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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/11/2020 in all areas

  1. Had lots of fun, I may come back in 1-3 months depending if the server situation gets better or not. There is just so much toxicity in the community that everyone just forgets its a damn GMOD server. Back on 2016 when I first joined I never thought it would become what it was today. Everyone respected each other back then, there was toxicity, but it was nowhere near how bad it is today. You guys need to stop talking behind each others backs. Its ok to express your opinion on someone, but just trash talking to your circle of friends on TS is just going to make this server even more disrespectful than it already is. That is what has been happening. I am an RU main, and everytime I join US channel it feels like everyone has a grudge against me. I ask questions or make callouts, and its dead silent. Although I do not know many people on US I do not doubt that loads of negative things have been said about me and my faction behind my back. I ask myself why do I still play on a server in which the people are not respectful, they cannot sympathize, and do not have sonder. It is a GMOD server, stop dissing people behind their backs, meet someone before accepting someone else's judgements. I'm not even going to get started on how server leadership is not listening to the community. When I saw the suggestion which was overwhelmingly +1 on the topic of reserves get denied, I lose hope. @Kruger Everyone crap talked you, and my opinion of you got worse because of it, but when I met you we became good friends. @Duglas You cannot imagine how much crap people on RU say about you and I've talked to you and you're one of the most chill people I have talked to on the server. @Bleach You say what you say straight to someone's face and although we differ on other subjects, I respect you for it. You're toxic, but not cowardly I hide in my own channel and talk crap toxic. Well thats what I have to say. Its still a GMOD server guys. You do not need to judge everything about everyone. People get on to have fun. CSC Desert community was spectacular because it was not this bad. Everyone was chill(or that is what I remember), everyone had respect. I do not feel the same respect on the server. I feel there is little respect towards each other in general. I cannot @ all of GRU because there is alot of you, and I'm proud to say that, go kill some Americans guys. @Hysteria I have faith in you, I know you can make a great faction. @Pencil In my fairly limited interaction with you, I'm happy that you are the last person to join GRU in my reign. Do not hacker again! Remember guys, its a GMOD server, have fun. Don't crap talk everyone else please. @br0ken @Lark @VBSA I aint gonna forget the middle eastern gang. Y'all are legends. Well, I may be back in some time, I may not be, but it was fun to be on the server. The most fun I had was when I first joined PDSS on the server, but sadly many of the old frogmen left . Thanks for who were my friends on the server. (I will still be hoppin in TS tho)
    15 points
  2. Not sure where/if you actually mentioned you were going to SWRP, but if you are, then we’d be more than glad to have you and I’m sure you’ll be more than happy with how relaxed and fun the swrp side of things are. Regarding what you mentioned about MRP currently, I really want to put this out there for hopefully everyone to take a page from. In short, you’re right. Although I wouldn’t say MRP in 2016-17 was much better attitude wise than it is now. I wish everyone would think of the real root of their dislikes towards other players. What does it boil down to 99% of the time? Stupid shit that doesn’t actually matter. I’ve never seen people get so divided over something simple like a reserves suggestion or a ban appeal and it’s all for what? Lot of y’all MRP niggas act like this shit is high school with the friend groups and the shade and in doing so, turn MRP into exactly that. Now I’m not encouraging anyone to be aggressive directly or at all for that matter, but what the FUCK does shit talking behind someone’s back do? Either say it to the nigga face directly and respectfully, or don’t do it at all and move on. Otherwise, nobody gets any happier, nobody listens to each other, and most importantly, nobody tends to listen to what management has to say because their friends have so much influence over them. (Which is exactly what happened regarding reserves) All I can say for MRP is that the only way it’ll ever see a friendlier environment is if y’all open up and use the suggestions subforum instead of y’alls disrespectful ass approaches. I am by no means a saint and struggle to do these things myself, but hey, everybody has room to improve.
    9 points
  3. Ever just wanted to take a nap then you realize your leading a faction and you gotta play Gmod
    5 points
  4. @BigBoyFlame and I couldn't have asked for a better, more respectful and damn good Frogman to help us during the rough times on Chaharikar. No matter the challenge, no matter the odds, you accepted and did anything I ordered you to and I couldn't be any more proud to have had you in my faction at one point. Hashem, my brother, you possess one thing in this community that many people don't understand-Loyalty. I wish you luck in whatever you do next. Till next time, Hashem.
