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Donator Weapons Toggle


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  • StarWarsRP Management Team

Description: For many people who have a number of donator weapons they can end up scrolling through 10 weapons or so before they actually swap to the weapon they desire which can also be a problem when fighting in war. I'm suggesting a way of toggling on/off donator weapons that people have bought, possibly on the !donate list of bought weapons, so that when they respawn they will only have the weapons/sweps they have enabled appear in their weapon lists.

Reasoning: This can help declutter for people who have bought a number of things throughout the years of GarnetGaming, which can be a problem when switching weapons in fights for example.

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+1 I actually made a similar suggestion for this exact reason on DarkRP. I hope this is implemented on DarkRP as well as MRP as it would be very useful to have, would save a lot of time, and probably save a lot of lives as well.


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Bind *key* "use *weapon id*" This command in console allows you to bind weapons to a key. I have my orsis bound to my g key, my AEK bound to t, MP5a4 to r, and my karambit fade bound to h. These allow you to pull out weapons instantly without Garnet needing to change anything to the server and you being able to bypass the weapon scroll menu. Don't use any of the *'s. Those are there just for show. Use spaces instead of the *. 

*key*= the key you want to use

*weapon id*= the weapon ID you get from the q menu. Right click on the weapon of your desire and click on copy to clipboard. 

Edited by Gamma
added my -1
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This was suggested before time and time again, the suggestion that did get accepted was a weapons locker addon. Unfortunately I do not think that will be coming anytime soon it would give us the ability to choose what weapons we wanted to spawn with etc. I would love for this to be added but what gamma said is also something that should be used but +1 to add this is would be helpful. 

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7 hours ago, Gamma said:

Bind *key* "use *weapon id*" This command in console allows you to bind weapons to a key. I have my orsis bound to my g key, my AEK bound to t, MP5a4 to r, and my karambit fade bound to h. These allow you to pull out weapons instantly without Garnet needing to change anything to the server and you being able to bypass the weapon scroll menu. Don't use any of the *'s. Those are there just for show. Use spaces instead of the *. 

As far as switching between a few donator weapons, you still run into the problem of having to scroll through your inventory to get to something that isn't used as much. While it sounds like you have maybe 3-4 items, this could be different for players who have 10 items that seem impossible to navigate. While this is a very helpful tip for newer users who are just buying their first donor weapons, it still is a different scenario to what Theos is describing.

+1 for the suggestion as it would make it easier to navigate the hot bar.

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2 hours ago, Fonza said:

As far as switching between a few donator weapons, you still run into the problem of having to scroll through your inventory to get to something that isn't used as much. While it sounds like you have maybe 3-4 items, this could be different for players who have 10 items that seem impossible to navigate. While this is a very helpful tip for newer users who are just buying their first donor weapons, it still is a different scenario to what Theos is describing.

+1 for the suggestion as it would make it easier to navigate the hot bar.

I have 20 items in my scroll menu

Plus binding the weapon to a key allows you to never use the scroll menu again. Lets say I was at MOS and im sniping, all of a sudden a random army pops out via my flank. All I need to do is press T on my keyboard and my AEK pops out and I can gun him down. It bypasses the scroll menu completely. 

Edited by Gamma
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1 hour ago, Fonza said:

As far as switching between a few donator weapons, you still run into the problem of having to scroll through your inventory to get to something that isn't used as much.

For this, if the item isn't as important, chances are, you won't be scrolling to find it i. the middle of a gunfight. As long as you have your core weapons bound like how @Gamma said, you shouldn't have much of a problem. If the item isn't as important, it would be most likely used in things like peacetime, so it wouldnt be necessary to have to add something.

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1 hour ago, Yurri said:

For this, if the item isn't as important, chances are, you won't be scrolling to find it i. the middle of a gunfight. As long as you have your core weapons bound like how @Gamma said, you shouldn't have much of a problem. If the item isn't as important, it would be most likely used in things like peacetime, so it wouldnt be necessary to have to add something.

Another thing I forgot to mention. You're not limited to donators either. You can bind class weapons as well. The only reason I have 4 weapon binds is because legit the rest of my keyboard as either meme binds that remind me of the past or actual needed binds like DB,Raids,Kidnaps,ect. But if you have like 14 unused keys. Then you can bind 14 weapons to all of those keys. You can bind swords,knives,smokes,guns, hell even the RPG can be binded to your keyboard. 

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10 hours ago, Gamma said:

Bind *key* "use *weapon id*"

or you could just switch between your 2 weapons by doing     bind KEY "lastinv"   

for me its a +1 because having 23 weapons in my slots is a pain in the ass to navigate.

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1 hour ago, Reeper said:

or you could just switch between your 2 weapons by doing     bind KEY "lastinv"   

for me its a +1 because having 23 weapons in my slots is a pain in the ass to navigate.

I use more than 2 weapons. I use my Orsis/Mosin/JNG-90,FMG-9,MP5a4,and AEK when fighting. (switching weapons is faster than reloading)

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