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My application

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In-game name: pparra1020
Discord username: 
Steam-ID: STEAM_0:1:727776244
Active Warns: what do you mean by warns?  rdm = 1-2 
Timezone:(UTC 8:00) pacific time (Us & Canada)
Current Playtime:152:15:21.
Do you have access to Discord and a microphone?: Yes
Are you a member of the Garnet Gaming Dark RP Discord?:YES

Do you have the ability to record Garry's Mod videos?:Yes
Referral(s): [What administrator recommended you to apply?] N/A
Why should we choose you over other applicants?: [minimum 2 paragraphs]

I Should be chosen Because I'm Loyal to the server I am helpful ive been making tons of reports on people for rdm,prop blocking and more.I have been also a member of GarnetGaming for quiet some time now And I Play the server Day to Day. I also Help people a lot I know when to play around and not to play around I love GarnetGaming with a passion! I am some what known on the server I help new players often.I know that i have 2 warns But I was new at the time and I didn't understand what rdm was But now I fixed it and I know what rdm and RDA mean. Also I haven't got a recent ban/warn/jail .


I understanding I'm a fast learner I also forgot to mention that I had 2 years of admin experience on a different game.I Play garrys mod full time now im really good at helping and Talking to people I know it might be my first time for garrys mod but I know that I could do it. I also have been waiting a bit on the server just to make sure ill be staying. Most people wont put as many hours as im willing to put into the server. I also am.Most People Have less hours than me when they apply that is also another reason. I don't procrastinate or wait to the last second to finish my work/duty's. I understand When i did something wrong I always own up to my mistakes/issues. And that's some reasons why you should choose me over others!

Have you ever been banned or punished on any server? If so, Include details:Yes ive been jailed 2-3 times for rdm one time and the rest were mistakes which i just owned up to and took jail time it was for rdm I believe.
Have you made any previous applications, If so when?:I have not!
How much time do you have to contribute to the role?:since im on summer Break I can put more than 8-12 hours a day
If you have any, what hobbies or activities are you involved in outside of Garry's Mod?:nun I am a no life for Garnet
Did you read the staff rules?: pparra1020






Edited by Lunacy0800
Paragraphs Were lacking and they needed touching up and i read over the staff rules again
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  • DarkRP Management Team

Alright so. If both Errol and Oyasumi are giving you a referral that's honestly all I need in my book. They carry a lot of weight in the community when it comes to things like this. But I am still going to go ahead and give my criticism here. I think you are a decent player in game. I haven't noticed anything come up on you in-game really so I think you are ok there. To your app though. First off you have prior experience as staff which is excellent so it should take you too long to learn the ropes for how our server does things so you are good there, second playtime is good, third as I have already stated but I will again you have really good referrals, third you have a decent amount of hours on the server, and finally but unfortunately you only have 1 paragraph for the 2 paragraph section and you didn't read the staff rules either. For now I am going to be NEUTRAL until you fix the last two things. When you fix those you will get my vote.

Edit: Seeing as you went through and took the effort to fix your app beef up your paragraphs. And you now show that you read the staff rules I am going to change my vote to

Edited by Orion8559
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  • DarkRP Administration Team


Firstly, you did not put in your actual steam ID, you have not read the staff rules (even though you've supposedly read them twice), your paragraphs are lacking and only consists of 4 unstructured sentences that seem poorly written. The warns are questionable, you still have active warns regardless. There's room for a lot of improvement here. Good Luck!!


You beefed up your paragraphs to fit the minimum requirement which is good!! You also put in the right steam ID and have read the staff rules. You fixed your mistakes and improved on the feedback you were given.

Edited by Schyzo
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  • DarkRP Management Team

Hello and thank you for applying. I was one of the people (alongside German) who was helping you with figuring out how to write an application so I'm at least knowing of what's up. Before I add my piece, I would like to make a correction in that I was mostly helping you figure out how to apply, but I did not give you my referral.


