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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/09/2020 in all areas

  1. Gonk Droid Ammo Dispenser Players can no longer use E to interact with the NPC Simply stay within a short range of the droid, and your ammo will be automatically replenished StarwarsRP Props New model pack has been added to the server Event Content Capture Points This system is NOT made by me, as such it may not be as finely tweaked off the bat as I would like, however, it behaves similarly to the 'War System' on MilitaryRP, whereby if you are within an objective, you will gain control over it. Gamemasters will now have the ability to spawn capture points (although we should never have more than 2-4 on the map at one time) and players will have to battle droids for control over said points. Once reached 100% claim, the objectives will display a Republic hologram Under the control of the CIS, the hologram will display their logo and change in color to red !unstuck Due to the console kill command being removed due to abuse, I have created another means of respawning when needed other than changing jobs: !unstuck If moved during the commencement of the command, you will be welcomed with the following:
    7 points
  2. In-game name: Chewy Age: 37 Why am I qualified? I worked in K-12 (education) for 11 years, taught middle school for 4 of that. I've seen and survived the worst that puberty has to offer and how to manage those effected by it (teachers and students). I was in charge of staff training and education for several years, as well as creating policies and procedures whenever needed. I've handled hiring and scheduling for my departments in the past. Been a sysadmin for nearly 15 years, and in software development for 3. I'm very familiar with software and game mods in general, as well as how integrations and configurations can be done to help drive the community and staff forward. I've been playing multiplayer FPS games since Goldeneye on the N64, and on Steam since the days of DoD (Day of Defeat, for those not in the know). I've been a ranked tournament player in the days when those were still a thing, so I get the competitive aspect and how it effects behavior and how much a player enjoys their experience. Aside from the professional aspect, I've been playing Rust since just before the Alpha ended and have been playing it almost exclusively for the last couple of years. I've played on over a hundred different servers of all types (modded, community, vanilla, official) and gotten a pretty good feel for what qualities staff need to have in order to be successful and not hate their responsibilities. Rust is often an incredibly toxic community and if you start to enforce any sort of rules or behavioral expectations on players, you have to be ready to become a target for them. Staff/mods need someone who knows what they're dealing with, knows the struggle, and is always available to support them in many capacities. I haven't been in the Garnet community for long (I think I'm at around 2 months now?), but I have around 600-800 hours played on the 2x, 5x, and 1000x. I'm definitely the most hated mod on the 1000x, which I expected to happen as soon as rules started to be enforced. I've gotten a lot of support from players at the same time though, so I think we're finally making some progress on the 1000x as far as player interactions go. I want to expand that progress into all the other aspects of gameplay on the other Garnet servers, which will eventually build trust in staff and trust in the quality of gameplay we can offer. It all starts at the top, and I want to be the one helping pull the community and servers forward.
    7 points
  3. Been making these for quite awhile.. Some I've shown before but never really posted them here... Some people will remember me (maybe or maybe not) because I always made these and shared them in Teamspeak A-10 Thunderbolt Formation | Map: gm_buttes MARSOC Sniping w/ Barret M82 | Map: rp_garnet_militaryrp_delta (the COD models used by MARSOC couldn't work so I had to improvise) No Name | Map: gm_fork 2GA Winter Patrol | Map: gm_vyten 2nd Image of MARSOC Sniping | Map: didn't I just say it up there?
    3 points
  4. You have a great app it is always good to see someone with past experience staffing in a higher position now the server has changed in four years so make sure you understand that. For how long you can be active I hope after this pandemic you decide to stay on and continue to do you part on the staff team. I am surprised that you gave no referrals but that does not matter. I don't know what the final word on this but I think you would be a great fit for the staff team. +1
    2 points
  5. Hello Garnet Gamers, Unfortunately Enzo who was our designated Rust Manager failed his 2 week trial period, and the next person who was to grab his position was @Wasdin, however, Wasdin has just informed he will begin baseball season and cannot commit to his duties no longer (the same day he was promoted). As such, I will inevitably have to start searching for another Rust server manager. All applicants will begin with a 2-week trial period, in which they will be expected to accept applications, train new moderators, and coordinate the team to work more effectively among our 4 servers. If passed the 2-week trial period and there is a prominent change in the quality of our staff team, we may begin discussing pay from there, which of course, would inevitably go up as donations go up, so in a sense, you will be determining how much you can make. At this given time, Rust is operating at a loss, seeing as we do not generate an income, but this is also because our servers are swamped with minges/hackers and no coordinated staff to take care of them. If interested, please leave a response in this thread with your in-game name, age, and why you feel qualified for this position.
