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To be blunt, I’m opposed to having you unbanned. You showed GG little to no respect from the time you started playing your other SWRP server up until your first ban appeal. Asking for power and then abandoning that position for not only another server but another network doesn’t sit well with me. You were privileged enough to be handed an opportunity to build up and sustain a brand new server. You not only squandered that opportunity but showed no remorse nor ownership for the ripple effects of your actions. You've blatantly lied. Little things. Larger things. You’ve lied to get what you want and to appear “cooler”. That’s not something I want anywhere near my server. Your message: September 8 “Yo man, Quick question. I was talking to Ace and I heard that SEAL's is closed. Anyway that I can assist with that?” is worrying to me. It seems like whenever there’s power to grab, you’re not far behind. While I believe a strong desire to lead can be a good quality, I don’t see that with you. I acknowledge that you’re capable of being a polarizing leader to a certain niche, but I’m not as quick to re-allow someone back into our server who has shown it such disrespect.7 points
In-game name: Vizii. SteamID (https://steamid.io/): STEAM_0:0:196927522Staff members in-game name: DexStaff members SteamID (/id (name): UnknownDate & Time of incident: 7/16/20Timezone: ESTBan Reason: ToxicityHow long were you banned for?: Permanently. First I would like to put here that I was given perms to post another appeal: https://gyazo.com/eb73dba266387a465f5244f95c52a510Proof of Ban: What happened? (include any proof):v When I played for a different server at the time, I decided to check up on the server to see how things we're doing. With that, I chose to be stupid and talk shit on the server. From there I went full minge mode and changed my name a boatload of times and continued to be toxic. I was then banned for a week of NITRP which was then updated to toxicity. Why should your ban be removed?: For starters, I would like to think that my ban should be removed is because of the time that the event took place. Now, I can fully understand the jurisdiction given by the higher staff to update the ban to a permanent ban. But in my opinion I feel as if the way I acted should not have warranted a permanent ban. This was really the only "Toxic" Act that I committed while on the server Now, Obviously after taking some time to re collect myself yes I can 100% agree that what I said should not have been said. But at the same time this was really the only toxic thing that I had done. Now, These pictures shown are additional screenshots provided to which I was banned for. Now, When it comes to why I feel as if this should not be considered as toxic is because I was honestly just being a dumbass. I was cracking jokes left and right about non server things and was just trying to have a laugh while claiming this "was going to be my last time here". But at the same time, I also was told that I was banned for previous actions. In my eyes I believe this entails to SWRP and me "Killing" the server. I know that my departure most definitely hurt the server but my departure was not the main reason why the server had died. No Garry's mod server dies because one person with a small amount of power decides to leave and 4-5 others then leave as well. There we're many other reasons that contributed to the server dying and I feel like I was the main stock for it dying which is not true. I have said this over and over again while I was playing on the server that a developer or something of the sort would be a great help to servers coming back. But I also feel as if one of reasons the server crashed was because Garnet was putting too much on himself to do at once. Managing, Running and developing what 5-10 servers at once is no easy fit. Which is why I think having more staff, more people who could actually assist in development would have helped a lot in the long run. Now, I personally would like to think that I have gotten 10x better with how I treat people as a whole when it comes to playing on the server. I have had recent interactions with certain people within the server that have the opportunity to do massive things for it. If this appeal is accepted I would continue assisting those who can help the most, As a starter shown in the thread I made for suggestions. I've said it before and I will say it again, I want to help with anything that I can and I truly do think that with giving me a second chance even if I am not allowed to go for staff then I will still help as much as I can. Helping new players, Helping people with game related issues, Coming up with events or even just coming up with server ideas. I want to be there to help. I don't want to get apologetic with this thread but with this being my last attempt at a ban appeal I wanted to make it clear that I want to do what I can at full capacity to assist everyone. Thank you. ~ Vizii.6 points
