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Cupid's Staff application.


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In-game name: Cupid

Age: 15

SteamID: https://steamid.io/76561198360535604

Warns: 1 Failrp

Timezone: CST

Playtime?: 80 hours 24 minutes (Time of application)

Do you have access to TeamSpeak and a microphone?: Yes

Do you have the ability to record Garry's Mod videos?: Yes

Referral(s): -----

Past experiences as staff: 

How do you plan on benefiting our server? I plan on benefiting the server by helping the community with minging, rule breaking and being there when needed. I can help the community by being active and very reliable. I am good with problem solving and helping people that are in need. I can help with issues during war and people who don't have any intent of roleplaying. I personally enjoy GarnetGaming MRP to the point where it is the only source of friends i have. I have multiple friends on the staff team who i could work with to better this server, i enjoy helping people of this community because this community has shown me the love that my family hasn't. I have seen many staff member's fall inactive and i don't want to be that guy. I am a good observer and listener, i know how to follow orders and work my way up and gain experience. I don't mean to toot my horn but i am a goto guy for issues that happen. I feel i can help the community in ways that others cannot. I care genuinely for GarnetGaming and don't want to see it going anywhere anytime soon. I am very patient as I am a counselor at a children's camp.

I have been toxic, as im sure everyone knows. i will accept any and all criticism that "11B is free EXP" bind i have has caused. I will also remove it since it is 

EXTREMLY immature.

Have you ever been banned or punished on GG MRP? If so, Include details: No

Have you made any previous applications, If so when?: No

How much time do you have to contribute to the role?: Almost every night unless something comes up

Edited by Cupid
spacing and i left out my steam ID. addressing toxicity
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-1 I've seen way to much toxicity from you, I don't have a screen shot but I remember seeing you put in OOC "11B Free XP" over and over the second you joined the server 

I don't feel confident that you are ready for staff

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Personally, I don't think you're ready, you should probably tone down the current /ooc 11Bfree XP! bind you got or just get rid of it entirely.

Your paragraphs (if you call that 2) are very short and lack quality, I suggest you beef em up a bit.

For now i'll be giving you a


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As they said, the toxicity is there. I feel you should get move involved with the community before being ready for staff. You only have one paragraph, and you're a little lacking in the hours. You could be a good staff member, but you should wait a little while longer.

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21 minutes ago, Acer said:


Seen a lot of toxicity from you in OOC chat, should tone it down a bit before applying for staff.

Yes. Im fully aware. Just my stupid toxic humor. Bind removed. Denial Accepted.

Edited by Cupid
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7 minutes ago, Fonza said:

Personally, I don't think you're ready, you should probably tone down the current /ooc 11Bfree XP! bind you got or just get rid of it entirely.

Your paragraphs (if you call that 2) are very short and lack quality, I suggest you beef em up a bit.

For now i'll be giving you a


Yep. You're completely correct. Bind removed and denial accepted.

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19 minutes ago, Python said:

-1 I've seen way to much toxicity from you, I don't have a screen shot but I remember seeing you put in OOC "11B Free XP" over and over the second you joined the server 

I don't feel confident that you are ready for staff

I never did that, but I did push it a good bit over time. Denial Accepted.

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It's good to see that you plan to change and move away from the toxic traits you have shown already, however I think I speak for many members of the staff team when I say you really shouldn't apply until there's been a notable change in your behaviour in game, not just the promise of it on an application.

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23 minutes ago, Theos said:


It's good to see that you plan to change and move away from the toxic traits you have shown already, however I think I speak for many members of the staff team when I say you really shouldn't apply until there's been a notable change in your behaviour in game, not just the promise of it on an application.

Yep, that’s what i plan on. i didn’t think the whole “11B is free EXP” joke would go this far but i can see how it affected people. next application will be when i feel i better prepared and better behaved. 

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-1 I've seen you be toxic in OOC chat, and I've never spoken to you in teamspeak or had any in game interactions with you. I am happy for you to step away from the toxicity and apply again in the future but for now I don't believe its the best idea.

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19 hours ago, Acer said:

Seen a lot of toxicity from you in OOC chat

19 hours ago, riprandy said:

the toxicity is there

19 hours ago, BadGuy said:

being toxic in OOC

19 hours ago, Python said:

I've seen way to much toxicity from you

5 hours ago, Mavv_ said:

I've seen you be toxic in OOC

The Fattest -1

While reading and looking at everyone's comments, I noticed how each and one of them said you are toxic. I suggest you clean up your act. Goodluck 🙂

  • Toxic 1
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On 5/13/2021 at 9:38 PM, riprandy said:


As they said, the toxicity is there. I feel you should get move involved with the community before being ready for staff. You only have one paragraph, and you're a little lacking in the hours. You could be a good staff member, but you should wait a little while longer.

yeah. i get that. Denial accepted. 

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