As for your app, you do have more hours than many who apply and that's always good. You are very gung-ho on making reports and I remember seeing your name pop up a lot when I saw people being reported (of course you were the one reporting, not being reported) which is appreciated. However I will add on that your paragraphs on the "Why should we accept you" section are pretty brief and at times a bit hard to read, you apparently have current active warns and that despite your protest, you did not read the staff rules. I would recommend reading those VERY closely. Would also recommend fixing your Steam ID since it's also incorrect. You can use https://steamid.io/ to help you find it. It should look like this for example (this is mine: STEAM_0:1:41864700)


Overall I think there are some things you can fix, as the community has let you know. For now I'm not so certain in your abilities at this time, but I do wish of you the best of luck regardless.




EDIT: Given that you've gone through the process of fixing your application and that was most of my issues with it, I feel more comfortable changing my vote. While you still don't have my referral (I also can't give it after the fact) I'm happy that you did eventually fix the issues and hearing of your good conduct recently, I think I might reconsider my previous position. Being adept to change is always appreciated on this team.



Edited by Errol
  • Informative 1
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On 5/22/2024 at 6:28 PM, Lunacy0800 said:

Did you read the staff rules?:Yes ive read over the staff rules 2 times now.

You've had plenty of feedback in the last 17 hours, and it's good you beefed up your paragraphs (just a little bit) but even if you have been reading over the staff rules like everyone told you to, you're not understanding them. Also what Errol said about your referrals isn't great.



You listened to a lots of people's feedback and read over the staff rules properly, good job! I don't know much else about you, but listening to feedback is a good start.


Edited by ADVDUPE
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  • DarkRP Management Team


I don't see too much of an issue with you getting a shot at the trial position. I've seen you on the server a bit over the last few weeks and I haven't noticed you being particularly mingey. You responded well to the criticism and fixed your app, however it took you a while to understand the rules section. I think it'd be better if you applied given another week, when you have more experience, however like I said I'm not opposed to you getting a shot at the trial position.



After spectating you a decent amount tonight I'm changing this to a +1. You dealt well with the harassment situation well, and the cherry on top you were going out of your way to help a new player learn. Definitely worth a shot at Trial imo

Edited by busterbignut
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Poor/simple grammar/capitalization. As in you have 39 different glaring grammatical errors within only 360 words of text. One error every nine words. Despite some members' beliefs, this, if anything, surely does not indicate high quality in the applicant. 


Active warnings are a bit of a red flag for staff apps. Not always but sometimes. This is not the biggest deal in the world.


My main point is as Schyzo said, your paragraphs are poor in construction, and it does not indicate high capability. This, and I feel your hours should be at least a couple hundred higher.


Edited by Omnipotent
  • Cringe 1
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You’re clearly showing effort because you fixed your application, which I think matters a lot. You’re listening to the criticism and taking it and improving your application. 

I think your paragraphs are fine , like I said, I think it’s a good sign that you took criticism and you responded in a amazing way. 

the playtime requirement is set at 72 hours, your a good bit over that, no need to wait for “couple hundred higher”



Also seem to be a good guy in game , which shouldn’t be ignored. 


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  • DarkRP Management Team



Thank you for your application. After deliberation with the Human Resources Team, we have decided to tentatively accept your application and advance you on to the interview stage. Please ensure you have joined the GarnetGaming DarkRP Discord. A link to the discord can be found at the top of the page on the Navigation Bar. (Or click the inserted link)


Once in the Discord, please message anyone with the "HR Division" role, or any member of the Administration Team, with a few dates and times to coordinate your interview. Thank you again for the time and effort you put into your application. We look forward to speaking with you soon!


Responses are still open at this time, so please contribute if you wish to do so. Thank you!

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  • DarkRP Management Team



After deliberation with the DarkRP Administration Team, we have decided to accept your Staff Application. This is largely in-part to some, but not limited to, the below reasons:

We believe that your tenacity and willingness to help will be a great service to the team, and we're very appreciative of that fact. While you admit that you may have some issues in regards to your temper or understanding questions at times, I don't feel this would be enough to disqualify you at all. We can manage any outgoing issues and help out along the way, and we believe that your ready-to-go attitude will serve us well!


Welcome to the DarkRP Staff Team! We're looking forward to getting you trained and having you on board! 

Please do not use any commands/permissions until you have been trained, contact a member of HR for training!

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