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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/26/2019 in all areas

  1. Attachments AR Magazine Attachment Magazine size 60 > 40 Handling Sensitivity nerf 10% > 15% Reload speed decrease 15% > 25% Match Ammunation Aim Spread decrease 30% > 5% Reload Speed decrease 0% > 10% Class Changes Delta Force has been removed Rangers now carry Delta Force's playermodels (GBs don't cry about this or I'll remove you guys too) Stamina System This feature has been removed from the server, a new solution may be looked into in the near future Weapons Base Changes still under progress!
    19 points
  2. BRUH O CLOCK Not to Rip on Garnet: The stamina system was very well made and had few major bugs. It changed the combat pace of the server for the better, but unfortunately, it had drawbacks. On the macroscale level, Stamina helped the shit out of the server, making combat more refined and limited instead of people jumping all over the place. It's drawbacks, though just weren't worth it. I hope we can find a new system to combat the issue of unrealistic combat being abused.
    3 points
  3. How many players have used this excuse now once they realize their rep is long gone due to their idiocy on the forums?
    2 points
  4. who gives a fuck
    2 points
  5. You're just a kid baiting for attention.
    1 point
  6. If someone intentionally is trying to advertise another server on any GG server they should be permanently banned to ensure they never do it again. If someone casually says another server's name in a conversation then that should not be considered "Advertising", and should not be a bannable offense. As for joking, it should be treated just like how we treat DDoS "Jokes". Even just jokingly saying to join another community in the face of another is pretty disrespectful and stupid if you ask me. Personally, they should get permanently banned unless they appeal saying they meant it as a joke, and if they do then lower to a month ban.
    1 point
  7. Damn, a world with Petal making sense. Good on you Petal
    1 point
  8. Don't say it jokingly. I too love to go on servers and say: Haha lmao join Garnet. Like, that's just rude and disrespectful, considering staff work their asses off to hear: Garnet way better, join Garnet.
    1 point
  9. They probably massed to minge and won't come on again. A let's say icefuse person looking to actively hunt down communities will probably come back periodically to say "Join icefuse" It's also flat out disrespect to the server that's the victim of it. Better to get rid of them then let them come back.
    1 point
  10. Forgive me if I sound slightly toxic. I feel like you're at a point where the only thing that makes you feel better is whining over stupid shit. But, when you see the reactions you get you can do nothing but go along with it. Maybe it's a sign to stop posting unless you have something good to say and don't make a dumbass fourm post about "sTaFf AbUsE".
    1 point
  11. If they have the audacity to join a server and go: 'iCeFuSe! jOiN!' Then they don't deserve to stay, they can find another community if Icefuse fucked them over.
    1 point
  12. lmao bruh this is hurting my eyes just stop
    1 point
  13. Its the exact same thing as asking for -rep on forums except you are doing on TS you dolt
    1 point
  14. 1 point
  15. Overall a great update however Squads a broken right now
    1 point
  16. well my +1 wont matter even tho i am known but its finna be a +1 me chief
    1 point
  17. +1 - Your playtime is really good - Paragraphs are well brought together - You seem chill
    1 point
  18. Your correct steamid is STEAM_0:0:52703806 and your playtime: | L̷o̷u̷d̷C̷l̷o̷u̷d̷ has played for 826:45:57.
    1 point
  19. Pros Active. He is on a very good amount of time throughout the day. Good knowledge of the Rules. He knows the rules fairly well and helps users who don't. Recording and Microphone access. Good to take sits fast and to use Teamspeak. Good Application. Very thorough written application with good details and it is a lot longer than the last app. Nice Kid. He is very friendly and tries to help other users. Became more mature. He has been working on his maturity. Cons A little immature. He can be immature in some situations. Past history isn't great. He has been banned and also was immature. Warns. Self-explanatory. I say +1 Give him a chance!
    1 point
  20. ACCEPTED Since it was a false ban, I will go ahead and unban you. @The King of Rohan Lock and move boi.
    1 point
  21. But it makes the blind fucks able to read it aka all darkrp staff
    1 point
  22. It seems pretty likely I banned you on accident. It was a number of people doing it at the time, and I'm sure I may have thought it was part of that. Seeing as you appealed it I doubt you were blocking stuff off with props and what not. Go ahead and unban him, and whoever accept this.
    1 point
  23. 0 points
  24. Clearly greater powers are at bay
    -1 points
  25. Good update, finally don't have to worry about stamina.
    -1 points
  26. -1 points
  27. damn if only you could actually type semi-coherently when forging a quote
    -1 points
  28. If someone has the audacity to purposely go and kill a bunch of people (Mass RDM) shouldn't they be permabanned too then by that logic? I mean they should just go find another community than right? A 6-8 week suspension from the server is more then enough punishment for the person to rethink their actions, that is if they even come back.
    -2 points
  29. That's not always the case though. I know in my time as manager, and just recently looking at a ban appeal, sometimes shit just happens. I know GG is very strict on it, and I think they should be, but really, a permanent ban? I know multiple times during my time in management that people have said it jokingly and still been banned for it because of how it is.
    -2 points
  30. Ok so during war I keep getting shot from an unknown location. I thought "strange I know he's not at emb because of my blood and the hit notifier thing. Ok, maybe a glitch." Die come back again and shot again and again. Same spot and this time I'm pretty sure a something was off. I ask in TeamSpeak and the only thing that we came up with was garnet headshots me and then flying into a wall or a mod or admin. I know they are in the wall because there's nowhere else they could've shot me from. In perspective, I was on the dunes next to crates next to 2GA base and close to gas station. Downvote so I can get worse rep on the forums
    -2 points
  31. Now this may seem like an odd suggestion considering that I've been out of the community for a while now, but after some random thoughts I was thinking, why is advertising a permanent ban? Now I'm not saying that advertising other servers/communities/whatever else shouldn't be bannable, all I'm saying is maybe don't make it permanent. I think that a 6-8 week ban would be more than enough of a punishment. Feel free to prove why it should be permanent, but personally, I don't see it should be as 99% of the time it won't affect the community even slightly. Some idiot in chat saying "Go to icefuse, best server!111!" doesn't do shit all. Sorry if this is the wrong section, been a while since I've actually posted anything on here.
    -3 points
  32. Lots but you should be able to tell Im asking for a worse rep when i ASKED YOU TO DOWNVOTE MY ALL POSTS IN TEAMSPEAK yesterday Bloody hell
    -4 points
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