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DarkRP Rules Updated (4/28/2024) ×


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Everything posted by Horse

  1. +1 there are actually addons that support this I believe and this should be fairly easy to implement atleast with what I’ve seen with other servers. However it may have to be made a custom addon due to how our capture system works and is unique.
  2. @Clicher I never really thought you did anything as a manager tbh 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ShankNinja


      manage deez nuts

    3. IAreGunner


      don’t you play mrp though? 

    4. Horse


      @OpTic Gunner Nope! Only reason I was unbanned from MRP was because I improve my rep on DRP and I’m a VIP on there

  3. Honestly, this whole thing seems to be blown out of proportion and if the only reason the people against wiz are because of how he reacted to his previous app getting denied than its kinda a really silly and stupid situation. Staff shouldn’t be continuing this situation in OOC nor instigating it in the first place. @Candy_ I have no clue why you are spamming this this forum thread with additional information when you could literally just edit your original post I mean you literally made a post saying “mhm k”. @Wizify if you want my advice don’t even mention the denial of your application anywhere ESPECIALLY OOC you are doing nothing but making yourself look bad when you do this. Staff are expected to uphold maturity and respect and idk if these comment in OOC are backing that. -1
  4. At first I was under the impression that it was Allah because that’s what I believe it was for a short period of time whilst I was general but it may have changed
  5. This is already the current rank and is being used in game ngl lol
  6. So, originally the Taliban terrorist organization didn’t really have a rank structure based off a government backed military. These ranks are religiously based and as they aren’t completely in coherence with the Afghanistan Army they are semi related to the Taliban Army purely based off of their religion which is Islam.
  7. With this being said I am going to -1 the suggestion. There are too many complications with removing and renaming the current donor faction to having to completely rework/remove WAC. If MP is already in progress than that would mean the addition of two factions 2nd life or not they are still as garnet said dispersing the playerbase and taking away players from current regiments that currently aren’t at its max potential.
  8. Great update thank you garnet quick question does this mean riot shields can now block bullets or was there just a different issue with them
  9. +1 Has great experience both in staff and leadership and would be a great member of the GM team.
  10. So, this is exactly what happened to the old taliban when numbers were dwindling kinda sad to see it happening this time around v disappointing but it worked a lil bit nonetheless, +1
  11. 1+ Great WO and can get on during the late hours
  12. My Previous Experience with our old MP/ANP As much as I'd love to have more ways to interact with RP on the server. If we were to re-add a MP Faction (If this is correct dont know if its an extension of 11B or a different regiment) we would be going down the same path we did many years ago. Previously, we had top tier leaders running ANP (Afghan National Police) and USMP (US Military Police) I recall one of the leaders of ANP being Upland who even made an entire forum post on leadership and it was greatly approved and read amongst the community. Despite this after his resignation ANP/MP was shortly removed due to the pure amount of powerhungry, toxic, and overall useless people in the regiment. Whilst, I am not completely against the idea of adding in some sort of job/class dedicated to enforcing these rules as an addition onto base factions seeing as it would give an even greater incentive to stay in said base faction, I believe adding a separate regiment entirely will not only allow those SOC Members and 11B SNCO's gateways into Toxicity and a Powerhungry environment which is what it led to previously but It may turn into an entire bias situation if it acted as a second life. Certain factions/regiments could have majority players in MP and use it for their own will. Whilst, this sounds farfetched it is a possibility and has happened in the past. Putting the regiment into 1 class that is restricted to the base faction not only decreases the chances of something like this happening but it acts as damage control incase it gets out of hand. TL:DR Its too risky to add in a different regiment dedicated to MP and theres too many negative outcomes that its led to in the past despite the strict rules placed on them. Adding MP to a base faction is a great way to decrease the chances of this happening and even if it does happening we could get to the root of the issue alot quicker. -1
  13. stopsound in console should disable this temporarily I suggest making a bind for whenever it starts "bind (key) stopsound" other than that dev's will prolly have to look for an indefinite solution
  14. I think everyone knows im all about change and my first ban was a community ban around the age of like 12-14. However, everytime I appealed or asked for an apology I put effort towards it this application has about two sentences saying you forgot what you did (even though it wasnt that long ago and something that major youd probably remember) and it doesnt really have any remorse for how you acted previously. If someone on DRP could vouch for your behavior id be down to +1 @Shin_Tsukimi Any input? apologies for the ping.
  15. This is an application for the upcoming SWRP server not MRP.
  16. +1, Very intuitive with his event ideas. Great officers and a talented leader would be great to put on the GM team.
  17. So, we had a US Meeting yesterday and got all the preventatives of SOC together and I think @Sueshworded it perfectly. Honestly, the way garnet MRP is made out to be is PVP but at the same time you need to balance the RP out to give it a sense of realism and keep things fresh. Events in general are a great way of keeping RP fresh which is why I feel like those events should be more RP Focused than it kinda was/is. Now, this isn’t to say officers can’t take up the mantle and start getting shit done for themselves. I feel like we should start incorporating more aspects into events such as more taliban players fighting against US in an RP scenario type of events (with the slight lack of afg players specifically taliban this would get more people to stay on for longer periods of time thus possibly increasing their population a lot more). And/or more RP into events in general Peacetime & War are practically centered around PVP with tryouts (involving combat knowledge and skill half the time), Sims, and the Soon to come missions, and Raids. Events should be considered a fresh break from PVP for those who want it and are capable of being mature enough to participate. if the right GM is doing the RP event I’ve seen it turn out really well for large groups of people (Take our old Starwars RP for example and a couple from our old event server and even recently.) but yeah that’s just how I think we could balance it out I really don’t believe it has to be one sided 24/7 it just takes some time and knowledge to take the balance. TL:DR - Focus Events more on RP and let war and most of the other time in Peacetime to focus on Officer led operations and other aspects of PVP.
  18. One last “Fuck Yeah Baby” for the road thanks for supporting me throughout my ride through the server.
  19. @Ghostieee I was talking abt Israel btw not you you’re def not 13 lmao