    1 point
  6. This is sort of a continuation of the tail end of our staff meeting. We deliberated but we want to know what YOU value in factions. I ask that you please answer truthfully. Below will be a poll with several aspects of factions that some may view as attractive. I’m asking you to rank each quality in its’ attractiveness to you. POLL: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/YDYFP8S The results will be shared with faction leaders. The top scoring qualities will NOT be forced onto leaders, as ideally factions should remain autonomous within reason. The leaders may choose to do with the info as they please.
    1 point
  7. Have a good time I guess. see you in two weeks
    1 point
  8. Can I ask, which ones do you think were false? The RDM ones? Sorry, "misclick" isn't a valid excuse for stabbing someone coming out of spawn. The diss in OOC? The warnstack? Sorry, "It was only two!" doesn't mean it's not warnstack. So please tell me, which two warns were false?
    1 point
  9. From Diego’s reasoning in his sit, he stated that Timmy got a verbal because his advert stack was harmless. (Raid/assist is essentially the same thing but still stacking.) Your advert stack was “counter/steal” which are in no way similar, therefore you were warned by me. You are level 60 and yet I had to warn you FOUR TIMES today because you consistently broke the rules. - You called me a bitch in OOC because I warned you for RDM - (you actually RDM’ed twice, in two separate instances, and claimed “misclick” despite adverting that doesn’t exempt you from the rules.) - Warnstacked as mentioned above If I had OBS going then I would’ve gladly hit you with a NITRP ban, because you’re clearly only here to be a minge.
    1 point
  10. I've only ignored one persons signature before and it was shruggers, yet you manage to top his with this shit
    1 point
  11. my last name isn’t funny
    1 point
  12. +1 I was in a TS channel with Mike Splintz and honestly, I think he will be a great fit for this position. He seems dedicated and motivated to make this server better. Good luck man.
    1 point
  13. +1 Your hours and staff experience look great. Just make sure you familiarize yourself with the community and the newer rules.
    1 point
  14. In game name: IAreGunner Age: 18 Why do I feel I'm qualified for this position: I would first like to say that I'm sure I'm not that qualified for this position. I never once held a leadership type role or a managing type role for anything. The most I've held was a trial admin roll on dark RP but this position is far way more important than that role. As my time being a rust staff member I understood that we are in a desired need for staff , most importantly developing a staff team that can work well with each other, that can work well with the overall player base and do their jobs at the best of their ability. Even though we're in a desired need for staff of course that should be the main focus as it's very important, there are definitely other things that need to be looked at. I understand It's also very important to keep a line of communication with all staff members So everyone's able to reach out to everyone making sure everything's going well especially for the lower staff members maybe needing a higher staff member to do a ban or lower staff members needing help with something. As I said before I have very little experience really holding a type of role like this and it's going to be a learning experience for me to really get adjusted to it. But I'm also very excited to learn , I'm excited to be able to help all the servers grow , I'm excited to make sure the overall player base is happy, I totally understand there are definitely going to be some players that are not happy It's the way it's going to be they're going to be players that are not going to like your leadership or just the way you're not doing things. I'm sure I'm not going to be the best at this position I'm sure I'm going to make a few mistakes down the road And hopefully throughout those mistakes I'll learn how to be better, I'll learn how to correct those mistakes. Throughout my time as a officer and a higher staff member on dark RP, I learned a bit more about leadership and how important it is with a staff team. Overall, as I may have very little experience at holding a role like this, I'm really excited to learn I'm excited to be a better leader, I'm also excited to be able to help out the servers But also help out the community that I love. I understand that I may not play on all the servers. And for some of the servers they have a different play style but I'm definitely excited to be able to go on those server, learn the play style and learn the player base on the other servers that I relatively don't play on.
    1 point
  15. Well I reely like ducks I have toy ducks and so when I got a turn on Steam becos my 2 older brothers had the account befor me so I made the name Ducky
    1 point
  16. There aren't going to be any overlaps, We get that T2 is still going to be an ARF model, its just a different ARF model than the other ones we are wanting to use for LS. The current T2 model has a 91st logo on the chest-plate which would signify he is a scout directly under the commander of 91st, whereas the LS models do not have this logo on them which would put them in the elite group that makes up Lightning Squadron. Each of the models themselves are different, the only thing we really need for T2 is a title change. Unless you are talking about the fact that afterwards there would be ARF models for LS and T2 and what we should change T2 to if we are trying to make ARF LS exclusive... the only thing i could think of in that case would be to change T2 maybe to the speeder pilot model with a different scout-y bodygroup arrangement.
