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DarkRP Rules Updated (4/28/2024) ×

US Army General WL


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Description: As US is getting more officers in 11A. There is a total of 5 people that can be on the WL at one time. At some instances it gets filled and doesn't allow officers that want to do things to be on that WL. AS the Taliban has 10 slots for it and that more than likely will never be ever filled up as Army has more people to eventually to become an Officer. 

    Reasoning: This could easily benefit the server by allowing multiple tryouts happening for the US for the WLing at the end of them. Especially the server pop is higher around 5pm most days then even higher on the weekends. As there will be a ton of people in the tryout at one time and with most passing them. Just Trying to make it easier on 11A and equal to the Taliban

    Additional Information:spacer.pngspacer.png


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