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DarkRP Rules Updated (4/28/2024) ×


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Everything posted by aidanpoppas123

  1. It’s my birthday :)))

    1. Ozzy


      Happy birthday man! 🎊🎉🎁 hope it’s a good one.

    2. eli_


      Happy birthday big fella

  2. +1 for this i am a weirdo who plays online poker for fun regularly I would come back to the server regularly if this was added also -1 for the second thing. too big for the server and they dont really fit with everything else all three addons for the guns are well over 1GB
  3. idk like a diamond or something those three were just some examples
  4. It would be cool if you added some kind of playtime hat that Auto Unlocks at a certain amount of playtime. For example, a bronze trophy that unlocks at 100 hours, a silver trophy for 500 and a gold for 1000.
  5. Play cityrp Literally money printers with extra steps I actually like this one, but then we run into the problem of it taking up too much storage Two things - too much storage, and it’s a vanilla server I don’t really have an opinion on the things I didn’t quote Im not gonna +1 or -1 this, it just seems like you’ve played the game too much and lost what makes it fun in the first place. It’s not always about the money counter in the top corner, or having something new to buy, it’s messing around with your friends and doing stupid stuff.
  6. I don't think most of the things described in your suggestion are problems, so I wont comment on them, but I do have one thing to say in relation to changes with the /report system A message needs to be send to the reportee whenever they're reported, so they know not to leave the server if they were planning on it, and so they are expecting a teleport soon It would reduce the amount of LTAPs, because I can almost guarantee that some LTAPs are completely accidental (people getting off after breaking a rule), and will reduce the amount of time people get interrupted while doing things. It would also just be a nice quality of life update
  7. +1(but I am close to a neutral) Your ideas are okay, nothing special, and your paragraphs are in the same boat. You've got some awesome referrals, so I'm going to +1 this, but I'm on the verge of a neutral.
  8. things along the lines of setting up new peeks, or making an even better vantage point to get people. It's small, but can 100% make a difference
  9. @Nutter when you deny this you should link all of the suggestions suggesting the exact same thing
  10. cg is about to have A LOT more to do
  11. It's been a while so I don't really remember what happened, but I want to know more about your involvement in the bass incident before I +1/-1 this. gonna -1 this, while yes, people can change, getting banned for a year off another garnet server is a terrible look. I also haven’t had too many interactions with you, but most of them have involved you being toxic in some way. Like I said, I haven’t had too many interactions with you (because I tend to avoid you due to your toxicity), so Other people can change my mind -1
  12. So the solution is to destroy the server with lag, abusable props, things that make no sense, and let nearly everyone use them? Unfortunately sometimes you just have to wait, the alternatives are significantly worse.
  13. Staff applications are closed, you can only apply for gamemaster as of right now. -1
  14. FINALLY you don't have very much playtime but you're constantly putting event ideas in the discord, and they're good ideas. You also know when to RP, and how to RP. You're serious at the right times, and not-so serious at the right times. +100000
  15. -1 Well over 60% of the server is SGT+. It would be abused like crazy. It doesn't matter how you restrict it, it would cause significantly more problems than it would solve. There's also almost always an open GM.
  16. While it sounds fun on paper, it essentially turns the server into serious DRP with a star wars coat of paint over it. I think it could work, but not for this server. A whole new server would have to open just because throwing away everything suddenly would just suck. I like how it is now with having two small factions that aren't clones and have their own interests, I don't want to make a significant portion of the server into that.
  17. 1) https://docs.google.com/document/d/1LYi4-5U7-Fhkp05ChzFpQCgWcESw1XnUOLloPCnWVdg/edit?usp=sharing 2) Player created/run mandalorian clans. It's a pretty long idea, so if you want more info dm me on discord and we can call or I can just send you it there. (aidanpoppas123#0001)
  18. I can’t even tell if this is a shitpost, I think that says enough -1
  19. 10 year old vip mod who bought staff is back! Not gonna lie, you were a pretty bad staff before, and I dont think you should be trusted to come back. Also a very sub-par app. -1
  20. yes please also make one for SWRP with playing
  21. @dizz @Skelteen he logs at least 1 hour a day, normally much more, just because you don't see him doesn't mean he isnt active. Was one of the few people we considered for the CG BSM spot so that should say a lot, he is always active, kind, and helpful. I was just waiting for this to be posted. +1000000
  22. So I think this is a decent idea, BUT, 501st and 212th should still both serve as entry level battalions. Very easy tryouts, easier to rank up in, etc. There would need to be a new job added called Clone Trainee, and after completion of the /quiz they could be given a regular Clone Trooper Recruit whitelist, where they could access the base, and do tryouts. The only rank should be CR (Clone Recruit). +1 for this part Not even gonna read the rest +1 for this part While yes, we have TONS of unused models, some battalions make plans surrounding the models, in a bid to let people use them. The issue also comes from the fact the models arent individually added, but rather added in packs. Getting rid of some would result in getting rid of others. -1 for this part
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