Thank you Camo for recording the meeting so I can properly review it. Overview Attendance with Warrant Officers and GB was poor but good to see all officers not on LOA attending. Multiple people notified me that they were not going to make it and I thank them for that. If you are an Army Officer, Warrant Officer, or GB member read through this thread. Tryouts As a Warrant Officer or Officer your main objective should be to engage Army. A big part of this is tryouts. Warrant Officers main job is to do tryouts if you aren't doing them consequences will ensue. Make sure when you do tryouts you record them on the proper log so I can know you're doing them. I cannot see what you're doing at times I am not on the server. Logs are important. Order of Precedence 1. Recruit Training (Designate a DS) 2. DS Tryouts 3. Marksman Tryouts 4. Demolition Tryouts 5. Anything else Promotions You will not be receiving promotions if you do not engage with Army. Activity logs are the best way for me to evaluate how you are engaging so fill them out. Do not blindly promote enlisted - especially SNCO's - just because they are off cooldown. If you do well in your position you get promoted, if you don't you get demoted. Rank Changes -Tesla -> 1SG -Bad Guy -> 1SG -Mills -> CW2 -Random -> WO1 -Storm -> Removal -Bud -> Removal Nasty Situations This is pretty simple, you should not try to take matters into your own hands. If a situation becomes out of control call a staff member, failure to do so is irresponsible and will result in punishment. Docs Keeps docs as neat as possible. Remove gray names when off cooldown, don't leave open spaces, update promotion dates, if you promote someone make sure to remove them from their past position on docs, record anything you do in the Records/Activities logs if needed.4 points
I know that the appeal is still a little scuffed, but I'll go ahead and reply. Glowsticks was reconnect roughly 5 times, 4 times by other staff, and one time by me. He was warned multiple time to quit trying to prop block King Knoxx's base. On top of being reconnected multiple times he was also jailed for this. After he got unjailed he came back to Knoxx's base and continued to prop block his base, he was then reconnected for the last time, and then what did he do? He came back online and started blocking up Knoxx's base again. The images are for the most post just him building in front of Knoxx's Base. He kept building a box and then saying you could just jump over it to get in. Every time he was reconnected he logged on to build the box over and over and over again. No matter what we did he never stopped, and he was given more than enough chances. Almost all of the screenshots were taken after each re connection too. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2267919420 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2267919226 https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1672484460228996494/E204EC83328555C2E719DDE4BBE693578215F4A3/ https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1672484460228996605/6189BF3CAB09A18561D3CCDE8ED7AAFEE35E11C4/ https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1672484460228996751/8BDDEF100000F8FEC18609F6B89E7C5BC474B5E https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1672484460228755269/0695A7E21C4111D9C300CDC0DBED3F767549B751/ The first two screenshots are mine showing him building the box, and this was after he was jailed. The other screenshots are of when he was being reconnected by staff and he kept coming back and building the box, and these are before he was even jailed for it. Then after he got jailed he still continued to do it.4 points
4 points
Hey. Thank you for making a suggestion and being an active community member. I believe this "Mini Moderator" rank would be pointless. It would not assist management in any way in keeping tabs on worrisome staff members. Also, any staff that does things like "say the n word" shouldn't be on the staff team in the first place. Thanks again for your post.4 points
+1 To start any formatting issues or typos I’m gonna blame for typing this on my phone and I’ll fix them later. I don’t know to this day how I still put up with Vizii to this day tbh but I can say having him back and committed will 100% aid the server in the future. Now don’t get me wrong I’m not here to ride his dick, he has done some really fucking stupid shit in the past which I’m sure anyone relevant in this post will remember however with high management and Garnet himself watching like hawks there is no shot that he is granted what is needed to fuck over the server again. A lot of the negativity on this post has come from people talking about his want for power. This is an unban form he isn’t applying to come back and insta-lead a faction again. Him being Vizii, he is gonna grind back into a position of power obviously but the only way he will be able to reach it is if he is committed and even then whatever these “terms” that are being put in place by Gyth, Oz, and Garnet can hold him to a position where they feel comfortable with Vizii on a roster. I definitely believe that he should be unbanned BUT monitored to an extreme extent.4 points
If you think this is going to be my only post, Wait for phase 2 and 33 points
Timing out is due to Slow internet speeds, Though Disconnecting and REconnecting like you are, is caused by hiccups in your internet. Tell mom and dad to restart the router.2 points
I'm not responding to everything you said, even if I quote the entirety of a paragraph. I both lost interest in reading your book of a response and had trouble following it because you used too many big words too quickly. Should obviously know my child brain can't handle that. Understand that it's a backstory and explanation to how you gained your opinion and knowledge, but to be honest, I don't really care. It isn't important to the now, as you've already said that communities and people change and adapt over time. First two sentences here are rather basic math. I do agree about how we could be increased the quality of our community members but this all relies on what direction we intend to move towards together. Now, before you quote repeating about how it's important to grow rather than base ourselves around a loud majority's opinion, either tipped side, I'd also agree. But the goal is stability over dropping what we have currently built up. This is one of the most major things I disagreed with in your ideology: about how we should just drop a portion of the community because they won't conform to the 'old head' minority. Weird how you make no mention that