    5 points
  5. Updated Roster for Spetsnaz GRU upon the arrival of my Leadership of the Faction. =Officers= Colonel: Hysteria LtColonel: N/A Mayor: N/A Kaptain: N/A SLT: N/A LT: Willie Nelson JLT: Flame | Stromboli =Enlisted= SPRP: N/A PRP: N/A STR: N/A SSG: Shibes | Eggdog SGT: Pencil | Doggo JSGT: N/A Tryouts will be held Once every few days as we have a healthy roster in its current state. If you wish to have trainings or if you have any questions feel free to message me(Hysteria) or any of my other GRU members in game and we will help you with whatever you need. “Выше только звезды!”
    5 points
  6. No clips submitted by anyone other than myself were involved in the decision to ban you. I sat down with both Jim and D Rose and presented my evidence. Over the course of just 1 1/2 wars, I was able to clip 9 different occasions, 8 of which I deemed necessary to show the managers, where your combat exceeded “suspicious”. They came to a joint decision that the evidence showed you were using external assistance, and I put the string in. As a message to everyone, if you are not myself, Garcia, Jim, or D Rose, you should not be posting on this thread. No one besides these people can provide comments relevant to his appeal.
    4 points
  7. Don't make claims without proof or don't even reply to claims if the person who is accusing has no proof to back it up. It's just a waste of time and it's not needed for something like this. you both really have nothing relevant or important to say So I don't know why you're commenting on this. +1 Until further proof is shown but it's been 24 hours I understand maybe more time should be waited but for now that's my call.
    4 points
  8. Since Taiga V3 has been set as the map on MRP I wanted to share a quick basic Map Overview for those who are new to the map. I believe @Toyto is going to make a more detailed "Callout" map later down the line so stay tuned for that. Also sorry for poor image quality this is the best I can do.
    3 points
  9. I am going to -1. Because of this one clip, that maybe you just got lucky in, but it seems kinda sus how you hit a jumping one tap flicking onto me with an SKS or some type of rifle when you where looking the opposite direction.
    3 points
  10. Since there has been no evidence and Minx hasn't come forth with anything to justify his warn then it is a +1 for me and @Communist_Marshal we can't base a warn appeal on what you believed you saw in the past. Especially if what you thought you saw doesn't pertain to the current warn appeal. @Jalapeno Why did you wait until just now to make the warn appeal? You made it almost 6 days after it happened. It looks like the text book wait 1 week until the staff gets rid of the recording/ screenshots and act like it was a random warn routine. Since Minx still didn't post anything as of yet it will remain a +1 until he provides something.
    3 points
  11. So when that 20% XP boost going to be added to tier classes cause that’s the main reason why I bought it?
    3 points
  12. -1 For the exact reason Hysteria stated, the FIRST time I had met you were somewhat toxic (unrelated to the sit) The second time that I had met you, you had reported me and some other TTT staff members because of an alleged "invalid KOS sign" (fair enough) but even after you had been told us saying that it was allowed by 3 other staff members (whom of which I cannot remember) and THEN another staff member saying it to your face saying it was valid you still couldn't accept it (Rob the builder and GameClicher sorted this). Not trying to be toxic, just projecting what has happened to me, also this is only one situation so it MAY have been a one off. Besides that good luck!!!! Edit: changed the name of the vid as it was disliked
    3 points
  13. Phantom said they are waiving that requirement and matching the staff requirement of 120. Love the application but still does not meet requirements. Play a little bit more. 120 isn’t that much! -1
    2 points
  14. Your Suggestion has been Accepted These Fixes will be given to garnet and if there is any other fixes that would need to be made be sure to PM me.
    2 points
  15. -1 Just saw another sit with communist and it ended up with him getting warned for false report.
