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Brian's GM Application

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In-game name: 313 SGM Brian / Tali 2LTR Brian / 18A 2LTR Brian

Age: 17

SteamID (https://steamid.io/): STEAM_0:0:196470793

Warns: None Recent

Timezone: EST

Playtime? (Paste your /playtime [Name]) :  313 SGM BRian has played for 2804:06:56. 

Do you have access to TeamSpeak and a microphone?: YES

Do you have the ability to record Garry's Mod videos?: YES

Referral(s): [What Gamemaster recommended you to apply?] N/A

Past experiences as a Game Master: [Optional] Not as a game Master but I was past T. Admin

Why should we choose you over other applicants? [minimum 2 paragraphs] :

You should pick me over other applicants because I have many experiences as a regular Staff with being a T. Admin and watching all the old events and some new events knowing what most people like and don't like. With this I'm also very active and hard-working from past staff and dedicated to helping and working with the Enlisted and keeping them going, I feel like I'm good at understanding what they want, mostly just killing people or things and being involved with whatever thing is going on.

Another reason I think you should pick me over other applicants is how long I'm able to be on the server and understand what's going on around with base factions, I'm also great with working with new people and keeping people entertained, I'm also good at listening and relaying what is going on and how to change anything new or old. That's almost all of the things on why you should pick me, I know this is a little small for 2 Paragraphs but I don't think you want me to just repeat things over and over.

Have you ever been banned or punished on any server? If so, Include details : Only 3 warns but that was 9+ months ago 

How much time do you have to contribute to the role?: Almost every day from around 4-10 PM on weekdays and pretty much all day during the weekends

In your own words, what are the responsibilities of a Gamemaster?: The responsibilities of a gamemaster are pretty simple, 1) keep everyone on both sides active and engaged in the server and keep people having fun while tryouts or war are not going on

Describe how you would contribute to RP as a part of the Gamemaster team: I would contribute different ideas and viewpoints in RP and mainly try to keep it fun for both sides. I would want to bring new and older events that people loved but are now forgotten about to try and bring pop and events a good rep back

Please list and explain 5 unique event ideas designed for only your side to take part in: [Be sure to include any additional context that may be necessary to your explanation]

1) I would grab some Taliban or the US and get a truck and beforehand I tell them that we are looking for a fallen storage box full of guns and food & we must search the map before the rouge Taliban fighters fight it and take it for themselves. I would spawn NPCs in a spot where the create spawned and they would have to take them out and grab the lout inside and bring it back to base, then after once, we bring back all the supplies the Roge Taliban would raid the US base trying to get the supplies back.

2) The president of some country gets kidnapped by rouge US fighters (NPCs), and that country comes to the Taliban to work together to get their president back and give the Taliban some money or supplies for upcoming events with whatever country I pick. I would have the president be someone on the server.

3) A supply truck comes to the Taliban base to drop off supplies but once they get inside the base with people around, The Freedom fighters jump out and start shooting at everyone (its an ambush inside the tail base) once they learned who it is by kidnaping one of them and interrogating they think of a plan to get back at the freedom fighters for what they have done.

4) I would use the downed Heli as a crash sight where we shot down a US heli and it landed there, once we got to the place and take out the remaining US forces and find the supplies but then right before they went down the US called for backup (more NPCs) so they had to bring all the supplies back while being shot at. 

5) I get a couple of people together to be undercover Taliban forces to try and grab info from anything and anyone, while they are trying to grab info they drop small hints that they are a US soldiers, the Taliban had to work together with all the hints and kill them or kidnap them before they grab all the info they need and leave the base. If they find out and kill them the US would bring forces (NPCs) to the Taliban base and attack but if they kidnap them they would try to negotiate for their realize back to the US and destroy the Evidence 

Please list and explain 3 unique global event ideas designed for the entire server to take part in: [Be sure to include any additional context that may be necessary to your explanation]

1) It's a Gas station store where I would get like 2 or 3 Guards to help me and I would spawn in props & put them on the shelf for the people to buy and bring back to their base for some fun.

2) I would hide a couple of props around the map and add cash or something else for a reward like a scavenger event to keep them moving around and exploring the map

3) I would bring both US and Taliban SOC together and maybe some base faction for a meeting about a Huge rouge faction coming into the area with heavy bombs and weapons that could destroy Omega, so they would have to work together and explore the map to find all the look out bases and codes and try to defuse multiple bombs if they don't they get blown up and they are out of the event or just get to spectate at the end base they would have to fight off a bunch of NPCs to take control of the area again. Then go back their separate ways.


Thank you for reading my GM Application, Have a good day

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I've known Brian since he was first staff back in 2020 I believe and he was a very solid staff member. Fulfilled his responsibilities and did well, I think he'll make a good fit for GM. Events look alright, could be interesting for players for sure. No doubt he'll do a good job though. +1.

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