the combat focused path requires the same actions as the roleplay focused path with differences being in the type of content and features available. You just jump straight to what looks like 'the engine makes everything shitty' in tone. If the current community showed up to MRP with no intention to roleplay OR because a friend said the 'combat was fun', then that is one thing that makes Garnet a better server for them in comparison to what else is available on Gmod. If the structure was set-up in a way that didn't support the type of roleplay that you've attempted and are attempting to implement, then why even bother doing so in the first place? It's the same argument as to why we shouldn't just drop the DarkRP gamemode and make our own because the dev time and costs outweigh the short-term benefit, when both routes provide sustainability in the long-term. "The servers that do roleplay well do well in general." The servers that gain popularity through community and engaging gameplay, regardless of roleplay or combat, do well. You created the recent generation of GMs, technically. If it is non-essential and doesn't benefit the server in the intended way, why argue to keep them around? I understand you said before that it was an attempt to ease the community into roleplay, but it clearly didn't work and you talked so much about how this community doesn't want to change in the first place, so why even try? If you've enjoyed other 'high quality' servers that fits what you like to play, then go play it. You found your new community and likely made new friends. Don't come back here and try to push your little niche roleplay bullshit onto people who are vocally against it. The funny thing is is that most people I talk to are interested in a hybrid of PVP and roleplay, but you're attempting to force them into something they don't think they'd enjoy. Either way, I don't think you've really experienced enough of all paths to be set on 'roleplay is the best' considering Gmod hasn't seen a proper PVP/RP hybrid built around what makes GG unique (I don't claim to either, please don't mistake that). Now, I'd be interested in seeing what a roleplay-focused server would look like, but I'm not the entirety of the community and nor do I claim to be. While I like discussion, I'm not participating in this anymore. I'm rather tired of reading an essay on how some old veteran player wants to change the server because you enjoyed a different community.2 points
If I do allow you to come back, I do want to have a proper sit down where we discuss the terms. I am personally not again you coming back. You've done a great deal of damage to the community, but I also think you (personally) are a really chill and pleasant dude. @Jackal @QuandaryJoe and @Im Dream, i'd love to hear your opinions based on the 'disagree'2 points
In-game name: The Tony/ The ____ TonyAge: 15SteamID (https://steamid.io/): STEAM_0:0:463243271Warns: 0Timezone: Eastern Standard Time ZonePlaytime?: The Tony has played for 267:09:50Do you have access to TeamSpeak and a microphone?: [YES/NO] YesDo you have the ability to record Garry's Mod videos?:[YES/NO] Yes Referral(s): [What administrator recommended you to apply?] [What administrator recommended you to apply?]-NFA Maple ThatDudeAbides Past experiences as staff: [Optional] N/A Why should we choose you over other applicants? [minimum 2 paragraphs] With a small stream of staff applications, I believe mine stands out due to the character of the applicant and those who've influenced me to apply. In any given scenario, I enjoy being social and I always try to aid those with almost anything. Given the scenarios I would have to deal with, such social skills are a requirement. On top of being able to easily talk to people, I excel as a law student and I trust that I can bring the teachings from my classes to my position. In fact, I'm sure many people can easily compare sits to courtrooms; seeing as different parties attempt to provide evidence over the other in front of a judge. With such a comparison, I can reinforce my idea that my education can help the server. As a final selling point, would be that I am a night owl. I get plenty of time for work and school and still have plenty of time to play on this server. Since I'm online while many staff members are asleep, I could take sits to help any players who share my nocturnal trait. All in all, I see my tuition in law, communicability, and nightly habit can make me a valuable asset on the roster. Even with all of the listed appeals, there is a reason I want to become a staff member. The main reason I want to see my name on the forms next month is to help this community that I've grown attached to stay stable and organized. This is perhaps the most well maintained DarkRP server I've seen, and I want to help keep it that way. I've had plenty of fun on this server, whether it be with the ecstatic new players, the calm headed moderators, or the mellowed people who have hundreds of hours. Behind each avatar has a person who can bring their own personality to the mix, different people take each role differently. Despite the repetitive nature of the game, each session I join brings something new. Also, as someone who likes to get creative on different mediums, the relaxed base building rules and open interactions can really help whenever I'm going thru a mental block. In conclusion, I want to help maintain or even improve the server because of the excitement that I have been gifted and hope to give newer players that same hospitality. Have you ever been banned or punished on any server? If so, Include details I have been banned only once for Mass NLR when I was still a rookie to DarkRP. Have you made any previous applications, If so when?: Nope How much time do you have to contribute to the role?: You can find me online in the late afternoon, evening, or even early morning. I usually spend at least 30 hours a week on the minimum. If you have any, what hobbies or activities are you involved in outside of Garry's Mod? Outside of GMod, I am involved in a few things. As I said before, I am a law student, but I am also still in high school on top of that; in addition to school, I also work part time. For hobbies, I like to kick around a soccer ball with friends, make a few doodles every now and then, and wood working.Did you read the staff rules?: "Yes" -The Tony1 point
