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DarkRP Rules Updated (4/28/2024) ×


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Everything posted by Horse

  1. +1, honestly the only reason for the removal of reserves is a ton of people were abusing it like they used to it is no where near as abused as it used to be and people on reserves help factions with low player count. The pro’s out way the con’s
  2. Are people who had reserves removed and reached the rank of faction leader going to have their reserves reinstated
  3. Felix me and you both know people can’t come back for two weeks than make a staff app mf get some more expierence with the current community and I gotchu -1
  4. Horse

    Kill Cams

    This was already suggested I believed but denied due to FPS declines but if it can be optimized i dont see why not +1
  5. Wow you took in every detail I absolutely love how you implemented the holes in basement and furthermore how the broken wall closest to garage door is broken down so it gives the hole a wide pov cool shit
  6. +1, Petite and Professional. Manly and Mature. Well developed app pretty cool guy.
  7. Horse

    NPC Buff

    +1 had no clue this was removed I think it should be 50-100 for killing an npc depending on its weapons and stats and maybe in the 500’s-1000’s for killing tanks or helicopter NPC’s if those even still exist on server
  8. Horse


  9. would be cool to see money recieved on kills based off the type of class. Money would increase by x factor depending on if the class in US Army infantry (base pay being 200) or ISI Commander being largely more than army would incentivize killing higher skilled players helpin those newer players out.
  10. Yes, I understand Rangers 'ghosts' acts similar to the suicide bomber class in that thats its the SOC special class but Rangers also has a fuckin proxy mine which in my personal opinion is better than the suicide bomber. No one uses the current SVT-40 its a semi auto doggy ass weapon and honestly the militant class is very under-used aswell this is because the Toz is also pretty doggy. We are getting a suicide bomber class nerf and getting a better weapon that is going to be more likely to be used. If the Tier system is set up in the way that it is meaning that Rangers and TSFU are the same Tier why wouldnt they both be more long-range focused I mean that seems like a higher caliber of skill than CQC TL:DR Rangers & TSFU are same tier so it would be fair to say they retain the same 'niches'. Combatant and Militant are both classes that are extremely under-used suicide bomber is getting a nerf to bring TSFU on the same level as rangers and this seems completely fair. (Idk what the subfaction stuff is about but splitting the faction in two and creating two different forms of leadership for almost every soc faction [if thats what you're saying] is something that I dont think pop can handle currently but the class changes are def something that should be considered) +111111111111
  11. Increased byyyy!!?!?! great update overall def gonna help player retention smokes give way to CQC which is a lot easier on newer players and I love the xp bonus’s maybe in the future we can offer rewards for reaching certain levels besides the titles
  12. Sniper damage changes and balances are needed the L115 is currently one of the best snipers and afg sniper pales in comparison. These basic changes are going to help the learning curve and really keep players interested in playing on the server.
  13. Battle pass is the name for the system of doing the challenges and receiving the rewards there’s just additional rewards being offered to those who buy the pass that’s all by +1’ing the system ur +1’ing battle pass fortnite
  14. https://www.gmodstore.com/market/view/xenin-battle-pass Description: The link above is xenin battlepass its avaialble in the gmod store for 13$ and has huge benefits for the server. It offers rewards for daily challenges (Or just logging in!) this can be in the form of practically any entity, addon, or amount of XP. It has two sections for rewards one section is the battle pass which offers additional benefits and rewards but must be purchased for access to the rewards and the normal section which will give lesser rewards but is already normally applied. Now, the cool part about this addon is you can create challenges for players to do or set it to all they have to do is log-in to recieve the rewards. With the removal of the quest system and the need for more passive RP these challenges offer an incentive to log in and interact with other players. You can do challenges ranging from logging in or walking a certain distance to killing people with a certain weapon. This is a less tidious and more fast paced way for people to participate in 'Challenges' or 'Quests'. This addon offers alot of freedom and I believe would be a great addition. Reasoning: [how would this benefit our server?: Things like this reward system incentivze players to interact with the server rather than turtling into their base and afk'ing until the next war they can grind out these challenges for money or xp. Not only that but if the challenges are set to where the player only has to log in to recieve the reward you may start to see more people reminding themselves to log in just to recieve these rewards. Additional Information: [Photos/Videos][/CODE] Rewards can range from money, xp, one life weapons, explosives, any entity and possibly vehicles with configuration
