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DarkRP Rules Updated (4/28/2024) ×


StarWarsRP Management Team
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Everything posted by Theos

  1. Accepted Disclaimer: Some adjustments may be made, but at the very least they will be discussed with the author first.
  2. Theos


    Denied Lack of community support
  3. Denied https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/910665377611145336/956445450574118932/720p-225924489.mp4 https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/910665377611145336/956445451660451851/share-225919267.mp4 These are just 2 of the most obvious clips
  4. Greetings all, As some of you may be aware, there is currently a WIP Inventory & Crafting System on MilitaryRP that is awaiting more work being done on it. https://i.gyazo.com/37e0a925cc0b012e9de5fdaf9537a5c1.png - Image provided by Garnet in an Update post After having spoken with Garnet, this post is being made so that we can see what the playerbase would like this inventory and crafting system to be used for, as that can affect what is done regarding it. Obviously in the screenshot you can see weaponry and components required to craft, but that should not serve as a limit to what you would like to see. To provide examples, the possibility of drugs and (temporary) enhancements could be crafted with the right materials, and some materials could only be obtained through cooperative efforts between players. In terms of responses, purely reply with ideas that you would like to see this system used for. Whilst everyone's ideas may not be realistic or possible to implement into the system and/or server, your ideas can also inspire other ideas. Disclaimer: This post does not mean the Inventory & Crafting System is going to be implemented immediately, it is merely a desire to see what the playerbase want Garnet and others to work on
  5. Denied Lack of community support
  6. Denied https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/873871245689643041/954832334467764264/unknown.png - Whiskey admitting to be actively playing the server (was kicked from server after ban, hence no roles) https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/873871245689643041/954579641656553572/unknown.png - Proof the Discord account is Whiskey https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/873871245689643041/954563384005758996/unknown.png - Accounts link to "LOLYOU" https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/873871245689643041/954831386177585214/unknown.png - After the ban you deleted the original message, and claimed you'd never spoken to me Reason for the DMs having the profile on display is to avoid claims of 'well thats someone imitating my account' Also after your ban, those who know you confirmed it was you, Whiskey
  7. Theos

    Zeroe's Ban Appeal

    Denied This ban is over 30 days old (its 3 years old) and no exception is being applied
  8. Theos

