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Printer cooler sound alert

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I can see this both ways, yes it would be helpful for those who *need* to step away to do something, but also, it would add an element of automation that might do more harm than good. Ideally, we want people to be actively engaging in the game and with other players, from a server standpoint, adding something like this would make it much easier to make money while only interacting when you hear that sound or the sound of keypad crackers, therefore, making it much easier to afk the game and afk to a decent amount of cash.

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  • Forums Moderator


As TDizz mentioned, you can simply set a timer for half an hour when you install your coolers. I think I mentioned in another suggestion that Google's timer is fantastic, just have it in the background and it will beep when it's up, plus you can have tabs for different timers (one for the 2 hour claimed printers that you raided, another for your coolers, another for the printers you bought for 5 hours, etc). I also feel that the server is coming away from AFK farming and trying to encourage more active gameplay.

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  • 10 months later...
  • DarkRP Administration Team



Unfortunately, after deliberation with the DarkRP Administration Team, we have decided to deny your suggestion.

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