  15. In all honesty, refusing to give the class at least a sub-par weapon like some shitass SMG is contributing to the self-heal meta. The only people using these support classes are either brand new players fresh out of training wanting to play a class that can support its teammates or vet's with over 1K hours a five separate donator weapons. I would even go as far as to give them some very bad smg and smokes to truly allow these classes to play their roles instead of giving into the learning curve of the server.
  16. I think this has been the closest we’ve ever been to 2018/19 clutch clutch but it’s gonna get old quick can’t wait for other map wooooo quads yaaaaas
  17. Great idea but this is more geared towards faction leaders and war leads who should set up squads during db. This can be done pretty easily (might want to bring it up in the next sfg or Us meetings) a good idea for you is to create a guide to creating squad systems in war and post it in the guide section of MRP. You could list the different possible squads and how they interact with SOC, play on objectives, and work as an overall team. So, we originally had insertions a very long time ago on cs desert that you could buy but the thing is people would abuse these and put them in spots like comms or any heavily enclosed areas the issue with this is that its massively op in that it instantly teleports you onto an enemy you may have already heavily damaged giving you practically 200 hp (plus two Med kits if on your class) so I don’t know if this would be the best idea to go around a radio system. This is actually something I think has been wanted for a while but the main issues surrounding it is the fps impact and the abuse if however it is made into an engineering certification and properly restricted to a certain extent this would be an amazing addition and a great way for people to communicate with others. TL;DR - 1st Suggestion : bring up with faction leaders at meetings and push hard for it or become an officer and push for it 2nd suggestion : -1 had something similar previously didn’t work toooo well 3rd suggestion +1 great idea should be discussed with executives on how to implement into cert.
  18. T.MOD will be a great way to prove if shax can be active again! 4K+ Hours Admin+ referrals all around decent app was a good TSFU member while he was in the faction +1 Best of luck!
  19. I think the main issue and than some which has already been stated is just the activity and maybe some bad blood that just needs to be cleaned up if that’s all fixed I think you have a great chance of becoming staff if you can just improve you’re activity and relationships with some others for maybe a month or so thsn your set. Best of luck -1
  20. Honestly, I see the agree reactions and I’m probably going to get a lot of -rep reactions for this one. But, seriously there is literally 0 dedication in the appeal you were banned for vet mass (meaning you had full intention of breaking the rules and just didn’t give af) and I’m almost 90% sure there was more to the story than that given that only a member of the executive could’ve really issued a ban like that. Unlike others who have recently appealed they atleast made some sort of presence on a different GG platform such as ts, discord, or other servers or put more effort into their appeal rather than 3 short half assed sentences. If people like the guy then oh well but I think accepting these kind of applications without a second thought or atleast some deliberating or a sit down with the person appealing possibly sets a standard that can be dangerous when it comes to other people appealing in these situations. -1
  21. A good way to possibly combat this is maybe turning uk base into an objective instead of Toxic crater that entire obj was just centered around sniping UK base would offer a lot more alternative combat scenarios
  23. Before this is added I would like to know what classes get the car bomb and the defuse kit or will it be offered based on certificates
  24. Horse

    A Dillan take

    +1, However, people who donated for the orsis should be compensated by receiving some sort of ar or smg in its place
  25. Orsis is 30$ On the store I feel it’s a bit unfair to those who purchased to allow anyone with 100$ in game to have it. But, I think adding the respective base faction snipers is a more fair approach. Ik there’s the whole ‘you donated you should be open to changes’ argument but I mean this seems a lil unrealistic you gotta pay 30$ on the store to get the weapon but spend like an hour on the server and you can just buy it with 100? You can also get the payroll through !credits and that’d allow players to buy these donation store snipers ten times. -1 Change snipers suggested to base factions snipers
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