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DarkRP Rules Updated (4/28/2024) ×

Change Forced 2 OBJ Requirement


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Description: [description of what you are suggesting, one paragraph minimum]

I am suggesting the change of a forced 2 OBJ war from 60 minimum people to 70-80 minimum people (I just want it increased). This meaning that instead of 60 people being in the server at once and a 2 OBJ war is forced instead it will be expanded to 70-80 people for a forced 2 OBJ war to occur.

    Reasoning: [how would this benefit our server?]

1) A 2 OBJ war for 60 people is a lot. Especially when there is more people to 1 side aka the US. There was a war happening on the date of 4/22 where a 2 OBJ war was forced because of 60 people being online. Sadly, of those 60 people, 80% were active US soldiers and the other 20% were a mix of active and afk Taliban soldiers. I’m not saying that the Taliban is perfect and it’s not our fault for people AFKing all the time. But when there is only 7 active people in the Taliban side, and we have to split our squad to aim for two OBJs, it is extremely unfair and disheartening for our side. I’m simply requesting a forced 2 OBJ to require 70-80 people. This resulting in either having a better chance at gaining more players before a forced 2 OBJ war takes place.

2) There has been a major map change in the Garnet MRP server.  This map change added a map that is around 3x bigger than the original map. This meaning that when a side has far less soldiers than the other, not only do soldiers take more time getting back to OBJ, but they also grow more impatient as they die and the war continues. This resulting in more people going AFK during war and making the war an even bigger landslide.

3) 70-80 people sound a lot for a server. But with the recent surge in popularity for the Garnet MRP, not even 80 people seems impossible. I’m not saying that 2 OBJ ward should only occur when 80 people are on, but it shouldn’t be forced and leave one side trapped in a corner.

Edited by Jaecob
Fixed Date from 4/23 to 4/22
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5 hours ago, Jaecob said:

. But when there is only 7 active people in the Taliban side, and we have to split our squad to aim for two OBJs, it is extremely unfair and disheartening for our side.

Hello @Jaecob

I understand that it might sound like a Problem. At the same time with this situation, the warlead should decide to keep everyone together and try to get one out of the two objectives. And more than likely someone can ask for people/staff too switch and they would more than likely be glad to switch to help the other side. 

If you have any other questions feel free to respond!

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1 hour ago, SirSmity said:

I understand that it might sound like a Problem. At the same time with this situation, the warlead should decide to keep everyone together and try to get one out of the two objectives. 

This would be fine if the objective of war was to tie, but it's to win. Staff switching is a Band-Aid fix to larger issues either way.


6 hours ago, Jaecob said:


2) There has been a major map change in the Garnet MRP server.  This map change added a map that is around 3x bigger than the original map. This meaning that when a side has far less soldiers than the other, not only do soldiers take more time getting back to OBJ, but they also grow more impatient as they die and the war continues. This resulting in more people going AFK during war and making the war an even bigger landslide.

Not sure if it's 3X, but I would agree with the fact that the map is larger and therefore having 60 players on one OBJ isn't as big of an issue as it was on Omega. There are multiple flank routes that need to be covered, so people will spread out more.


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