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Everything posted by PappaEric

  1. +1 - Active, been previous staff member, not stupid. Hope to see you on the staff team. P.S. Add me to referrals if you want
  2. +1 - Very active (cough 10k hours, get a life my dude), previous staff member. Don't see why this would get denied, hope to see you on the staff team! P.S. Add me to referrals if you want
  3. Usually I don't do this, but Canadian did not do it this time, so I will. Positives: - Previous staff on other servers, specifically, being a former staff member on GG DarkRP - Has a staff referral Neutrals: - Decent paragraphs - Required number of hours Negatives: - You are not well known in the MilitaryRP community, would highly suggest putting yourself out more and being more active in TeamSpeak - You have been reacting negatively to people who put a -1 to your application for a valid reason -1 mainly because of your reaction to people -1ing on your staff application.
  4. Which one? I'm guessing renamed, but alright, either way thats fine.
  5. Currently, AAF and AFSOC are 2nd life, would MARSOC and Blackguard be the same or main life? Another question, since you're suggesting for MARSOC to replace AFSOC, would the dono factions be removed as well with this suggestion? Leaving my vote abstained for now.
  6. +1 - Has been super active in Tali and on the server in general, has some staff experience, and haven't had any bad experiences with him. I think he would make a great staff member. Good luck and hope to see you on the staff team! P.S. Add me to referrals
  7. +1 - You're an active community member and you have been previous staff and gamemaster. I haven't heard of anything bad about you recently, and you have been previous staff and GM, I don't see why you won't be able to get into staff again. Hope to see you on the staff team!
  8. -1 - While you do have the required amount of hours on the server, I would highly suggest getting your hours up more, at least over a 100, if not a lot more. You also need to get yourself more known in the community, I have only seen you during war and on the tab menu, I really haven't talked to you in game or in TS. You also need to have two paragraphs minimum. I would take some more time to get to know the community, both US and Afghan and when reapplying, to make your application more "beefier", this will help with you getting into the staff team. Good Luck!
  9. +1 - While I did give you a plus one, it was on the line for a few reasons. My reasons for a plus one is that you have a great application, I can't say that for very many people, but your application showed you put the time and effort into making it. Another reason is that from your application and being a officer in Army plus with your age, which sometimes doesn't mean anything for maturity, shows that you are mature and competent to be a staff member. Now my reason for -1 is that the Afghanistan side of the server, including myself, doesn't know you, or at least very well. I haven't talked to you that much if at all. Whether you get accepted or denied, I would strongly suggest getting yourself well known within the community, be active on the forums, get into different channels on TeamSpeak, go to Taliban and hang out their, or whatever else you can think of to increase your community awareness. Good luck and hope to talk with you sometime.
  10. +1 - You were previous GM and I have seen you active on the server. I would like to see more original ideas, I know its hard, which is why I'm not GM, but I'm sure you'll be able to come up with something interesting, but even then the events are still good. Good luck!
  11. -1 - I have seen you on the server, but have never spoken to you. You need to get more acquitted with Afghan and put more effort into your application. I will change my answer if I see you on Afghan, at the very least, Afghan TS channels and if you add more content into your paragraph, obviously not nonsense. Good luck!
  12. +1 - I don't need to say much, awesome dude, great staff app, nice activity. Hope to see you on the staff team my brotha! Add me as an referral
  13. +1 - Despite none of us using that part of forums, just makes sense to fix it
  14. +1 - Been really active, previous staff, and a chill person. Good luck!
  15. Neutral - While I've heard some things about you, I'm not going to give a -1 because you have been putting time and effort into the server, so that counts for something. I'll change my response once I see who you are as a person currently since I just came back from an LOA. Good luck!
  16. +1 - Has been past staff and has put a lot of time and dedication to the server. While you may have just came back, its seems like you have already acclimated to what the community currently is. Good luck!
  17. +1 - Would like to see more engagement with Afghan, but other than that, you're not toxic and you seem to be a competent and hardworking individual from what I've seen and from the other peoples responses. Good luck!
  18. +1 - Was previous staff member, not much to say, hope to see you back in the staff team!
  19. +1 - Currently, both Taliban and Army don't have many officers in them. A lot of potential officers or officers in base factions leave to go to soc factions to have more fun or just to have better weapons or whatever; dual factioning would help solve this problem by allowing them the possibility to be in both, as long as they were active in both. I used to be in both Army as an officer and in GB as an enlisted, and I would still commit time to both factions; I'm sure many other people would do the same as I still hear about people complaining about it.
  20. This is what I saw to give the warn: https://streamable.com/r6c5kl
  21. +1 - Former staff and amazing person. Hope to see you back in the staff team.
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