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Spetsnaz Assault weapon.


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Des. Buff the Spetsnaz assault weapon or change it to something else in general.

Reason. Ok, GRU members lately have been complaining lately about how bad the "Vintorez" is. No one in GRU ever uses it because of how bad it is. It misses too many shots and the recoil is a little too high. I am suggesting it either gets buffed or replaced with another gun. Currently, the recoil is at 37%, I think it should be changed to 25-27%. It is meant to be a sniper and it is very hard to use seeing as it only has a 4x scope. If you want it to me of a recon weapon I think you should let it have an 8x scope and give it 50-52 damage. Now for the last part and the part that won't get much attention. Changing the gun to a different one. @Frosty and I have thought of this for a little bit now and we think that it should be changed to an AK12 or the AS VAL (very close to the vintorez). As of right now, no one uses the assault class and we would love for people to start using it. Please take this into consideration. (I do understand there may be a change to all weapons soon).


Vid needs to be put up to 1080p. This was during sims and you can clearly tell I shot him enough to kill him but one of them hit. 

Edited by Maverick
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The video shows you shooting from the truck, which means you don't have the crates/boxes loaded in. This means that those shots you are shooting either are hitting the boxes doing nothing, or going through the boxes doing less damage.

Now onto the actual suggestion, I think what you suggested for the purpose of being a DMR is a good stat change. 50-52 damage for a DMR is fine. In the video however, the recoil in that video seems fine to me for use as a DMR. I don't think the recoil needs to change if this is going to be a DMR or Marksman rifle. I also think the scope is fine, the magnification shouldn't be as far as a sniper as it is a DMR, meant for medium ranges, and possible use at longer ranges.

TLDR: The damage buff to 50-52 damage seems reasonable to allow it to one shot kill with head shots only, but scope changing isn't needed. A DMR for a sniper faction as it's assault class seems proper.

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1 hour ago, Ethan said:

The video shows you shooting from the truck, which means you don't have the crates/boxes loaded in. This means that those shots you are shooting either are hitting the boxes doing nothing, or going through the boxes doing less damage.

Now onto the actual suggestion, I think what you suggested for the purpose of being a DMR is a good stat change. 50-52 damage for a DMR is fine. In the video however, the recoil in that video seems fine to me for use as a DMR. I don't think the recoil needs to change if this is going to be a DMR or Marksman rifle. I also think the scope is fine, the magnification shouldn't be as far as a sniper as it is a DMR, meant for medium ranges, and possible use at longer ranges.

TLDR: The damage buff to 50-52 damage seems reasonable to allow it to one shot kill with head shots only, but scope changing isn't needed. A DMR for a sniper faction as it's assault class seems proper.

Went and checked this out and I didn't realize they were there and didn't spawn in. Must have been an amazing wall bang.

And any thought on changing the weapon completely?

Edited by Maverick
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12 hours ago, Ethan said:

I think what you suggested for the purpose of being a DMR is a good stat change.

We'd rather not have it as an DMR, there is already a faction that specializes in Marksmanship.

I would rather have either the vintorez but with the attachments that can change it to a val or just an AK-12 or AN-94. just a plain AR that seperates GRU with 2GA.

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22 hours ago, Frosty said:

We'd rather not have it as an DMR, there is already a faction that specializes in Marksmanship.

I would rather have either the vintorez but with the attachments that can change it to a val or just an AK-12 or AN-94. just a plain AR that seperates GRU with 2GA.

When you say there is already a faction that specializes in Marksmanship, are you referring to GRU? Because you guys are a recon faction... 

Anyway, I do agree that the assault class should not have a DMR, but instead an assault rifle. Much like Delta Force, which is supposed to be a recon faction, has an M4 on their base operator class and the rest of the classes get snipers. It is kind of redundant to have all the jobs on GRU have snipers, especially when the class is called Assault.

Also, I have played on that class and trust me the gun is complete garbage.

Either buff it, or switch it.

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  • The Garnut
On 8/12/2018 at 12:44 AM, Ethan said:

The video shows you shooting from the truck, which means you don't have the crates/boxes loaded in. This means that those shots you are shooting either are hitting the boxes doing nothing, or going through the boxes doing less damage.


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