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Coyote Warn appeal

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I’m not posting to support or disagree with this appeal, but maybe take this as a suggestion (management) and do this instead: 

1. change the rule so that all jumping inside of combat to avoid damage (excluding to actually vault something) is against the rules 

2. don’t restrict people’s keyboards and let gmod combat be gmod combat 


Obviously soldiers in war aren’t fucking hopping around the desert and quick flicking with snipers, but that’s where management has to make a decision: 

Do we either restrict it for a more milsim/realistic feel or do we just allow it because we don’t want serious RP anyways?

This question can be EASILY answered by asking yourselves if you want seriousRP on the server, and if you do, then roll with it and actually make it happen instead of even letting a thread with this issue exist in the first place. Just a couple possibilities to avoid future messes. 

Same issue occurred with headglitching. It’s a stupid and broken game mechanic, but policing it is almost fucking impossible because of unclear, poor recorded footage like the videos presented. 

Edited by {GG} Bishopil
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30 minutes ago, Murray said:


I don't why you are so presistant about the warn there is clearly alot of people agreeing that it shouldn't have been a warn. And I'm on of them because i checked coyote's video and yours and i see that it was just his model folding. I really dont see a point in this back and forth when its obvious that he had to jump over the railing and his model folds when he jumps and lands. 

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Just now, LalaDeviluke said:

I don't why you are so presistant about the warn there is clearly alot of people agreeing that it shouldn't have been a warn. And I'm on of them because i checked coyote's video and yours and i see that it was just his model folding. I really dont see a point in this back and forth when its obvious that he had to jump over the railing and his model folds when he jumps and lands. 

Bruh me and like 4 other people (people on both sides) went to the spot were he supposedly crouch jumped over an object and there is literally nothing in his way and he could not have come from the railing, because he is behind the pillar throughout the vid.

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28 minutes ago, Murray said:

Bruh me and like 4 other people (people on both sides) went to the spot were he supposedly crouch jumped over an object and there is literally nothing in his way and he could not have come from the railing, because he is behind the pillar throughout the vid.

You and 4 other assumed friends wrongly tested the wrong scenario on the correct spot. All I hears was mumble and a general agreeance in the call, nothing scientific at all. Not only that, but you've proven to be immature in this very thread, posting your video evidence multiple times with shitty music and edits dubbed over them. No one cares you lost a gunfight buddy. You didn't need to report someone because their model folded. 

Another point - what Bishop said is right in it's own regard, but this isn't the descusion at hand. We aren't debating the right or wrong of crouch jumping; rather, we are arguing the fact that it never happened. 

Coyote's video, my almost decade of Gmod experience, and my 2+ years in this community gives me enough experience and information to determine that coyote isn't seen crouch jumping more than once. It is a model fold. Murray, instead of being toxic and quite honestly behaving like a child, go watch Coyote's video where he clearly shows a model fold. Then watch either edit of your "funny" report videos and confirm that one is a crouch jump, the other is not. Thank you.

+1 still, get the warn removed. 

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Okay, so at this point its just a witch hunt against me yall are really calling me toxic for put clips together with music over them, and this whole debate has gone to a very low level. I made this report because I truly felt like he was crouch jumping and an admin agreed. But if I knew i would get ridiculed just for trying to prove my point, I would have never posted it. I am now -24 rep because I got soo many cringe reacts on literally everything I said. But its whatever, yall won, you got what you wanted, and now all yall ganging up on me just because your buddy got warned, but whatever imma just not say anything and let this case settle. Thanks!

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2 hours ago, Murray said:

Bruh me and like 4 other people (people on both sides) went to the spot were he supposedly crouch jumped over an object and there is literally nothing in his way and he could not have come from the railing, because he is behind the pillar throughout the vid.

The evidence is so unwatchable, Its not 100% Solid so +1 for it to be removed!

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  • MilitaryRP Super-Admin

To the people whining about about the rule, and that it leaves room for subjectivity, it doesn’t lol. You cannot crouch jump unless you need to do so to reach somewhere. It’s really easy to see when a player crouch jumps, their model shoots up to an otherwise unreachable height. In this instance, it appears that the staff member got it wrong. I’m curious what the operators are waiting on at this point. What new knowledge could be presented?

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Already well agreed that this warn was not the correct decision here. But I'm disappointed in the way that this warn even happened. Neither the E-8 of an elite faction or the staff handling the report, that is an officer in an elite faction, realized that the ghillie model has always had the jumping on it fucked up? 

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The warn will be removed. The video is too far away and too low quality to determine if the first jump is crouch jump. Like usual, i am a bit disappointed with some people in this thread. I want to remind everyone that Murray was just the one who made the report, he was not the one who gave the warn. Almost 75% of the responses in this thread were not needed. I will be going through this thread and giving warnings to responses which to do not provide anything. Remember, we still have forums rules specific for appeal and reports. On another note, one thing which we talked about extensively about in our community meeting is toxicity. These are the types of threads which breed toxicity. Instead of being toxic, we should all try to be a bit more humble and understanding with our reactions to shit. The way broken handled himself and his reaction to this thread is a perfect example of what i am talking about.  Everyone's attitude needs to change if we wish to make our community more welcoming and increase player retention rate. But like i said, the warn will be removed.

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