Why do I get intense Karen vibes from you, especially since its only a 4 day ban1 point
1 point
Thing is, I'm no longer an MRP Admin. Congratulations, You're so deluded that you think I'm actually going around punishing you for being dumb. Your Sense of Self importance is greater than your sense of troubleshooting, Perhaps restart your Steam yes?1 point
before I can comment on this one, you should adjust this appeal to the correct format as Smitty had pasted for you, and the staff member that banned you was Lotus ( STEAM_0:0:77754776 ) and that's his steam ID.1 point
coming home today! I can't wait to play dark-rp, miss you guys like crazy haha.1 point
To add to this a bit, I dont want to delve too deep into this kind of stuff because I JUST came back to the community... BUT I think it'd be pretty awesome to let players decide when they wanna go take some obj's rather than a war timer telling us all when it's time to do so. It'd give players a lot more time to co-ordinate small rp stuff, as well as plan for war, do more advanced or fun tryouts for their factions. Now that I think about it I feel like the timer dictates a little too much of what we do considering it's just numbers counting down. But in all honesty, I know a probable good chunk of the community likes the flow of peacetime-wartime.1 point
In-game name: Shelby the French SteamID (https://steamid.io/): STEAM_0:1:75279064 In-game rank: VIP Mod Timezone: France (UTC+1) Length of LOA: 4-6 days starting the 26th of october. Reason: I have a permission of 6 days from the army. I will be visiting my gf in the south of France. Thanks for understanding.1 point
i would also like to mention that not having the war timer made wars themselves more exciting to anxiously wait for because you never knew when the wars would actually start. i thought it was much cooler back then when you didn't know exactly when a huge war would break out. instead with a war timer telling you an exact timeframe, it takes you out a little bit over everything else that's going on with the server because, as you mentioned, you have to worry about the timer and come up with a plan as to what you're going to do in an hour before the war. (i don't remember exactly if someone did manually keep track of a war timer back then or if we just randomly decided to start a war if we felt that there hadn't been one in a good while so correct me if im wrong.)1 point
-1 i was going to plus one until i read this and had a bit of an epiphany - i personally have never seen you be nice to a single person on the server. - the aggressive tone you have over new players is prevalent in what you're saying and with the server numbers lacking lately, we need someone who's going to teach and help in a POSITIVE way. there's always opportunities to teach without discouraging someone with warns and punishments. - i like you but you have an overall aggressive and hostile personality.1 point
1 point
Me too, and I find these discussions to be very interesting and fulfilling to take part in despite there being virtually no payoff for me. It's entertaining to think about. Let's get into it then. I first arrived at this conclusion a long, long time ago. We're talking years. At that point in time, it was biased in the sense that this was the type of experience that I as an individual preferred due to my various love affairs with games like SS13 and whatnot. Over time I pushed and lobbied for a variety of things that were both conducive to the RP experience or things that outright destroyed it due to my responsibilities at the time as a faction leader or otherwise and the ulterior motives therein. As the years went on and my affiliations changed and I got to take either in active role in handling these aspects of the server (Creating RU, GM stuff, etc.) or a back seat role (being completely absent), I've been able to see a variety of perspectives on the topic, but additionally, and far more importantly, I've been able to see how other communities operate from a very entrenched position. In my original post, I referenced briefly that I was talking about player quantity, not player quality, as Gildarts had requested we refrain from doing in the thread. As I also stated, I believe that player quality is directly proportional to player quantity. As a result of having a larger sample size of players, the number of players that display positive characteristics (leadership capacity, maturity, productivity) increases. When these traits are emphasized and rewarded, the portion of the active player base that can be deemed of good quality increases, and the community itself benefits. It should also go without saying that players that don't inherently display positive traits will be encourage to develop them in an environment where said traits are rewarded, in order to benefit. This is why I emphasize increasing the population, and how the "current population" by my definition is and always will be finite. That is an unavoidable fact, and coupled with the natural rate of decay, always poses a threat to the community, and therefore the community itself is always changing. New voices are coming in and old voices are leaving, constantly. Pure reiteration of population dynamics aside, and before we get back to