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Jimmy - staff - app


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In-game name: Jimmy


Discord username: nomadmurker


Age: 20


SteamID: STEAM_0:1:447904079


Active Warns: none


Timezone: NZST


Current Playtime: 177:12:21


Do you have access to Discord and a microphone?: Yes


Are you a member of the Garnet Gaming DarkRP Discord?: Yes


Do you have the ability to record Garry's Mod videos?: Yes


Referral(s): Mrs PPenguin Wraith


Past experiences as staff: none


Why should we choose you over other applicants?: Cause I'm fair I don't take shit from people and treat everyone the same idc about religion or backgrounds I just want to have fun and help manage the server that I'm playing on. I will also try my best to be 100% accurate in my reports and be fair to all party's involved in the sits I take. to make sure the outcome is accurate and fair for everyone involved to get the right punishments.


  I also want to make the community better by helping to remove toxic people from the pool of players so we have more people who want to stay to rp and interact with the community for long periods of time and have fun with the server that we all enjoy and spend time on. Instead of people who just want to cause harm and disrupt the community of people who just want to have fun and rp in the server. As I have and give them a fun safe environment to express themselves in without feeling like they are being judged.


Have you ever been banned or punished on any server? If so, Include details: Nope not on garnet gaming.


Have you made any previous applications, If so when?: nope


How much time do you have to contribute to the role?: 1 - 4 hours a day


If you have any, what hobbies or activities are you involved in outside of Garry's Mod?: No I got no life other than playing other games


Did you read the staff rules? Jimmy

Edited by Jimmy666
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I can vouch for jimmy being very active even with the playtime he has ever since I’ve first seen him on consistently he’s helping new players and letting them base and giving tips

+1 read the rules

+1 playtime 

+1 can confrim referral 

Edited by Wraith DsC
Not finished fr
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-1 i’m updating this because new information came out about you getting mad over a rdm report of someone i know as applying for staff you shouldn’t be saying those things and who knows what would have happened if you did get staff 

Edited by heart
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  • DarkRP Administration Team

+1 playtime looks good, you read the rules which is a big plus, and your application overall looks good. hope to see you on the team if you need any help or have any questions regarding staff related things im here to help

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"I also want to make the community better by helping to remove toxic people from the pool of players so we have more people who want to stay to rp and interact with the community for long periods of time and have fun with the server that we all enjoy and spend time on."



Dude didn't even last, I just received this message because i reported him for an RDM and he PM'd me this shit lmao. 



Edited by 1998Corolla
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  • DarkRP Management Team

+ Referrals (Confirmed)
+ Age
+ No active warns/prior bans
+ Playtime
+ Paragraphs
- Community engagement (Xev9etP.jpeg)
+ Read the Staff Rules


My decision is to remain neutral. I personally haven't had any bad interactions with you, but a few comments above my post reference one. I believe that community engagement is an important part of our operation. As others state, it kinda contradicts your paragraphs about wanting to remove toxicity when you yourself engage with toxicity. For now, this seems to be a one-off incident and I hope it doesn't continue any further. I'd like to know what triggered you to act in such a way that it caused you to respond in this aggressive manner. It's important to know what your triggers are and how to handle them when someone tries to push your buttons. I will choose to remain neutral based on this interaction but everything else looks good. I'm still willing to give you a shot if others agree. Best of luck!

Edit: I missed the other referral, changed from +/- to +

Edited by JonnyFlame
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  • DarkRP Administration Team

I was on the fence regarding this application as I don't know much about you and don't think I've ever interacted with you.

I have seen a couple recent of screenshots of you being fairly toxic to another player which I'm not impressed by. As others have said, it contradicts your whole second paragraph. If you're gonna act that way now, how will you react to difficult situations as staff? There are plenty of people that will purposely try and get under your skin because you are staff and if you react in that way nothing good will come of it.

It's gonna be a [-1] from me.

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  • DarkRP Management Team

Granted we all have our times where our anger gets the better of us, I'm not going to say I'm above that. Privately DMing someone and berating them as a "fucking loser" over a simple report is really not appropriate behaviour of an incoming staff applicant. As others are saying this also might not be an isolated incident. I get your "take no shit" attitude and honestly that is good, but as a staff member you generally need to be above petty insults and stuff like this. Part of the job ultimately is dealing with trolls and problem children, so I'd advise you try to temper your attitude ASAP.


The rest of your app is decent and you do meet our requirements, so that's at least a bonus on your part. However given all the stuff I've read about here today I don't think I can give you my approval at this time. Perhaps next time you apply, I will hope that we can see some solid improvement in that department. I never want to turn anyone away for stuff that even people on the staff team have done, but right now I'm gonna have to say no.


Good luck regardless.



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I have talked to you about the situation mentioned above, and clearly you care very much about this opportunity and are eager to learn from your mistakes. I hope that you get a shot and good luck to you!

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In general your staff app is pretty good overall. I think you did make a mistake but you apologized and learned from your mistake and in my opinion everyone deserves a second chance and overall you're a great guy to be around when I'm on don't let this bring you down as I said everyone makes mistakes with their emotions we just have to live and learn! 

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  • DarkRP Administration Team



Unfortunately, after deliberation with the DarkRP Administration Team, we have decided to deny your Staff Application. This decision was made in part due to the following reasons:

First of all I'd like to thank you for your interest in joining the DarkRP staff team. 
The main reason we have come to this decision is due to recent toxic behavior directed towards a player.
As I'm sure you understand, staff are expected to be level-headed and professional when carrying out their duties.

If you can show solid improvements to your behavior moving forward, we'd have no issue with you reapplying in the near future.



Thank you for the time and effort you put into your application. You may reapply in 1 Week

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