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Mo1stAussie STAFF Application

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In-game name:Mo1stAussie
Discord username:thatguy
Active Warns:2
Timezone: AEST
Current Playtime:72 hours and 13 minutes
I have access to both Discord and an Mic.
I've joined the Garnet Gaming Discord
Do you have the ability to record Garry's Mod videos?: YES
Referral(s): [What administrator recommended you to apply?] None, But I thought it's worth a try regardless


I always bring an open mind when entering any type of conversation and always try to understand someone else's POV. I always try to solve a situation without having to resort to any use of power, unless left with no other choice. I have always tried to help others, when possible, from small things like answering a question in regard to progress in the server and such. I enjoy helping out and talking to new people on the server because I remembered when I first got Gmod, Garnet was the first server I ever played on and the reason I've continued to come back onto the server is because of its great community and how welcoming the admins were. Garnet made me feel welcomed and actually allowed me to gain confidence in speaking to total strangers and that's something I'll always be thankful for. I want to show people how fun it is meeting all these new people and how easy it is to make friends, regardless of people's differences because at the end of the day we are all human and that's something worth protecting.


Everyone has their own story, and I believe that each one needs to be listened to before any conclusions are finalized. People deserve the chance to have fun on the server, but if other people disrupt that fun for everyone else I'd like to show them how fun the server is when you follow the rules and how easy it is to connect with everyone. Games are meant to be enjoyed, and I want to protect that enjoyment for everyone on the server, I want to help provide an experience that lightens someone's day because I believe everyone should be able to have an escape. I want to be someone that people can rely on to help and improve their day, as well as provide an open-minded view on any situation. 


Have you ever been banned or punished on any server? If so, Include details: 
I have never been banned or punished.


How much time do you have to contribute to the role?: 
I'm on most days, I get on at different times depending on my mood but most of the time I get on around 8-10am my time and log out after a couple hours but usually I hop back on later at around 6pm-7pm my time until I go to bed.


If you have any, what hobbies or activities are you involved in outside of Garry's Mod?: 
Activities and or Hobbies I participate in, is boxing which I've been doing for 9 years. I'm on and off competing in Amateur Boxing competition but as of late I haven't been involved with that, just working out and such. 

Did you read the staff rules?:Mo1stAussie

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  • DarkRP Administration Team


You meet the requirements and clearly have some heart to invest. I don't have memorable experiences with you but the app is pretty solid so perhaps you deserve a chance. Good luck!

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  • DarkRP Management Team

+ Age
- Active Warns (No recent bans on record)
+ Playtime (meets requirements)
+ Read the Staff Rules
+ Paragraphs 


Your reasons are pretty good, I haven't seen you much in-game but others seem to think highly of you. The hours are a little low but I can't complain since they meet the requirements. I liked your reasons in your paragraphs and I'd like to see what you can do. Thanks for applying and good luck!

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  • DarkRP Administration Team


Very solid application, and a big benefit in having a staff member in Australia to help with activity when most staff are offline. I've seen you around and I don't think I have seen you getting reported before. You meet all the requirements and I don't recall having any behavior issues with you at all. Good Luck!!

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I usually don't respond to staff applications and give my feedback. I'll say both the plus side's and the negatives when it comes to your application so my apologies if harsh but these my options only.

Plus Side of your application . attributes, and benefits of having you onboard

+AGE: Your an adults so I would hope that bring maturity 
+Rules: Over the past week's I've seen you on you've put many reports and explained how members broke the roles making staff's job easier. 
+ Overall Interactions: I've had multiple interaction's with you  within "RP" or in sit you've shown nothing but respect, kindness and apparitions towards your fell members within the community.


Downsides Side of your application . attributes, and benefits of having you onboard
+/- Warns/bans: You have no active warn's but you do have 2 prior warnings. As they are no longer active I wont it hold it against you but at some point you did break the rules 2 times causing you get 2 warnings.
+/- Playtime: I've only seen you the past few weeks and it's only been a few hours at a time. Just make sure you have time to staff and deal with real world.

I will +1 since I've had no hostile or bad interactions and it seems like he's willing to take the steps to become a good staff member.  You took time on your application and didn't rush through things I hope to see you soon within the staff team.

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  • DarkRP Administration Team


Thank you for your application. After deliberation with the Human Resources Team, we have decided to tentatively accept your application and advance you on to the interview stage. Please ensure you have joined the GarnetGaming DarkRP Discord. A link to the discord can be found at the top of the page on the Navigation Bar.


Once in the Discord, please message anyone with the "HR Division" role, or any member of the Administration Team, with a few dates and times to coordinate your interview. Thank you again for the time and effort you put into your application. We look forward to speaking with you soon!


Responses will still be accepted at this time. Thank you for your time!

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  • DarkRP Administration Team


After deliberation with the DarkRP Administration Team, we have decided to accept your Staff Application. This is largely in-part to some, but not limited to, the below reasons:
You had a good interview today and answered all my questions well.
You seem to have a strong interest in joining the staff team and helping out especially during the servers off-hours.
Overall, I see no reason to deny your application at this point, so I will be accepting it and moving you on to the training stage.


Welcome to the DarkRP Staff Team! We're looking forward to getting you trained and having you on board! 

Please do not use any commands/permissions until you have been trained, an HR Director will be in touch to arrange your training.

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