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Bow/crossbow ranged weapon type thing ;)


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Description: [description of what you are suggesting, one paragraph minimum] A bow would be pretty neat. 
It can deliver some sort of bleeding damage like the effect that covid gives, where it slowly takes away health.
I think the ammo for the weapon should be 1000 per 1 bolt/arrow. The reason why I think it should be 1000 in particular is mostly based on it's benefits,
since it could do a little extra bleeding damage after the first initial making impact, 
which I think should be around the same damage of a brick or like a body shot of the HK45.

	Reasoning: [how would this benefit our server?] 
        I think it would be an interesting alternative to long range weapons.

        It would be good for raiding, for example; if you manage to hit the shot on the 'raidee', you can do some amount of damage and kick in some more
        as if you were to throw down a nerve gas.  

	Additional Information: [Photos/Videos][/CODE] None
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I’m pretty sure a similar idea has been brought up before but eventually denied, I couldn’t find the post so I’m not a 100% confident. The idea of bleeding damage is cool but how would it be healed, would it just stop eventually? These are things that need to be considered because they  could easily become overpowered weapons. In the case of a raid defence having a bow/crossbow peak could be broken for obvious reasons. 

4 hours ago, Jerryy said:

I think should be around the same damage of a brick or like a body shot of the HK45.

These two do not deal nearly the same amount of damage, Hk45 damage, hmm sounds fair but bricks? Yikes

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I like the idea of a cross bow and bow but the bleeding feature you want sounds like an annoying feature that players wouldn't like. I feel that if it was just the bow and crossbow by itself is good.

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  • The Garnut

I was looking into implementing the crossbow following this suggestion, but realistically, we'd have a sniper alternative with limited purpose that requires special ammo type (bolts) and unfortunately I do not think it is a good idea.

Will be moving over to denied, but thank you for the suggestion!

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