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Time and time again I see myself and others die while we are on claimed areas, I have also killed players while they were on claimed areas. Yes you can look through the console to see if an area is claimed but when I killed a person on a claimed area it was because I got on the server after it was adverted. For the most part everyone is reasonable when it comes to being “RDMed” on claims as we all know “shit happens”. A simple solution that can be implemented to easily identify if an area is claimed is by allowing players to put down flags on their area that’s is claimed, maybe even different flags for each faction. One way we can do this is by using the F4 menu next to the ammo we can put down our own flags. Additionally we can try and set it up to where only one flag can be put down per person, and possibly per faction, you must reach a certain rank, and a certain amount of time in game to use it as a way to try and counter people spamming it. Additionally there could be a “quick delete all flags” button for staff in case there are too many and there is lag. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2683239385&searchtext=Custome+flags This is just one idea that can be implemented but if this is too much then maybe we can just use a pole prop with a 1x2 plate (or a bigger one depending on what the players want) on top that is colored in the factions “tab job color”. These would be auto generated and spawn in like an ammo create from the f4 menu. please be kind I did this on my phone.3 points
This is my standard Staff application comment where I say there's no issues with you as a Staff member, but would always prefer you on the GM team rather than the Staff team3 points
Yeah add the Commander Whitelists as well so we all have access when it drops if this makes it thru. This is something I’ve wanted a while as well. After reviewing the addon itself though the problem of the flags images not being on everyone’s downloads can cause error texts, so we should make it a flag file that already exists in the server like the images for the maps.2 points
Suggestion: Add an additional model to Taliban that is currently unused, add a molotov and serbu shorty to Taliban Army : Arsonist [T2], and buff the Serbu Shorty mag size to 4-6 and total ammo reserve to ~30 shells. Description: models/csgobalkan4pm.mdl [~] Sharpshooter & Machine gunner use the same model. Officer & Insurgent use the same model. Change Taliban Army : Officer and Machine Gunner model to the one above. [+] Add weapon_csgo_molotov and cw_shorty to Taliban Army : Arsonist [T2] as it currently has the same loadout as Taliban Army : Insurgent. These additions make it an ultimate CQB zoning class with the ability to deal heavy damage close range. [+] Buff the serbu shorty mag size anywhere from 4 shells to 6 shells and allow it to carry around 30 shells in reserve ammo. Currently this donator weapon and potential Arsonist addition is heavily overshadowed by the Neostead and TOZ due to its lack of range. Potentially up its firerate to give it another buff.1 point
Accepted Please note that accepted suggestions will not necessarily be implemented into the server, but rather forked over to the development team for a second opinion, at which point they are free to choose between implementation or not. Which means if this is abused by any means, Garnet can remove this at any point IF this gets added.1 point
Map Update The return of CSCDesert For all the nostalgia freaks amongst you, we have switched back to the inferior map, cscdesert_garnet_v2. Featuring a really cool underground base system, almost no terrain, and poorly thought through objectives! With the added bonus of all the "veterans" coming back for about 3-4 days. I hope you all enjoy this map as much as I don't Gameplay Mechanics Destructible Doors Destructible Doors: Doors may now be shot down in order to reach into locked objectives such as COMMS, or during an Afghan base raid. Miscellaneous Recruit Quiz Quiz Desks > NPCs: Quiz desks have been turned into NPCs, and additionally, they had been split into two different categories, one for United States' recruit use, and the other for Islamic Emirate recruits. AFG Recruiter will be located right besides Market US Recruiter will be immediately next to the door of the recruit room Spawn System Imported code from SWRP, allowing for the modular allocation of spawn positions. I will no longer want to kill myself following a map change!!! Class Changes Elite classes Venal & Mercenary were capped at a limit of 3 players Bugs Goat: Spawn Protection bug which would allow Goats to have godmode has been resolved. Greedy Jew Owner But not really, I've decided this is a good time to add the donator vehicles players have been requesting, so lets figure out fair pricing1 point
Make like officer can spawn this Flag or something? because that would limit that spamming of the flags1 point
Denied You may apply in 2 weeks from now Your application is better then last time just needs to work on your community support before I accept this. @Smity_@THEHUNTINGUYLock and move to denied. ty1 point
1 point
+1 - Quite literally more mature than some 18+ year olds we have (sad but extremely true). The event ideas are solid, practical for the server/community, they could do with some refining/expansion in some areas, but that's what T. GM is for!1 point
[MRP] Reserves System Effective Immediately: All past reserves will be wiped in 30 days. Players are still welcome to come off reserves within those 30 days. If you come off reserves you are subject to evaluations by the faction leader to make sure you meet today’s standards. This means you may not be an O-1 immediately and could be placed anywhere between E-1 & O-1. Moving Forward: Reserves will be granted for the following reasons: Player has a legitimate life event or factor that is preventing them from playing the game. The player wishes to take an extended break from the server. Rules: You may not join or progress in another faction while on reserves. It is a global rank lock. When you return from reserves, you will have the same rank as when you left. You may only request Reserves once per tenure in a faction. IE: If you request reserves once in Green Beret, you may not do it again unless you completely leave GB and return at a later date. Reserves last 90 days, at which point they will be removed. You may extend your Reserve time with valid reasoning. Burnout is not a valid reason. Things like deployment or PC issues are. Reserves are granted solely by the Faction Leader, who must notify executives so they can properly document the time and reason. Consistently playing (Circa 5hr/week) while on reserves will result in your status being changed from Reserve to Active. Faction Leaders May request reserves HOWEVER upon returning, they will be demoted 2 ranks. O-11 > O-9 and O-6 > O-4 respectively. When going on reserves they must immediately appoint a successor. The successor must approve the request in this case.1 point
AcceptedYour ban will end today, as you have served a great amount of time banned.1 point
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1 point
-1 You resigned from admin pretty recently and the main reason was due to the other staff members and overall burnout. Absolutely 0 confirmation it wont happen again and the staff team hasn't changed.-1 points
n-game name:4oRmSteamID (https://steamid.io/):STEAM_0:0:13057897Staff members in-game name:AtlasStaff members SteamID (https://garnetgaming.net/darkrp/bans) (/id (name):(STEAM_0:1:612979920)Date & Time of incident:04/01/23 13:43:15Timezone:estBan Reason:AMRDMHow long were you banned for?:two weeksProof of Ban:Bans (garnetgaming.net)What happened? (include any proof):Why should your ban be removed?: While I was holding out nerve gas I was going to switch weapons, but I clicked before I pressed the key I clicked, and it threw the nerve gas.-1 points
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