    1 point
  17. Will miss you homie much love brotha
    1 point
  18. @Anon10011 For being honestly the nicest person ive meet on drp, and now we do so much more than drp. (general knoxx) @GrosCave Your so fun to play with as long as you dont make weird french art. @eli_ He is finally using his mic. (no you dont sound like a squeker too much) @Fetn Your a great person and its fun to talk to you. @Graykidz What can i say you are so fun and intresting to talk to. @Voidy A great person, and everytime we are on together its fun. You are also are such a helpful staff member who i can go to whenever I have a question. These were in no particular order and i dont think I missed anyone. Thank you all for making DarkRP an amazing server.
    1 point
  19. Thanks boo for thinking about me. I'll miss you but hopefully we'll talk to each other some other time. See you
    1 point
  20. Did you just now realize that? woah, you're a quick learner!
    1 point
  21. n-game name: azazielSteamID (https://steamid.io/):STEAM_0:0:78948663In-game rank: ModeratorTimezone:ESTLength of LOA: 2 weeksReason: yeah so i been thinking about resigning cause im getting tired of this i need to go loa for 2 weeks so i dont get burned out and quit im sorry but i cant do this i need a break see ya in 2 weeks
    0 points
  22. Yes, you agreed to a TOS when you bought VIP, and I'm sure it states there is no refunds. That's how it works. Because you didn't want to take the time to read the rules and so now you pay the consequences. I don't know what there isn't to understand here. Most likely not, as Garnet doesn't transfer ranks either to other accounts.
    0 points
  23. Here is a list of things which were covered in the community meeting AND the staff meeting, if something is not mentioned on the list below, it means that we had either made a different decision about it in the staff meeting or it is not worth mentioning. New Mission Rules and Went over the Vehicle Rules(Link below) If you put [OPEN] at the beginning of your comms message, everyone can see it, if you put [RU] or [US], only that respective side can see it. Crouch Spamming is against the rules More punishments for improper ban/warn strings In base KH sims are allowed, not anywhere else in base however You are now allowed to use vehicles in raids You can now pre-prox anywhere on the map Vega ranks have changed A lot of stuff was said about how the US is currently being run and how they can improve. If you were there, you know what you need to do with your faction help There was also a lot of personal realization specific to people and how they can improve Below is a link to a speech by Mike Splint'z which i can not really type out. If you were not at the meeting, i highly suggest you listen to his speech as you will not regret it.
    0 points
  24. Who are you reporting? [Staff/Player]: Mike Steele and Operator RileyYour in-game name: Aspxct DaBYour SteamID (https://steamid.io/): STEAM_0:1:496958427In-game name of reportee: Mike Steele and Operator RileySteamID of reportee (https://steamid.io/): STEAM_0:1:62840333 & STEAM_0:0:149377557Date & Time of incident: 11:20 5/9/2020Timezone: ESTWhat happened? (include any proof): I was warned for advert stacking then I reported someone else for advert stacking and they only gave him a verbal. go to 3:40
    0 points
  25. Denied Its always the staffs decision/choice to punish the player if the reporter wanted them punishment or not. You broke rules and were punished for it, the warn is valid and no staff member is at fault. @proggy
    0 points
  26. in game name: det_onte Age: 16 why do i think i am qualified? I am not i have never held any role of leadership i just want to get a chance to learn to lead and to make a change when and where i am able to i only have around 180-200 hours on this game but i am familiar with most of its aspects and how it works if requested i can work on a longer resume but i just wanted to try to apply and see if i have a chance to get a chance of being staff on this amazing server.
    0 points
  27. 2 were false but ok
    0 points
  28. I will say Diego did rush the sit. However, the punishment is decided by the staff member who takes the sit afaik. The staff who handles the sit can decide to give a verbal warn, a jail time, an actual warn, or can do a combination of a warn and a jail time. So for example, one staff member can give a verbal warning for a fail base, while another staff member if they wanna be a douche can give an actual warning for a fail base. Me personally as my experiencing in staffing I wouldn't give a warn for that kind of stuff unless it's a repeated offense, however what I would do doesn't mean everyone will do. But yes, I do agree Diego went over the sit in a very quick manner without making sure the reportee knew what they did was wrong (if he was asking what he did wrong after the sit). @MikeSteele @DiegoZavier tagging you two so you see this report.