what's happening elsewhere in the world, let's talk about the GG dynamic, and specifically the coexistence of DarkRP and MRP, and the differences between the two. There are two broad categories of RP server in gMod. The first, and most crowded, is DarkRP as a general rule. DarkRP is the standard metric, the players simply cycle between communities and their average duration of interest is a fraction of what you would see elsewhere because of the density of the category and options for the player therein. There is no real dominant community in category, but a large handful that do very well, GG being one of them over the years. MRP is a part of the other category, which is Niche RP servers that cover dozens of subcategories (HL2RP, MafiaRP, FORP, etc.), all of which categories typically have a clear frontrunner. The players that are spread out among the niche servers typically move laterally between them, but the time between transitions between communities is much, much longer than that of the typical DarkRP player, because the servers require a time investment to truly be rewarding. DarkRP can and often does require a time investment as well, but it's an investment dictated by the player and server (grinding money and such), whereas niche server are often dictated by interpersonal relationships and communication. Human operators. MRP is one of the much older niche categories, and GG has long since been a strong competitor in the category, however not a clear frontrunner as long as I've been around. Having been a part of other such niche communities in the past months and years, I've had the opportunity to dissect the kings of their respective categories and determine, at a functional level, what makes these communities see a level of success that hardly seems logical. Garnet and I have personally discussed a handful of these servers, but for the sake of not advertising, I'll refrain from using specifics. The most important takeaway from my time in these communities, and the one factor that always stood out to me was the fact that none of the current frontrunners were the first to attempt to develop a server for that category, however they saw what their competitors weren't doing, and did it far better than their competition had the hopes of doing, mostly in the realm of custom content and unique features. Once you're in the lead, it's hard to lose it for reasons I don't believe need explaining and the rest is history. Large interest brings good players, good players turn into competent staff and leadership, competent staff and leadership make a good server, a good server brings in donations, and donations fund further development of the unique features that got the server started. Again, I'd like to emphasize that it's the unique features that get the attention of people, not simply doing the same thing as other servers but slightly better. Once upon a time, the war timer was the unique feature that propped up this server, now it is a victim of its own design. That being said, this is why I feel that the RP path is superior than the other options available. Now, I've outlined the specifics of what that path entails in the path but I refrained from doing so in my post because I feel that it is simply my creative vision speaking, and not a structure formulated with any real research in mind. Is it something I feel would be very interesting? Yes, but it ends there. The RP path is just that, a path for the server to walk down, and not an immediate solution or answer. With that out of the way, lets talk about the other two options. I believe this phrasing of the combat oriented model is more reminiscent of what we already have, rather than what I was referencing. When I say "sacrifice RP for combat", I mean truly to cut out a strong majority of RP, and even RP features to allow the combat function of the server to take precedence. This includes the elimination of things like the war timer, factions, anything that would hamper or subtract from the combat experience (maybe not this extreme, but these are really the only RP features remaining that I could think of). With combat at the helm, the player experience naturally suffers at the hand of the limitations of the engine. This is happening in the current model as well but not quite as severely because players still have the faction element to look towards when attempting to derive satisfaction from anything other than combat. So, when you have to sacrifice all these elements to have a "fun and relaxed" shooter, you lose the only things that make the server worth playing against everything else out there. Coming back to this, there a variety of things that need to be considered. Firstly, I'd like to state that the things I did and attempted to accomplish as a GM Director were initiatives designed to spoon-feed the community bits of quality RP and get the player base at the time accustomed to being in character. It was very strange to even try and do, as the typical player had very little experience in this sort of situation, and the hard structure of the server was not and never has been built to accommodate intuitive RP. RP, as I'm sure you all have noticed in recent times, isn't very entertaining when it's reliant on the player and their imagination. Most of the current and past populations have had very little experience in anything related to RP, so when the RP aspect of the server isn't built for it, it feels wrong and forced. What the roleplay focused path means is to just add content and unique features to the server. A lot of content. Content that makes roleplaying feel natural and essential to the gameplay, and not a chore. It may seem hard for a lot of you to believe but it can be done, and it's done often. The servers that do roleplay well do well in general. Based on experience and my own personal feelings, GMs are non-essential to a good RP server, as functions and features of the server itself allow for RP to simply happen without relying on the player or an appointed individual. Making somebody do regularly scheduled events is a really quick way to burn them out. I've only seen one really successful server have GMs, and the server wasn't even close to dependent on their job. Having dealt with the potential player population that prefers high quality servers with good RP and custom content, I can assure you that, well, they not only find it appealing, but tend to put up a lot of money for it.1 point
