of this, so I can't fully say how difficult these things are to implement). Options I will add: 1. Every 10 minutes, the cap rate is raised, so one person would be up 2%s on an objective after the first 10 minutes is up, then 3%s per person after 10 more minutes have passed, leaving the final portion of war in the 3%s up. 2. A timer for each objective will be set being 5 minutes. If the attackers can't cap the objective in 5 minutes, they lose that point, and move on to the next. They continue this till all 25 minutes are up and all objectives have been played on. If they attacking team captured 3/5 or more, then they win. If they only captured 2/5 or less, they lose. (This is what I got from your response, so if you meant something different, let me know) Respond to let me know which one you think is more interesting, but I will add these both to the original thread!
    2 points
  4. https://www.dinklebergsgmod.com/phbans/search/index.php?steamid=STEAM_0:1:47595732 You were banned twice on this GMOD server for hacking earlier this year. https://icecommunity.com/thread-2220.html Banned on ICE https://everyonesabanana.eu/sb/index.php?p=banlist&advSearch=STEAM_0:1:47595732&advType=steamid&Submit Banned on source. https://imgur.com/F9equjU Getting banned on another server. https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198055457193 Multiple Vacs + a game ban (most likely CSGO) for cheating. +1 from me. Go embarrass yourself on another server little boy.
    2 points
  5. I get that you don't understand how squads work on GG because you've never been in one, but practically everything you're suggesting is not how it works. Squads aren't a thing anyone can make and invite their allies to, it's about 20 or so designated squads for every SOC faction, you have to be on the factions whitelist to join it. So the idea of only a certain rank being able to join/host them is bizarre seeing that the only thing that discerns a higher rank is your name.
    1 point
  6. Yessir!! this is exactly what I was thinking about. I saw the rendition of your OP!! Cant wait to see this go through my man! both of the options actually capture what I was trying to say, but i like the second option more!
    1 point
  7. Bad idea even when you walk around it sometimes kills you.
    1 point
  8. -1 I think this goes without saying but the point of squads is to help with the massive amount of team play needed for a SOC Faction. Base factions, on the other hand, don't require as much of a high level of teamwork as they can simply utilize their numbers. Also, I don't think base fac bois can handle all the Lua errors omegalul
    1 point
  9. 1 point
  10. Don't stress yourself too much, get better man.
    1 point
  11. When you can't take a shit because every toilet is : 1. Covered in shit 2. Covered in shit 3. Covered in shit
    1 point
  12. Tryna go to the bathroom to take a piss and walk in to see a dude beating his meat, pants down to the floor at the urinal. Like damn man this happened today to.
    1 point
  13. +1 Reasons listed above. @Ethan Do you see this as an replacement for TDM/SnD or as an 4th war type option?
    1 point
  14. +1 Adds more to war than just "Base factions company, soc to fac" Sounds similar to Rush on Battlefield 4
    1 point
  15. Sorry for my toxic behavior in CS:GO But itd be nice for you to come on again and do some sims with us just like in the old outpost where @gg.x [Cody Drax] would be looping around in town to factory to US base and flank around US OP good times
    1 point
  16. I like the idea Ethan. It'll give good amounts of early rotations based on the cap % and this could either be a really intensified game mode or a quick one. What happens after all objectives are captured and there's like say...5 minutes remaining in war? Is it just tdm? If it comes to this point, what if we have a set time on each objective say...5-6 minutes per objective and change the capping speed? I think if the attackers are going at a certain objective for too long, it can be seen as tedious and just boring at some point if they cant cap an objective. Of course i cant speak for everyone on US or RU but devil's advocate. Hell, some might even give up. But if the objective changes after 5-6 minutes its kinda like a clean slate, they can formalize a new plan and get some type or moral going for them. This is a really interesting suggestion IMO and Ethan I would love to hear more about it probably in TS or Forums. +1 (Im sure we can work out the little itty bitties as more people input opinions)
    1 point
  17. It's been really fun as a staff member, but it has been getting a lot more difficult to actually enjoy what i'm doing with school recently starting, I'm not leaving MRP by any means, but i'm resigning from my position in staff. I may apply again next summer, once school is over and I can actually work on being a staff member. Vac
    1 point
  18. Have you seen how the RU SOC cleans US off of objectives even when they are out numbered they always find a way. Also about this game mod I like the sound of it. +1