    0 points
  29. I think that this would not work that well as you said to implement it as the whole point of mugging is that you have the option to defend yourself and not pay, This proposed swep would just let random players steal 10k every 3 mins which means that if you find an AFK level 100 player you could steal about 200k every hour which is how much you make from 2 maxxed printers... I think that this might be better on a different job that can only pickpocket like the rapist and the rape swep. Also the money seems a little high so a nerf would probably be made to the amount of money you could steal. Also I don't really think thats how the hobo is meant to be played, The hobo is basically just a class to minge on and not earn money.
    0 points
  30. In-game name: SynnapAge: 13SteamID: https://steamcommunity.com/id/SynnaWarns: 0Timezone: Central Daylight Time Playtime?: 7 hours of right now (I plan on playing almost everyday)Do you have access to TeamSpeak and a microphone?: YESDo you have the ability to record Garry's Mod videos?: YES (just haven't yet) Referral(s): [What administrator recommended you to apply?] Sadly nobody, but I seemed like it would be a interesting role to be in a server like this. Mostly due to people not following rules and players needing help! Past experiences as staff: On a server on Gmod, none. But a bit on other games! Why should we choose you over other applicants? Well, I am a very respectful person when it comes to stuff like becoming a staff member. I will not give my friends, nor relatives other advantages just because I am a admin/mod. I will treat everything with the most respect that I can. I will make sure that I put people in need in front of others who do not need help. I will make sure people are satisfied with the work I do. I will even respect other admins/mods I do not like. I will NOT give members or anyone else any sort of items I can give with a admin/mod rank. I will note use admin/mod just for click bait type of YouTube videos. I will fix every single problem I will be asked, and even go as far as asking other admins/mods to get the answer. (not really that far but still) Have you ever been banned or punished on any server? No Have you made any previous applications, If so when?: NO How much time do you have to contribute to the role?: Honestly with COVID-19, I can spend about everyday on the server. (I know, I have no life) If you have any, what hobbies or activities are you involved in outside of Garry's Mod? I create roblox games, and like playing Minecraft & ROBLOX with friends. Same with left 4 dead 2.Did you read the staff rules?: I have, plenty of times to make sure I know from my mind. I will be studying more.
    0 points
  31. BULLYHUNTER_22 you don't have to be a dick.
    0 points
  32. Just as I would like to clarify that you have no proof of me calling the staff team shit. JUST SAYIN' After I made it clear to you that I was going through a fucked up family situation out of literally nowhere and told you I was going afk and for you to do whatever you needed to do. What you should have done was warn me for False Warrant, tp'd me back, and been done with it. Another thing in response to this quote is this: it's called LTAP not AFKTAP so really thats a load of bullshit in a can and it doesn't make me too happy personally that you would even say something so ignorant of the rules based off of your lead admin rank. I've tried countless times for staff and been denied every time. It's astonishing to me that someone who doesn't even speak in full sentences can get a position so high up on such a populated server. I'm 100% positive Garnet wants the server to consistently make money so it makes no sense why he would let it be run by people who can't even decipher the difference between "where" and "were".
    0 points
  33. I thought I had already +1’d this, I guess not. You Seem like Jared Cox to me. A fun guy, who knows when to be serious. You also have lots of experience. So easy +1 from me.
    0 points
  34. Really Missin MRP right now
    0 points
  35. So me and a couple other people I come across that has bought custom classes have bought custom classes, then regretted either not adding something, or adding something we didn't want. The free thief skin for example. I personally checked the free thief skin along with another that I paid for assuming I would be able to choose between the two when I want. Now that I have chosen more than one skin I have to console kill myself a couple times every time I want to use the skin I prefer. I think it would be a good idea to add in a feature to add or remove things from the custom classes that we paid for as we desire so that this wouldn't be an issue in the future. For example if I decide I want my custom class to have a few guns that it doesn't already have or I want to add another skin that I couldn't afford at the time, I feel like I should have the option to edit the custom class to add those things. Or if I feel that my custom class is too crowded with weapons, or I think that it has too many skins that cycle through I could remove them through a class editor. Not get a refund on them or anything just tick a box or something that temporarily removes the skin or item from the custom class.
    0 points
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