    2 points
  16. Super happy to hear that, alot of people took time away from life to work on themselves. We're on the final stretch it looks like, stay strong. ^ I'm fairly confident schools are re-openning soon enough, and even if not at full capacity, you will be able to find a trade you enjoy. May I suggest welding as it's fairly simple and pays out super well? as for your katana - get it done once quarantine is up, it's still there. seems to be a theme as we're going back to normalcy I saw a quote on instagram/facebook/can't recall which said "if you didn't earn a new skill or fix your internal conflicts during this quarantine, you are the only one holding yourself back" and it is so true. I'm sorry to hear that man, but yes, it is unfortunately a part of growing up and you learn to cope better. I'm happy to hear the community is helping you out. As I've mentioned directly above, we're all on the final stretch, life will return to a somewhat more normal state, and your mental health can only go up from there! Unfortunately I had to deal with the exact same situation myself, 3 times, and it's inevitably going to happen to me one day, so yes, fuck dementia. Don't be stress eating there man Seniors definitely had it the worst, when it comes to missing graduation/prom/and moving in their dorms for college. With that being said, graduation was genuinely not anything special to myself, and you will still get to move out into your dorms, so you can always look forward to that, you're being held back for a few months which sucks, but it's still going to happen.
    2 points
  17. I cringe reacted it because to me personally you have been really toxic and mingy towards me. Normally I wouldn't mind because I myself minge sometimes for fun with the people that I know but with the small time I have been with you, you were pretty toxic(Not trying to target you in any way). In a sit that I had with you and some other TTT Staff when the staff member handling your report sided with us you proceeded to argue with him. Since there is no evidence of this from my pov I am not going to use this against you. I will remove my reaction, and I don't want to have any beef with you and other than that I have no problem with you. If you were a little more professional then I would +1 but because of this -1.
    2 points
  18. Disclaimer: it is your responsibility to read and abide by our server rules, failure to do so may result in a punishment. UPDATED 11/26/2023 COMMUNITY GUIDELINES Below you will find a link to all of the Community Guidelines, these are rules that do not vary depending on environment and must be followed regardless of setting: GENERAL RULES ROLEPLAY RULES BUILDING & BASING RULES RAIDING RULES MUGGING RULES PARTY RULES GANG WAR RULES JOB RULES
    1 point
  19. Permission Changes: Allow Moderators to whitelist for CT Rifleman and CT Medic Allow Senior Moderators to whitelist for Rifleman and Medic classes for the seven base battalions: CG, 41st, 91st, 104th, 212th, 327th, and 501st Allow Senior Moderators to set jobs Allow GM to set jobs Reason: Fairly self explanatory. Gives lower staff more permissions to be able to help newer players. At the moment if there is not an Admin on the server (late night or early mornings is when this issue arises), newer players or battalions without an officer on are kind of out of luck (with recruiting or joining battalions). Along with this it would allow GMs to host more interesting events by having staff on that are able to set jobs, or just by setting it themselves. This would allow events while the (currently only 2) Admins are not on be more interesting and immersive.
    1 point
  20. Beast’s Staff Application In-game name: TheBeast67 Age: 13 SteamID (https://steamid.io/): STEAM_0:0:157798865 Warns: None Timezone: I live in the UAE [United Arab Emirates] so my timezone would be of GMT+4 Playtime?: 170:51:34 hours Do you have access to TeamSpeak and a microphone?: [YES/NO] Yes Do you have the ability to record Garry's Mod videos?:[YES/NO] Yes Referral(s): [What administrator recommended you to apply?] Theta , Spilq Past experiences as staff: [Optional] I have past experience in multiple servers ranging from Military RP and Dark RP but the most popular ones are Clay Knight Gaming where I had been a staff member for 3 months and got to the position of an Elite Administrator and Garnet Gaming for about 1 month as a Moderator . Why should we choose you over other applicants? [minimum 2 paragraphs] I think that I could become a good addition to the staff team because firstly I used to be a staff member here so I know how everything works and I know the structure of the server and how to maintain a good reputation for the community and server to keep minges at bay from breaking the server rules such as RDM and RDA .Also I think that being a staff member will also help me develop my skill set of handling more situations every day so that I could become a better person for the community In addition, I believe that I know my way around as a staff member with over 3550+ hours on garry’s mod as well as being a good community helper by helping everyone with their questions and giving tips to newer players to the Garnet Gaming Community and to Gmod as a whole by helping them with the basics as most