    1 point
  19. I can finally get some sits now. But actually good luck in School bud.
    1 point
  20. imagine getting banned from prop hunt >"sweaty ass kids" OMEGALUL +1
    1 point
  21. Hey, Vsauce. Michael here. Where are your fingers? Seriously. It's a pretty easy question. You should be able to answer it. But how do you know? How does anyone know anything? You might say, well, I know where my fingers are. I'm looking right at them. Or, I can touch them, I can feel them, they're right here and that's good. Your senses are a great way to learn things. In fact, we have way more than the usual five senses we talk about. For instance, your kinesthetic sense, proprioception. This is what the police evaluate during a field sobriety test. It allows you to tell where your fingers and arms and head and legs in your body is all in relation to each other without having to look or touch other things. We have way more than five senses, we have at least twice as many and then some. But they're not perfect. There are optical illusions, audio illusions, temperature sensation illusions, even tactile illusions. Can you turn your tongue upside down? If so, perfect. Try this. Run your finger along the outer edge of the tip of your upside down tongue. Your tongue will be able to feel your finger, but in the wrong place. Our brains never needed to develop an understanding of upside down tongue touch. So, when you touch the right side of your tongue when it's flipped over to your left side you perceive a sensation on the opposite side, where your tongue usually is but isn't when it's upside down. It's pretty freaky and cool and a little humbling, because it shows the limits of the accuracy of our senses, the only tools we have to get what's out there in here. The philosophy of knowledge, the study of knowing, is called epistemology. Plato famously said that the things we know are things that are true, that we believe and that we have justification for believing. those justifications might be irrational or they might be rational, they might be based on proof, but don't get too confident because proven is not a synonym for true. Luckily, there are things that we can know without needing proof, without needing to even leave the house, things that we can know as true by reason alone. These are things that we know a priori. An example would be the statement "all bachelors are unmarried." I don't have to go survey every bachelor on earth to know that that is true. All bachelors are unmarried because that's how we define the word bachelor. Of course, you have to know what the words bachelor and unmarried mean in the first place. Oh, you do? Okay. Perfect. That's great. But how do you know? This time I mean functionally, how do you know? Where is knowledge biologically in the brain? What are memories made out of? We are a long way from being able to answer that question completely but research has shown that memories don't exist in the brain in single locations. Instead, what we call a memory is likely made up of many different complex relationships all over the brain between lots of brain cells, neurons. A major cellular mechanism thought to underlie the formation of memories is long-term potentiation or LTP. When one neuron stimulates another neuron repeatedly that signal can be enhanced overtime LTP, wiring them more strongly together and that connection can last a long time, even an entire lifetime. A collection of different brain cells, neurons that fire together in a particular order over and over again frequently and repeatedly can achieve long-term potentiation, becoming more sensitive to each other and more ready to fire in the exact same way later on in the future. They're a physical thing in your brain, firing together more easily because you strengthen that pattern of firing. You memorized. This branching forest of firing friends looks messy, but look closer. It could be the memory of your first kiss. A living souvenir of the event. If I were to go into your brain and cut out those cells, could I make you forget your first kiss or could I make you forget where your fingers are? Only if I cut out a lot of your brain. Because memories aren't just stored in one relationship, they're stored all over the brain. The events leading up to your first kiss are stored in one network, the way it felt to the way it smelled in different networks, all added up together making what you call the memory of your first kiss. How many memories can you fit inside your head? What is the storage capacity of the human brain? The best we can do is a rough estimate, but given the number of neurons in the brain involved with memory and the number of different connections a single neuron can make Paul Reber at Northwestern University estimated that we can store the digital equivalent of about 2.5 petabytes of information. That's the equivalent of recording a TV channel continuously for 300 years. That's a lot of information. That is a lot of information about skills you can do and facts and people you've met, things in the real world. The world is real, right? How do you know? It's a difficult question, but it's not rocket science. Instead, it is asking whether or not rocket scientists even exist in the first place. The theory that the Sun moved around the earth worked great. It predicted that the Sun would rise every morning and it did. It wasn't until later that we realized what we thought was true might not be. So, do we or will we ever know true reality or are we stuck in a world where the best we can do is be approximately true? Discovering more and more useful theories every day but never actually reaching true objective actual reality. Can science or reason ever prove convincingly that your friends and YouTube videos and your fingers actually exist beyond your mind? That you don't just live in the matrix? No. Your mind is all that you have, even if you use instruments, like a telescope or particle accelerators. The final stop for all of that information is ultimately you. You are alone in your own brain, which technically