Hello everyone. I’ll spare the introduction because you all know who I am. Just to quickly address the opposing argument of my opinion being uninformed, it takes me about twenty minutes to get briefed on the state of everything, and not much has changed in the past months. That being said, I’ve been spending a lot of time in my absence taking a tour of other places in our little neck of the woods we call Garry’s Mod and certainly been doing my homework. It’s my understanding that Gildarts wants to get a, while imperfect, grasp of the player demographics here in our own backyard. While this is something that should’ve been done a long time ago, it’s not something worth doing any longer. When it comes to the playerbase (not quality, simply quantity), you have to be able to look at it from three perspectives. The goal of server development should always be to appeal to the playerbase, but that term is always looked at through the lens of the current player population. The current players are always going to be the most vocal and responsive to attention from the server themselves, but two other populations exist and have always existed; Potential players, and past players. Past players include everyone who has participated in the server, and subsequently exhausted their interest, while potential players include all the people who have yet to join the server or commit time. The method Gildarts used to acquire player demographics is not really ideal because it only draws data from the current population. However, the data does give us some really important statistical information. The trend in the data shows a prominent bell curve peaking at the ages of 16-18. This makes sense because many players typically drop off around this age due to life circumstances, mirroring the drop off in the data. This decay factor is the most important concept in maintaining the overall population. In my experience, Gildarts is of the belief that the current population is all we’ve got, because gMod is a dying game. Fact of the matter is, gMod is still one of the most populated games on Steam, and in the last few months I’ve had brief conversations with Garnet about certain to-remain-nameless communities springing up virtually overnight and consistently hitting max player counts despite all the crashes and bugs that come with a new server. I’ve seen several cases of this simply in the past few months, where previously non-existent communities reach an absurd level of interest simply by doing something different. By tapping into the massive population of potential players by appealing to those interests rather than that of a finite, aging community. The reality is that the current population of MRP is just that; finite and aging. Going back to Gildarts’ poll, the proof is right in front of you. If new players aren’t being brought in to counter and overcome the natural rate of decay of the server, the population is going to diminish in quantity, which means less of a sample size to scour for officers and competent players. The new players are out there, they just have reason not to be here, and that reason stems from the longevity of the server. There was once a time when MRP was the hot new thing, but the concept that attracted the past population has seldom changed since. Statistically, the total number of people that are going to join and continue to play the server based on the long-term model (Timer-based, 3-OBJ, 2 Faction Wars) is limited, because only so many people that fit the criteria of having gMod, being interested by that concept, and having time to commit exist, and eventually less and less of those people will fall between the ideal age margin of 16-18 and the population for that model of server will cease to be seen. Thus, here we are at a crossroads where the server is constantly questioning the viability of its own existence, and the players within are questioning the cost of continuing their time investment into said server. The crossroads the server has arrived at gives three options, to continue straight ahead, turn left, or turn right. The straight head path forwards the path the server has almost always lied upon, the awkward limbo state between a meandering FPS with mild RP and progression characteristics, failing at neither, but succeeding at neither. A path which has proven to not be sustainable over the years. The left hand path details the elimination of roleplay elements, and refocusing the game entirely as a shooter and attempting to optimize the game for combat. While we have never truly taken this route, it can be said with near certainty that it will not succeed. gMod is a game built upon an ancient engine, not built with mass player to player engagement in mind, and an attempt to compete directly with other high-performance shooters will offer nothing to the potential player population that cannot be found in much higher quality elsewhere. It would be physically impossible, and quite foolish, to try and go up against the CS:GO’s and Battlefield’s of the world on a platform like this when the other titles are already out there, and much more efficient. To understand the right hand path, you must understand the overall