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Clutch Staff application

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In-game name: Clutch 
Discord username: Clutch_Tre4
Age: 31
Steam ID: 76561199267930386
Active Warns: not sure 
Timezone: EST
Current Playtime: 83 hours 
Do you have access to Discord and a microphone: Yes
Are you a member of the Garnet Gaming DarkRP Discord: Yes
Do you have the ability to record Garry’s Mod videos: Yes
Referrals(s): StS Heart, StS PC Haze DLN CK
Past experience as staff: none on GMOD but was staff/mod on servers I ran for GTA RP
Why should we choose you over other applicants: My application should be considered because of my age. I'm more mature I believe then the majority of players on dark rp. The second consideration is that I work 12 hour shifts from 7pm to 7am my job allows me to be online gaming for that entire 12 hour shift. I would be able to help staff during those hours and be able to be productive during those times. I do work 7 days a week and can be on for long periods of time. 
Have you ever been banned or punished on any server?: No
Have you made any previous applications?:
How much time do you have to contribute to the role?: No
If you have any, what hobbies or activities are you involved with outside of Garry’s Mod?: Gun range, video games, movies, TV shows, new restaurants, working, gym.
Did you read the staff rules?: Clutch

Edited by Clutch5
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56 minutes ago, Clutch5 said:

How much time do you have to contribute to the role?: No

You meet most of the reqs but Imma give a -1 for two reasons.


Firstly, the "paragraphs" you gave could have been condensed into the above quoted question as a single sentence to show your availability. (I work 7-days a week but have up to 12 hours of playtime daily to offer.)


Secondly, I'd like to see a bit more effort in the structure of your 2 paragraphs. Each paragraph should be 4-5 sentences, find two topics to focus on within your paragraphs and give supporting clauses for why you think those are the reasons the Garnet staff should consider you.


Thank you for applying.

I hope this helps out.

Best of luck!


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I can confirm referral, but I think you should edit this a bit. Fix the steam ID, paragraphs, how much time you can contribute, and anything else you think is needed to be fix. 

At this moment, until things are fixed. I will give you


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For now i see the paragraphs that you had wrote, there not bad but said again by puhnage pretty much everyone on the staff team has a job to work in real life, but it’s good to see you have a little bit of moderation experience even if it’s not on garry’s mod


+/- for me 

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  • DarkRP Management Team

+ Age
- Active Warn on 1/7/2025 for FailRP by LinkInBio

+ Playtime (Meets requirements)
+ Some prior experience as staff on other games
+/- Referral from Haze, but no actual referral from Heart
- Paragraphs 
+ Read the Staff Rules

(Please add the correct SteamID to your application, I believe this is yours: STEAM_0:0:653832329)


I don't have any interactions to speak of but that could also be on my part being that I get on the server at a different time. I think you should add more paragraphs to your application being that there's only 1 and a half at most and it requires 2 in addition to some details. Age is a decent reason and I agree that wisdom comes with age but why do you think we should consider you over other applicants? Currently, I position myself as neutral but if others have any experiences to speak of or community engagement I'd be willing to agree with their reply. I always like seeing prior experiences so that's a positive, overall I stand in the middle. Thanks for applying and good luck!

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  • DarkRP Administration Team

Your application is invalid as you don't meet the paragraph requirements. 

On 1/7/2025 at 8:00 PM, Clutch5 said:

How much time do you have to contribute to the role?: No

This response is also invalid. Please fix your application and I will change my vote.

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  • DarkRP Administration Team


For someone who is in their 30s I'd expect more effort. Didn't even write a paragraph, isn't your steam id, and you also lied about having a referral from @Vetements? The referral from Haze is legit which is good but I would really like if there was a lot more effort put into this application. Good Luck!!!

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Don't really have much information aside from how many hours you are willing to contribute. Would like to get to know more about why you decided to apply and more about you before giving final judgement.

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Usually I take my time, but this application is rush through and sloppy -1 Hopefully you can rework your application and take time to make a good solid application instead of rushing through it.

The time I've spent apart with you within the community just put effort into the application and I'm sure you'll be accepted.

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  • DarkRP Administration Team


Unfortunately, after deliberation with the DarkRP Administration Team, we have decided to deny your Staff Application. This decision was made in part due to the following reasons:

Due to an overall lackluster application and negative community feedback, your application will not be accepted at this time.
You have been given ample time to improve upon your application however you have not done so.
Should you choose to reapply in the future, I'd recommend becoming more well known within the community and ensure your next application meets all requirements.


Thank you for the time and effort you put into your application. You may reapply in 2 Weeks.

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