makes it impossible to prove that anything else exists. It's called the egocentric predicament. Everything you know about the world out there depends on and is created inside your brain. This mattered so much to Charles Sanders Peirce that he drew a line between reality, the way the universe truly is, and what he called the phaneron, the world as filtered through our senses and bodies, the only information we can get. If you want to speak with certainty you live in, that is you react to and remember and experience your phaneron, not reality. The belief that only you exist and everything else, food, the universe, your friends are all figments of your mind is called solipsism. There is no way to convince a solipsist that the outside world is real. And there is no way to convince someone who doubts that the universe wasn't created just three seconds ago along with all of our memories. It's a frightening realization that we don't always know how to deal with. There's even The Matrix defense. In 2002 Tonda Lynn Ansley shot and killed her landlady. She argued that she believed she was in the matrix, that her crimes weren't real. By using the matrix defense, she was found not guilty by reason of insanity, because the opposite view is just way healthier and common. It's called realism. Realism is the belief that the outside world exists independently of your own phaneron. Rocks and stars and Thora Birch would continue to exist even if you weren't around to experience them. But you cannot know realism is true. All you can do is believe. Martin Gardner, a great source for math magic tricks, explained that he is not a solipsist because realism is just way more convenient and healthy and it works. As to whether it bothered him that he could never know realism was true, he wrote, "If you ask me to tell you anything about the nature of what lies beyond the phaneron, my answer is how should I know? I'm not dismayed by ultimate mysteries, I can no more grasp what is behind such questions as my cat can understand what is behind the clatter I make while I type this paragraph." Humble stuff. What strikes me is the cat. Cats do not understand keyboards, but they know the keyboards are a fun place to be. It's a great way to get the attention of a human, they're warm and exciting, surrounded by noises and flashing lights plus cats love to get their scent on whatever they can, a mark of their existence. We aren't that much different, except instead of keyboards we have the mysteries of the universe. We will never be able to understand all of them. We won't be able to ever answer every single question, but walking around in those questions, exploring them, is fun. It feels good. And as always, thanks for watching. Do you want more unanswered questions? Well, you're in luck. Today, nine other amazing channels on YouTube have made videos about questions we still haven't fully answered. Alltime10s has organized them and to watch them all click the annotation at the end of this video or the link at the top of the description. Enjoy.
    1 point
  22. The Squad @Chef Ramardee - Best friend on GG and off GG. One of the best leaders I have been under. @Phantom - First actual leader I went under. Another one of the best leaders I have served under. Even though we play on opposite sides and sometimes have different viewpoints your one the people who's opinions I respect and no matter what happens we're always chilling. @{GG} CJ - Wolverine 1, This is Charybdis 1. You are cool guy. How copy? Taught me all the RadioRP I know. Extremely fun to hang out with. @Arnold Smith - One of the enjoyable and hospitable friends I have. Auto inclusion into squad. @Flak - My most chill friend on the server. It's always nice to talk to you and just mess around after some seriousRP. @Uncle Burger - My Pillow pal. Whenever I need a break from whatever I'm doing, you always provide me a place to stay and conversation with you is delightful. @Greasy Dan - Greasy Dan @Catfisher - Grenade Sensei and a stupendous conversationalist @Everyone else - I have too many friends and people I wish to pay my respects to then I can remember.
    1 point
  23. Too lazy maybe too much carrying my back hurts
    0 points
  24. This is my list: Jared Cox Swigs Special Austin Phantom Zoro Shephard Gary Sanders Slapdog Bishop Nix Nightbot Milkdud Fupert Kronic Burton Abu Blade Duel Crin Cody Drax Rauler TJ Spooky ADHD Mun Josh Ethan Copywrite Logan Vibe Taylor Evity Frosty Cypher Some guy on the forums named borpis Dillian Rohan Garnet CharlieMoore Graaaace Gildarts Jackal Bebo Jasmin Conway Chris Branch Mel Ester Catfisher Hardey Yax Mute Cameron/Bro Xploding SexyAcorn Walter Escobar Vivianne VeraFly E33OR Gambler Shrugger Medinator Brandon DEVGRU FADM Jester Wendell Wasdin Van Aaron Faustin ModlyHotPocket Nomad Gotham Remake Illexian James Ryan Arnold Beast Buck Blue Sleep Lala Deviluke Kev Sherman Sanders Uncle Burger Shuga Grigs Zach Jones Riley M Pump Homast Specter Arbiter Toasties Jak Winters Variant North Tgon Fetn Yoked Predator Coco Crisp Others:
    -1 points
  25. Bunch of sweaty ass kids. you are mad because you are trash lmao. Keep getting shit on and stay mad its not hacking its skill. And i dumped 40 rounds in the ceiling and hit him once and thats hacks? those duels are legit bro watch the videos lmao. +++ if he was recording before i shot him through the ceiling you would see that he was peeking and i saw where he was. its not hack its prediction i hit him once. you guys stay mad bro. lmao
    -1 points
  26. I'd rather be a human vegetable than have school. Deadass.
    -1 points
  27. This is a follow up to the post @Panini made about Delta Force and just a bit of a peak on how mingy seals are sometimes. Now in the video he made there was a part where garnet said that Diomonder tried to play the server on US and RU and said that GB and DF we're mingy non-rp factions. But I didn't feel that Navy Seals were looked at enough so here you go. Enjoy! P.S. Thanks to @Mob for making the video and letting me use it for this stupid shitpost thread!