appeal of the platform that is gMod, and that is the unique opportunities for gameplay that it presents. This is the appeal that brought many, if not all of us to MRP in the first place. The fact that it isn’t just a shooter, but something else entirely. Where progression isn’t judged by a level system with coded experience values, but by human operators and interactions. There is a depth to it that cannot be found in your typical Call of Duty, but only in an open-ended platform like gMod that can be improved and expanded upon. I won’t delve into the specifics of what the right hand path entails, but the point here is to identify the factors that contribute to why it’s not only the correct option, but the only option to succeed in the current climate. Moral of the story, find something to do, and make sure that this server is the best one at it, in and outside of gMod. Here’s a tl;dr diagram for the illiterate and/or lazy.1 point
+1, good hours. Havnt really seen him to toxic ingame. (aka no toxic encounters). mature for his age. Has good referrals, would like for his referrals to verify, i see that lotus and noxii allready responded, @ajbedhead. did u allow him to use u as a referral?. Overall a good staff app Something that concerns me, seems like a few people that dont responds to staff apps at all -1`d it1 point
@Theta2 I just put the ban through for someone. Go take a look at the ban, it should have their name on it I think. Edit: Maple was the one who put your ban in. @maplesyrup139 HOWEVER. I WARNED YOU. You were already reported by them once, and I decided not to ban you and give you a second chance, as the reporter wanted to give you a second chance. This appeal should be denied provided Maple has the evidence, as I'm very disappointed you continued to push their buttons after I specifically told you not to on a roof. You were already given a chance. Also you basically admit to it in your appeal, and a appeal isn't a place to apologize. Just wait out the two day ban.1 point
Likes: A game that doesn’t dick down my average to below average computer. A game that has allowed me to build relationships that extend beyond the game itself. A game mode and community that has provided me with some of my favorite gaming memories where by the end of the night my cheeks are hurting from laughing so hard. I like that the owner is much more involved than he used to be. Actively looking for criticism and how he can improve. Dislikes: 95% of the pop sitting and waiting for something to happen when most of them have the power to go out and make something happen. Too much following and not enough leading. Not enough ownership taken for mistakes and responsibilities. Roleplay needs to change and the community needs to stop generalizing it. The current events have not gelled with what the community wants and that’s recently been stressed. However the community needs to not completely ostracize the idea of RP because of a handful of “boring af” events. I don’t like that 6-7 guns are relevant and the other some-odd 25 remain unused amongst the better players. I understand meta’s will always exist, and people crying “you use a broken gun” is dumb. Yes the gun is strong, and yes it makes 100% sense in why someone would use it. However too long, and I’m definitely at partial fault for not getting to it sooner, have guns been all over the place in terms of their weapon class. There should be a time and place for every gun and that’s not the case atm. You use the sniper of your choice, and then pick one of AEK/A4/A5/Shotgun/Val. Everything else is practically irrelevant. I strongly dislike when old heads come out of the woodwork just to start shit with 0 ounce of constructiveness in their intentions. If you’re gone, stay gone. If you come into channels or onto the server and say shit like “Gmod oMeGaLuL” or “Lmao who plays MRP”, get the fuck out of here. Not a soul cares who you are or what you did previously. People still enjoy the game and want to work towards improving the server. For people to stop bye just to shit on the efforts and start shit, it speaks volumes onto the type of person they are.1 point
Controversy incoming. I like gunplay. Currently working on adjusting weapons and playing around with CW02 configs. The fact that the average player would rather see stupid shit like chess and the much meme'd "Brick", is more in-line with what I want MRP to be, a fun "controlled chaos" server where players have a good time. I dislike the current state of RP. The current RP on the server is somewhat forced, and isn't really player driven. In my opinion, that's the only way RP is going to be successful. I've played D&D for a very long time, and DM's that railroad their campaigns don't usually have campaigns for very long. Give players the tools to do RP, and you might see success. In addition, there's no overarching storyline that gives real weight to the RP events themselves. In short, what's we're doing right now isn't working, and either the GM team needs more tools, or we need to re-evaluate how we're doing RP in general. We had 80+ players easily before the GM system was introduced, and RP isn't going to improve officer quality. tl;dr focus on the players and them having fun I say this as someone who plays on the server every day, and I feel I have a good idea on what your average gmod player wants, feel free to disagree.1 point
Not sure if my input is worthwhile, but I started the server because I genuinely enjoyed the gamemode, and I genuinely feel as though my own server ruined what I enjoy about the server. Officer quality throughout the years has been dwindling, people have become too reliant on the "WAR TIMER". I would genuinely enjoy the use of COMMS in RP to create hostile scenarios by which players will fight over an objective, as opposed to idle through a timer. If you have a tryout going on but a "WAR TIMER" is coming up, that is no longer an issue, as you can now mitigate hostility and resume until both parties are ready. I want to see more players engaging in RP scenarios, and to stop prioritizing sole numbers within their factions. Or better yet, stop showing a bias towards friends within factions.1 point
