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Rule on shooting SOD


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Description: [description of what you are suggesting, one paragraph minimum]
A possible rule being added which states, SOD ( Staff on duty ) cannot be shot while v-cliping or being active on the server. 
when taking sits which require myself to not be in a /roof I often notice that people find the need to shoot at the staff with SOD.
A example being shown in a recent warn appeal where the reporter had repeatedly shot the SOD ruining the damage logs. this rule will allow,
Staff to punish people for intentionally damaging staff while SOD to ruin logs or disturb active sits. I feel if a staff also damaged a player, 
to do the same thing should happen to them. Either it be a Warn, Verbal or simple jail I feel and so does some other staff that their should be a way.
to stop it or deal with it.
Reasoning: [how would this benefit our server?]
This would allow staff on the server to warn players who intentionally ruin the damage logs for future / current sits. I see it commonly happen on the server,
and it makes it difficult to come to a non bias conclusion, or any conclusion at all in a sit (which uses damage logs). I feel like its a simple rule that could,
help staff be more efficient and productive while on duty not needing to worry about the logs or disturbance to their sits.
Additional Information: [Photos/Videos][/CODE]

https://medal.tv/clips/63408247/d1337NYyrHcg , This clip shows my view when dealing with a sit outside of /roof where damage logs where ruined as someone thought it funny to open fire on me from behind.


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This actually isn't a half bad suggestion, damage logs being flooded can be a big deal sometimes, not to mention how hard it is to deal with someone propblocking for instance (so it has to be dealt with outside a sit box) and people shoot an ares at you (which is real loud) Would love to hear people's thoughts on this!

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53 minutes ago, Shin_Tsukimi said:

This actually isn't a half bad suggestion, damage logs being flooded can be a big deal sometimes, not to mention how hard it is to deal with someone propblocking for instance (so it has to be dealt with outside a sit box) and people shoot an ares at you (which is real loud) Would love to hear people's thoughts on this!

Yeah thanks for the support shin 😄 I just got a-little annoyed that there wasn't anything in-place so I came here to rant >:D

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+1 I think this would be a great idea, because people do it all the time, and it constantly messes up damage logs, which makes our job a tad bitch more difficult because we lose the evidence or potential evidence. Thats just my two cents Loop Waiting GIF

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This will not help at all… People can just join a party and turn FF on and shoot each other to remove damage logs, or just throw nerve gas on themselves. 


Edit: Tell garnet to get better logs and not from 2011

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