    -1 points
  28. New War Game Mode Description: Essentially how the game mode would work would be very similar to the current objectives game mode, but of course different. This is the idea of an attack/defend, or "Push", game mode that will still utilize the normal objectives on the map. One side will be randomly selected to defend, and the other to attack. The defenders start the war with all of the objectives captured, under their control. 4 out of the 5 objectives will be locked, meaning the attackers can not capture or gain any % on those 4 objectives (For this, I will be using a theoretical starting objective Company, moving to the rest as I explain the rest of this suggestion). They will have to be tunneled into one objective, the first stage/capture point. Once they capture this point (Company), that objective is locked, meaning the attackers can not take it back. The attackers now need to move to the next objective and cap it, while the defenders have to shift to that objective as well (Comms). This continues until the attackers have all 5 objectives captured, or the defenders hold their objectives for the entire 25-30 minutes. With this being said, the cap rate for the objective should have a good amount of importance on the numbers, meaning that you should be able to cap by 10s just like in war as it is now. But the update/refresh of the %s should be every 10 seconds, meaning that if the attackers can somehow clear the objective entirely of defenders, they will cap the objective in 1 minute 40 seconds. If we kept the cap rate the same as objectives game mode is right now, it would take the attackers 25 minutes to capture every objective if they did it back to back up 10s as it currently takes 5 minutes to cap an objective by 10s with the 30 second refresh rate. If the attackers could go up 10s on every objective back to back with my suggested settings, it would take 8 minutes and 20 seconds, but we know that travel time between objectives, and the fight that has to occur on each objective would make the captures a lot longer. Reasoning: This new game mode of war would spice up strategies for this as we have been playing objectives as the main, and most interesting, game mode for more than a year now. Snd and TDM just aren't interesting enough for strategies and time to be put into them, they are just simply additional types to change it up a small bit, or put less thinking into. I believe that the "Push" game mode would add some unique strategy to it, of course not as much as objectives (as it restricts which objectives matter), but some unique and interesting wars where defenders add systems of defense for fall back techniques, and attackers create unique attack plans to flank, ambush, and clear out the objectives in ways that aren't as fleshed out in the current objectives game mode as captures change all the time, making some objective takings easier than others while in "Push", almost every fight on each objective will be intense. I tried to keep the differences from the current objectives game mode to as few as possible as to make it as simple to create and add in as possible. A few extra functions that could be added if Garnet had the time could be: adding a timer that gets time added to it as you capture points so that you aren't stuck in a losing battle for the whole 25-30 minutes, adding a timer for each objective being 5 minutes and after 5 minutes have passed it moves on to the next objective (if the attackers cap 3/5 objectives, they win, 2/5 they lose), or even to add a multiplier to the cap rate that increases from 1% per person to 2% per person once 10 minutes has passed then 3% per person in the last 5 minutes (only if the Attacking team hasn't capped an objective yet.) Additional Information: If you would like some similar examples of this type of game play, you could check out Insurgency's "Push" game mode, which is where I got this idea from (of course a different capture system, and addition of time). Other than that, I have no additional information. Please comment below if you are in support of this suggestion, especially if you are against as to explain why you're against. If you would rather leave a like to show you +1 this instead of creating a full comment because you don't think you have any unique comments to add, go ahead.
    -1 points
  29. Make The Aek a laser with a grenade launcher with the option to throw the gun when you reload and have it explode on impact like some borderlands 2 shiz Also the drum mag would be nice Reasoning: I think it'd be a great buff because i would die less and its only a small change. When you got some Froggies and Nailgunners This is only fair.
    -3 points
  30. Make The Aek a laser with a grenade launcher with the option to throw the gun when you reload and have it explode on impact like some borderlands 2 shiz Also the drum mag would be nice Reasoning: I think it'd be a great buff because i would die less and its only a small change. When you got some Froggies and Nailgunners This is only fair.
    -6 points
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