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Hiring Part-Time Management & Content Creators

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I have quite a decent amount of hammer experience if you're ever in need of someone to do edits on maps in the future and can't afford the time to do it yourself. Not sure if you're comfortable handing out vmfs though which is understandable. Just putting the offer out there if interested 😛


Some maps I made I guess for my portfolio lul (all surf related obviously but yeah)




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Community Management - I have only one ban, it's on DarkRP (more on that below), and I have 0 warns on all servers. I've been a part of the community for 2+ years now, I'm a Lead Admin on DarkRP, and I've just been accepted as a staff member on MilitaryRP. I've been staff on DarkRP since January and I was an L. Mod for DarkRP in 2019. I have a good reputation with pretty much everyone (except for the people that I've banned lol). I've always been a helping hand, willing to be of support whenever needed. I'd be more than happy to take on the role of a Community Manager. I've never felt more welcome in any community other than this one, and I'd be glad so that I can help out as much as I can.


(My ban on DarkRP was for owning an FG42 as a Hobo Lord + LTAP. I was basically trying to figure out the dumbest thing I could be banned for, so I got my friend to screenshot me with an FG42 as a Hobo Lord and report me for it, then in the sit, I left to make it a ban. I know it was definitely such a smart idea at the time /s. Also btw I was NOT a staff member at the time lmao.)

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CONTENT CREATION I can edit videos and stuff. I did this a bit back: 

I'm also decent in photoshop (with the thumbnail being bad on purpose) and can make art ingame to use as promotional material. Need a perspective piece? Already made a garnet logo, it's in creative corner. Can do more if need be. Need a statue of somekind? I can make it happen.

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Ill do community manager 'Part time' ON A ONLY NEEDED/required to fill vacancy Basis for free. Cause unlike anyone else who will apply. Ive always been able to do anything when you ask and I have my remote desktop to do so.

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 Community manager-

My name is Jackson but most of y’all know me as Hama, I’m 19 years old and While I have not been in the community consecutively for over a year I have been in the community over the past month and acquired staff and a promotion first month with and application they received only +1s. When I started playing DarkRP I was super into printer farming and now that I have gotten staff almost all my time on the server is dedicated to staffing as it’s something that I truly enjoy.I think there is a large benefit to adding someone with good community reputation who is newer to the community. The main reason being neutrality in drama, I can’t stand drama that occurs within the staff team and the broader community and getting fresh and more importantly neutral eyes on situations is always a good idea especially  when the person is qualified for the job on a resume basis to fulfill the requirements of the position.

I believe I am that person for three reasons.

   First is actual experience in team based online work environments, I content coach part time for a prestigious online debate team of the top high schoolers from around the country. This job is fully online using a-synchronized tools to manage work as well as communication. Roughly 10-15 hours of work weekly doing; 1 on 1 tutoring, team practices, providing research for students, looking over student files, managing the team slack server, and attending in person tournaments to coach students. Not only does this job entail work that is online but there is lots of HR based work that occurs on the daily from managing disputes between students and running virtual practices and tutoring sessions for students. This is a contracting position that compensates based hourly and work done. 

   Second is I am an incoming sophomore at the University of Utah studying computer science. Over my first year I maintained a 4.0 gpa as well as competitively skiing and coaching debate. This year I am not going to be skiing competitively so I have a ton of time that has opened up that I am able to spend on my role as Community Manager. further more I am minoring in entrepreneurship and think that I will be able to provide at least a new perspective on the marketing side of the server and feel as if there are great strategies that could help boost player base as well as income without harming player happiness. My major of computer science requires a lot of resume building work such as internships and portfolio work and this is an opportunity that I cannot pass up and feel it’s worth shooting my shot. I am specializing in software development and over the next few years would love to help with the server on a coding based aspect as well to put on my professional resume for future companies as I constantly develop my skills in Java specifically.

   Third is professionalism, The issue with positions like this is too many people just see it as an opportunity to have fun, and as briefly mentioned above I don’t see it for fun as much as I see it as a great endeavor that could help me in my professional life and provide me a great kickstart in a competitive industry. A combination of college education, debating, and coaching debate have made me very articulate and precise in my writing and speaking. Being able To present yourself well in an online space is crucial to a managerial position.

   Overall I really do believe I fit this position very well and the level of experience and dedication that I provide is very unique. And I would love to join Garnet Gaming in a professional way to benefit the community by providing an unbiased and professional outlook on all situations; who treats the position as a valuable opportunity and a paid job not just a fun new thing to try out.

I can provide documentation in a more formal resume privately as well as discuss in voice chat more extensively of course.  

Extra info I couldn’t figure out where to put

- No Warns or bans on any GG server.

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Romac622 - Content Creators

In-game name: Romac622
Age: 19
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:79388957
Timezone: PST
    Why should we choose you over other applicants? 

Hello, so reasons onto why I should be chosen over other applicants. I started playing Garry's Mod on a MacBook Air and after a few months of playing it on 2015, I was inspired by servers and how many players they have on the daily. Then on January 1st, 2016, I ran into Garry and asked him a couple questions about the game and servers. The first server I was ever staff on was TPS Gaming - where @KingMash and I met. The server was I believe around the 4-6th most populated server on the game. I started from the lowest rank to Co-Owner, until it was shut down around late 2016 due to reasons that I don't want to go into detail about - you can ask me if you ever catch me. After that, I've taken a year break from Garry's Mod. Once I got back, I was staff on StarByStar (SBS) Hogwarts RP for a couple months reaching till Senior Moderator. I retired from SBS, so I can focus myself on school. After a couple months go by, I get back onto Garry's Mod then start of bringing a server into my own hands. I've created and developed over 10 Servers ranging from DarkRP, Star Wars RP (Clone Wars RP, Imperial RP, and Mandalorian RP being the most populated one), American Revolution War RP, etc.

I'm not going by order:

Oblivion Gaming Networks (OGN) | Founder + Developer

     MandalorianRP (Literally just look it up on youtube or something - it's there and was very populated)



Bee Box Servers (BBS) | Founder + Developer



ReconGaming (RGC) | Developer


Alliance Networks | Developer


Zephyrus Networks | Developer


Project Steele | Developer



Game Shark Networks (GSN) | Developer


GameCube Servers | Developer

     American Revolution War RP (also very populated and on multiple YouTube Videos)

Eternal Networks | Developer


FPS Knights | Developer


GmodStore | Content Creator

Cube Gaming Host | Content Creator

Vector Gaming (VG) | Developer


Xenon Servers | Website Moderator

I know I've missed a couple, but I feel like I've put enough.


In general, I have a lot of experience with Garry's Mod Servers and creating new Addons, Models, etc. I have over 3 years of coding experience and I feel like I'm well fit for the job. Also I want to point out, I'm not really in it for the money, I'm in it for the experience. I got a life, I make it rain on strippers.

    How much time do you have to contribute to the role?:

I can do stuff on the daily, unless I'm on a trip or at the club, but I'll be on every week though.

    If you have any, what hobbies or activities are you involved in outside of Garry's Mod? 

I serve part of the U.S. Navy Combat Team as an E3 MA. I like traveling, last night I just got back from the strip club in Vegas. I like making out with women. I like gambling on Texas Hold Em'. I also can kiss two women at the same time - got sum proof if you need it.


Ayo @time les have an addon or player model competition.

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