    1. Ghostieee


      this is very true lmao..


  20. K/D isnt even displayed anymore why would you cheat lmao.

    1. bearboobs


      it is what it is

  21. No tag kms. But, thank you so much for being able to put up with the reputation I had you're like one of the main reasons I actually decided to work up the ranks because you made me believe I had a chance. You're a true friend and I couldn't ask for much better of a mentor than you thank you for getting me to where I was in Tali alongside NDB. Much love man and I wish you best irl
  22. For everyone leaving a -1 because he had his name as a hacking client that doesn't even support GMOD when he FIRST JOINED THE SERVER needs to re-evaluate their -1. You cant hold something as small as this against someone especially if he literally just joined the server and learned from it.
  23. Horse

    Serg's Staff App

    +1, Me and Serg were playing together on a very late night during war which means he is able to get on when other staff members may not be able too. He is a very coolheaded guy and is perfectly capable of accomplishing staff duties. He is in a very respected regiment and is all around a pretty cool guy. Good luck man Also, It is not good to make certain claims like this without proof or some sort of evidence leading to this it gives alot of people the wrong idea and could lead to more -1's even if this isn't true. If something like this was happening you should've probably informed Hawk(Alpha) or Hopkins(Eli). @eli_ Could you add anything to this? Has this happened to Serg recently and would you recommend him for staff
  24. Well said I think a serious re-evaluation as you said of not only possible staff team members but people who play a pivotal role in certain RP Positions must be looked at. Taliban is currently dead as hell and is lacking in fresh officers and 11B/A was just completely torn apart by an inactive GA. These two factions are both what keeps the flow of new players into SOC and if somethings aren't changed soon SOC regiments will start to dry-out.
  25. Seem's like these issues still haven't gotten any better despite a long discussion in the discord with a couple members of the executive team a while back stating that we should host server wide meetings and country wide meetings. Hopefully, shit picks back up soon and people can start to recognize the issues and make adjustments to fix them if not I fear for the future of the server. Staff Executives need to start discussing plans with faction leaders inorder to boost the playerbase of the server and I already know a couple issues that could be addressed and/or fixed. Thank you for your continued dedication even to a server that may not appreciate it sometimes.
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