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Teacher are slackers!


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Teachers are the biggest slackers in the work force. Name me another profession where you get 2 months off for summer, 3 weeks off for Christmas, A week off for spring break and then to top it all off get one PA day off every month!

No other profession has this much time off from work.

Teachers are the biggest dog fvcking slackers in the work force. Go cry me a river about not getting paid enough and all the work you have

- from a 60 hour a week, 2 weeks off a year hard labor employee. Teachers are SLACKERS!

Does anyone think that there's other jobs that they have it easy or just slack?

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Aren't they only payed like 55,000 a year though lol. Plus they have to deal with toxic little shits in middle school/high school going through puberty, I'd want as many breaks as possible from that shit if I were a teacher too lol.


I wouldn't say teaching is an easy job as well, they spend summer-time planning shit out for the school year, it isn't like they get a complete break in the summer.

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This is wrong on so many levels. Teachers are responsible for informing the next generation on how to behave, how to communicate, how to understand the world around them, and much more. Not to mention, teachers are paid shitty salaries and almost all of the teachers I've had complain about school policy and their treatment. Instead of choosing high paying, low risk jobs, they choose to teach YOU, and put up with all the unreasonableness you seem to spew in this thread. Not to mention the amount of work they do, for however many classes they teach, daily. Daily. English teachers sometimes go through thousands of papers a semester. Math teachers have to memorize all the complicated math they teach you. Science teachers have to be prepared to evacuate the classroom if God forbid some idiot leaves on the gas for a burner. You don't know how wrong you are. Teachers are the future. 

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I taught engineering to high-school students for a year because another school in my district was down a teacher and I wanted the experience. I only got put half in charge of one class, and just that was exhausting. Dealing with kids on what is effectively a daily basis is a workload and a fucking half man. My hearts go out to teachers and professors, they have it rough. Also, they get paid like shit, and even on their 'extensive break' they have to go show up at school anyways for 'developmental meetings' and shit. Trust me, I would know. 

I've met some shitty teachers, but I've also had some teachers that have totally changed my life. Be nice to your teachers buddy. 

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  • The Garnut

Teachers/ lives revolve around grading. When they're not at school teaching they're grading papers. Schools in my area don't provide them with nearly enoughe paid time to grade hundreds of papers and design a curriculum/lesson plans. This results in some teachers' lives revolving around school as they work 70-100 hours a week regularly playing catch up. Summers and holidays are not paid, and as such, teachers with kids take on summer school jobs/side jobs. It's hard work, and they only do it because they're passionate about teaching or love kids.

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@VoopooScoot Fuck you bruh straight up, my parents are teachers, the work dont stop when the bell rings that shit is round the clock work. SMH bruh


21 minutes ago, Garnet said:

This results in some teachers' lives revolving around school as they work 70-100 hours a week regularly playing catch up.


2 hours ago, PrisonNightmare said:

Aren't they only payed like 55,000 a year though lol. Plus they have to deal with toxic little shits in middle school/high school going through puberty, I'd want as many breaks as possible from that shit if I were a teacher too lol.


I wouldn't say teaching is an easy job as well, they spend summer-time planning shit out for the school year, it isn't like they get a complete break in the summer.

Yall already know, they lose more and more time off every single year, they literally had to start going back in JULY, and that's not even to mention summer programs

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