    Ban appeal

    Denied You already appealed this 3 times already it seems and got denied every time Please stop appealing
  9. Wait for server restart tomorrow morning
  10. Denied You were banned for a series of repeated intentional VDMs, and jumping out of the vehicle to hide your Massing, not any of the things you initially stated in this appeal. After consultation, the evidence is not being posted to avoid the inevitable harassment (which has already started) but the Admin+ team has been sent the proof including proggy.
  11. Denied Firstly, I've said before that personally I do want disguising to be re-added to the server, so this denial is not a permanent stance. Considering the concerns for abuse of the system, the inherent meta-gaming in detection, and the current standards of behaviour among players on the server, adding disguising to the server like this would not sit right. With the future introduction of MP, and some of their duties, this would help with the meta-gaming concerns, but the other concerns are player-driven and so we would look to see changes from the server away from the 'push the boundaries' mentality MRP has right now.
  12. Was brought up, is not in practice at this time
  13. Accepted Welcome to the Staff Team! @Bman will be training you, with either myself or @SirSmity overseeing. Also, do NOT use any in-game commands until you have been properly trained.
  14. Accepted Welcome to the Staff Team! @Benkei will be training you, with either myself or @SirSmity overseeing. Also, do NOT use any in-game commands until you have been properly trained.
  15. The players who hop on once in a blue moon to see how the server develops are doing just that, they aren't hopping on to use reserves That relies on them being in the necessary loop at the time, and being able to remember what happened accurately from years ago, which is a bit much to ask over one person's reserves years before. Faction Leaders rarely make cases for their requests anymore, when they have it's largely been ignored. When Staff make the decision now it is almost entirely dependent on the player's activity in the week or two prior to their leaving, with only a few exceptions. Also with the current system only permitting 'current' Reserves, it heavily reduces the need for the vote anyway. That part, when it came to reviewing the system, felt like a formality as a result of the other changes. Typically people leave factions for reasons, it is incredibly rare for someone to leave a faction and return back to it shortly. Usually when players feel they have made a mistake in their faction choice they find a third faction to try instead of coming off their Reserves. At the end of the day you gave up those Reserves, if Reserves are like a Tag system where you put one on hold whilst you have another set active. You then lost the ones you had from a separate change on the server, the removal of AAF/AFSOC. You weren't able to get them back because 1. You weren't the previous Marshal, and 2. Reserves are now a one-time deal. The one-time situation is because players would frequently request, after coming off one Reserves, to immediately get back a previous Reserve they held. In that situation, which was happening relatively frequently in the weeks prior to the change, Reserves were genuinely just an ask for whitelist or extra power If players fun requires whitelists, then the issue is not the changed Reserve system but more the (in)actions during Peacetime. On punishment, the change is not so much been about preventing neglect, but more about 'you're now this rank and this faction, if you want Officer permissions you should be willing to push for them'. Actually it's not ironic and is an example of what I feel Reserves should be. At the moment I know I won't be able to commit fully to any Faction, and I don't want to sit in a Faction and not try and push forward in that Faction. So I'm using my Reserves because that's one reason that they are there for, players who can't commit to actively working for a Faction. The handpicks granted so far, unless I've forgotten one, have been directly to Officer, making the competition effectively the same as returning from Reserves. Whilst Reserves were always able to come off their Reserves to aid the faction, these handpicks were used because Faction Leaders had asked and their Reserves did not want to return to the Faction. Handpicks are far from the first action to be taken, but sometimes they are necessary. Reserves returning, since as far as I can remember, have rarely aided a struggling faction. When most players leave a faction, they are done with the faction seemingly. On my opinion on what Reserves should be on the server, I feel that is the biggest misconception from the change. I get the impression that players and Staff have not grasped that this was meant to be the changes to effect a different way Reserves should be used, and so when people have raised their issues it's done assuming Reserves would be held in the same regard, despite the changes preventing that. Of course seeing that is an issue, when originally announcing I should have clarified then, but I was under the impression I did at least to Staff.
  16. I've responded to this where it's been brought up to me, either in DMs or in the Staff Discord, every time it's been raised but I guess I'll respond to it again. On only authorising 'modern' Reserves The entire Reserves system didn't work for old players returning, and actually at this time on the server there's been very few situations of an old player returning, asking for Reserves, and making use of those Reserves. More often than not players will either get Reserves and never be seen again, or get them and come off them for 2 weeks before leaving the server again. Also, just being an Officer years ago shouldn't entitle someone to an Officer rank now, the server and they have changed in this time. Also with many players its not going to be clear why they lost those Reserves in the first place. Yes there's been Reserves wipes but that isn't necessarily how they lost them, and there's pretty much no way to verify any of that unless one Staff member can remember specifics. On no more Staff vote The Staff vote has been criticised by everyone, except Staff. Now there's a thousand reasons people would ask for Reserves, and Staff voting has historically been bizarre. People considered bad Officers by large portions of the community getting reserves, people with valid reasons to leave the server not getting Reserves. At the end of the day the Staff vote has always been incredibly uninformed, and even when a Faction Leader has said their piece to Staff to try and explain why they approved of the vote in the first place, Staff have ignored it. Revoked if on the same side There's no logic behind someone being, for example, a Ranger Enlisted and a GB Reserves Officer at the same time. Not going into the whole 'reality' debate but players frequently swapped from their main life to their Reserves in order to take advantage of those Officer permissions, which is such a stupid thing. Also Reserves are essentially a position in a Faction, if you're actively in another Faction on the same side, why do you also need another position on that same side? People have used Reserves as simply a backup 'well if I dont like X faction I've got reserves' which effectively discourages committing in future, and if people aren't going to try and commit to a faction then that faction loses out. Your situation (Kurtle) You gave up your Tali reserves in November, your situation is effectively the same as old players asking for Reserves. Why the change The old system had its issues, but for the most part they were overlooked because players enjoyed being able to play even more whitelists. The Reserves system had basically become dual factioning, which is not the point of the Reserves system, and not the way I feel the system should go. In my opinion Reserves should be a rank held, for whatever reason, for players who have the intention to return to the Faction. It splits with the sides because, as I mentioned, being able to outrank yourself is an incredibly bizarre scenario and players do take advantage of the Officer perms despite also being an Enlisted on that side. On the lack of discussion with Staff before the decision Underlined before because I do want to make it clear I did discuss this with Staff when it was announced, as obviously there were concerns and questions. When it was announced, the majority of the responses were things I already knew were going to be said. So in a scenario where I bring this up for discussion with Staff, they show disagreement, except for those on the team who agreed/wanted further change, and it would more than likely be expected nothing changed with the system. I was going to make a change to the system anyway, because a large part of this is how I, and some others to even more extreme, feel the Reserves system should be applied to the server. There's always going to be disagreements when it comes down to the principle of Reserves, and I'd have made the change after some Staff would have already assumed it was put to bed, which would have angered them even more. Also someone at the time mentioned 'Reserves can come back and help a struggling faction', but as I've made clear to Factions that have needed help, in extreme cases, they can get 1 or 2 handpicks to help them start improving, which negates requiring Reserves to help a struggling faction. At the end of the day, the old system was mostly a free pass for extra whitelists, and Officer permissions. That's not how MRP should be played in my opinion.
  17. Theos


    The main issue is a hitmarker system that is server-sided so it actually matches damage being done and not just blood, that also doesn't cause unnecessary lag to players. Last time I brought this up to Garnet he mentioned those exact concerns so the conversation didn't go any further.
  18. Accepted SIG will look to be replaced by the SKS-D
  19. Denied Donor factions aren't really a priority on the server. If a player donates to receive an Afghan faction then the conversation can occur then, but this isn't being accepted on the rare chance it is maybe bought at some point
  20. Denied Due to reason already provided
  21. Denied Has been reconsidered recently, and been on the server previously, however the addon is not practical
  22. Placing my opinion here because I've considered something similar. In my opinion, in terms of looking forwards with our GM team, I feel Factions should take some responsibility in terms of what events they wish to participate in. If members want to do a style of Operation, they contact a GM to help them make it a reality. This way it is still the faction members' responsibility to keep their faction active and doing interesting activities, and GMs aren't always being expected to come up with all the ideas and hope players like it. Using a quote from your suggestion: This section I already completely agree with, however specifically assigning GMs is the part I'm not sure about. If you took out the bit saying assigned to Green Beret, GMs and Officers could potentially do more as they wouldn't need to organise it with a specific GM, just any available GM.
  23. Tracers on their own should not be considered to mean anything. Tracers are incredibly buggy and unreliable on GMod and can appear where not having been fired
  24. Why have you applied without asking permission to dual staff? Edit: Been confirmed he does now have permission
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