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remove these materials


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Description: [description of what you are suggesting, one paragraph minimum] please god get rid of these 4 materials

models/weapons/v_slam/new light1
models/weapons/v_slam/new light2

The 1st one drops fps if theres enough of them, the 2nd one is pretty self explanatory, and the 3rd and 4th are generally just annoying
Reasoning: [how would this benefit our server?]

can help raise average fps on the server by removing the first one, the second is literal torture and everyone would like it removed, the other 2 are just an opinion

Additional Information: [Photos/Videos][/CODE]

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I heavily used the 3rd and 4th ones in my builds, don't think these should be touched.

Some things in the game are going to be annoying, especially on DarkRP; doesn't mean we should limit material usage based on this.

I can't speak to the first one dropping FPS, I would want to see some objective proof of this before agreeing to remove what is a pretty cool material. If it's proven that the usage of this material could be causing FPS drops, then it would technically be an exploitable material and thus should probably be removed assuming the former is true.

As for the second one... I don't know a single person who's ever complained about it. In fact I don't think I've ever heard anyone complain about any material before.

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dont remove 3 and 4 


 looks super cool and clean if you ask me.


any clip of FPS drop? its pretty standard material that i see across multiple drp servers 


number 2 is eh, idc. If enough people are up in arms remove it, but it doesnt bother me. 

Im mostly Neutral, ill pay attention to replies.

but im definitely against 3 and 4. They look cool and clean. 

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absolutely massive -1. the first is not used much and I highly doubt it could lead to fps loss of any measurable amount, if I'm wrong I'd love to see the stats. As for the second I've never had anyone complain about it and enjoy it much myself for special builds, especially because players in third person can hit esc and the material will move as they do. As for the other two, as you say its just your opinion and it is W I L D you would attempt to remove the ability for hundreds of users to use a couple of materials because you don't like them.

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