If people are placing hits and then switching to assassin to take their own hits, that's fail rp and should be reported. That is not allowed. (Just a side note)1 point
+1 the ability to place a hit on the mayor, switch to assassin, and kill the mayor just to switch to mayor immediately is abused. A vote should be placed in to prevent this type of abuse.1 point
1 point
Dear Garnet Gaming members, as of today (10/02/2020) I will be shutting down the following servers: TTT Main #1 TTT Minecraft Rotation #1 The reasoning for this change is because of the fact that while we hold the spot for the #1 most populated TTT server (24/7 B5), meanwhile our other servers have failed to pick up traction since the departure of @Enigma. In a given month I expend an upwards of $450 on our TTT servers with that figure typically $300, however. It has not been enforced that staff populate these other servers, resulting in me throwing donation money away straight to the dumps. To visualize, our main server looks like this: While the rest of our servers look like this: & Thousands of dollars later I have decided it would be best to re-purpose our premium machine towards other servers that may prove to be more beneficial or cared for. This change my be reverted depending on if the Management team for TTT picks up its duties, however, for the time being I have only contacted Jalapeno who said he would address the issue. I'd given given 3 days for this to occur (thought this would be ample time for staff to literally just change what server they log onto) but I was wrong.1 point
military rp admins keep disconnecting me nice lol give me more reasons to post @Homast0 points
then why after restarting my game pc login in and out of my steam account and some how as soon as i get into the game i get disconnected not timed out the game simple reconnects it self which a regulars disconnect does not interesting how it behaves exactly the same as when i was forcefully disconnected so please stop thinking oyur better then everyone love, glowsticks @Homast0 points
https://steamcommunity.com/id/2746579382878946/ in game name glowsticks reason banned nitrp banned by: not present i was forcefully disconnected by the admins atleast 5 times for nothing the only thing i was doing was building as a hobo then when i tried to connect for the 7th or 8th time they banned me for nitrp for 5000+ minutes0 points
nope because they would have had to been open the entire time plus when i was in the window i could not walk through them so they are not @Lotus0 points
my steam profile says its what i pasted so idk @E33OR also it says lotus has a vac ban on record0 points
the staff on the ark rp servers are abusing there power i was forcefully disconnected by staff 5+ times and then banned falsely for nitrp0 points
0 points
Another one bites the dust :<. I hope you have fun on other games tho im sure we will see you around0 points
Damnn the boi homeless... RIP. This sucks but I hope you still stick around0 points
will be back home tomorrow night! I will be in-game then, can't wait to come back.0 points
+1 Knoxx is not new to the server and should know better not to kill when not wanted. The fact Ritesh also have video evidence of this should have solidified knoxx's case and he should have received a warn AND jail. While i'm not sure if Cheerios was playing favoritism or not in that case, Cheerios should have done more for the sit than initially trying to verbally warn for those 2 rdms.0 points
-1 points
actually its only prop block if theres no way in will creating the the maze i was gonna do i was constantly checking to see if there was still a way to get in so secondly the first time i was jailed for prop climbing so it was not prop block in any way please provide proof that it was actual prop block and that you couldnt get in because all the screen shots show there still being way i also was a hobo meaning i could build where i did at the end of the day this ban was false also no warning where provided id like to see the warnings to not prop block aswell @Lotus @Lotusthe screen shots you provided prove that i did not prop block id like a formal apology and have my ban removed thanks love, Glowsticks-1 points
@Lotus no you can check the logs i was jailed for prop climbing into his window then was falsely disconnected for prop blocking theres a way in so its not prop blocking or can i start reporting everyone for building a box with an entrance ? love, Glowsticks @Lotus id like to have my apology by the end of the day and to be unbaned by tonight-1 points
@Lotusi was never asked and have yet to see proof of being asked @Lotus so explain to me how not blocking something off is prop block? tbh it sounds like you need to read the rules if you think what i did was prop block because clearly there was a way to get in you can read the rules by going on the forum or by typing !motd in game love, glowstick-1 points
no because it wasn't prop block tell me how i broke a rule by not breaking it please give me proof of me actually blocking off the entrance so it couldn't be accessed i think you should read the rules @Lotus show @Garnet the pictures of me supposedly making a box around the base that couldn't be accessed and have him deicide @Lotus-1 points
as you can see here he is usign invisble props which is aginst the rules id like him warned @E33OR @Lotus @Garnet @BeMinxX-1 points
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