players start with Darkrp as their first GameMode in Gmod. Lastly, my timezone will be great for administering when staff members of other parts of the world are offline. I will maintain Garnet Gaming professional staff service to help keep the community and most importantly the players happy . Have you ever been banned or punished on any server? If so, Include details: As of the past 4 years I have not been punished on any server but the only real incident that occurred was in 2016 in Darkrp when I had been part of a Gang War between the Bloods and Crips , both leaders were in agreeance of it but It required a Manager+ approval which we didn’t have because we didn’t read the rules. That being said I’ve learned to read the rules of every server that I participate my time in to make sure that I’m following the rules laid down by the server administration. Have you made any previous applications, If so when?: Yes, back in March 2020 How much time do you have to contribute to the role?: I could contribute about 2 hours every day being a staff member If you have any, what hobbies or activities are you involved in outside of Garry's Mod? Outside of Garry’s Mod I also have a social life.I have hobbies for playing sports such as Tennis and Basketball . I also enjoy drawing art for fun and to go to art galleries as it’s very fascinating to see what other people draw . Did you read the staff rules?: TheBeast67
    1 point
  21. In-game name: Jalapéno SteamID (https://steamid.io/): STEAM_0:0:185386668 Staff members in-game name: BeMinxX Staff members SteamID (/id (name): STEAM_0:1:59757605 Date & Time of incident: Thursday, June 4th, 12:35:26 Timezone: EST Warn Reason: FailRP What happened? (include any proof): I'm not sure what happened, I was building and someone dragged me to a sit warned for FailRP Why should your warn be removed?: I believe that this was a false warn, if not I would just like to know why it was given Edit: I did this appeal 6 days after it was given as only recently have I thought about it and not understood why it was given.
    1 point
  22. I agree with lynde here, although i was staff years back, around 3 different times too, when i came back i waited a couple days up to a week or two to apply because i didnt know if i would enjoy the server or not. Theres a whole different playerbase/management and from the time you were last active you might not enjoy playing on the server because of the way its changed. Just wait a bit to make sure you wont resign because your bored or something so you actually would enjoy playing and being staff, no need to rush. -1 from me. I like the application though. Ill most definitely +1 if you end up re-applying after you've caught up! I also agree with WreckEM here, It makes me feel like you're just going on darkrp servers applying for staff then leaving when you get bored. I would like to see you actually stick to garnet and staff because you actually like the server, not just because you want to server hop and apply for staff on 3 different servers. I would actually like to see you stick to garnet so i know you wont resign in a couple weeks then apply again in 2 or 3 months.
    1 point
  23. Hey beast, so its good to see that you want to come back to the staff team but you just came back and this morning was the first morning I saw you back. Plenty has changed so I believe you should wait awhile and get to know more people who are staff now and just make sure to catch up with the community. So for now I am going to have to give you a -1, but if you stay and decide to apply in the future I'd be more than happy to +1 your app.
    1 point
  24. 1 point
  25. 1 point
  26. Don’t worry about them, they are bots dedicated to responding to all MRP resignations to get people to maybe join the server. Sad to see ya go, it was fun serving in brokens gru with you back in the day. /me salutes with a tear in my eye
    1 point
  27. 1 point
  28. 1 point
  29. I have a few questions. @Beast 1. If you were accepted before on the staff app on March 15th. Then why aren't you staff now? 2. Are you staffing or playing on any other servers?
    1 point
  30. This is a pretty good app, although the event descriptions are kinda short, that doesn't change the fact you directly ignored one of the requirements. Currently Phantom is waiving the 500 hours and making 120 hours. You only have 18 hours, way below the adjusted time requirement. -1, you have potential, but you need to play more and interact with the community so we can get to know you. Do this and reapply and I think you would be great
    1 point
  31. Can you guys stop saying welcome to SWRP. I hate Star Wars. @Lark I'll still be hopping in TS, so we probably will.
    1 point
  32. you do be looking kinda sexy rn
    1 point
  33. 1 point
  34. +1 to this too. As a main battalion, they should have more characters other than just the commander.
    1 point
  35. Description: Things that need to be added for smooth sailing. - Add an ammo crate to the other side of each countries’ gate. When 15 people are flocking to the same crate, you can’t even grab ammo or sometimes even move. - Ammo crates added to each bases’ Killhouse. - All VIP, Elite, and Titan classes spawn in the US Recruit Room. - US Ghillie sometimes spawns in US DB. Unknown if this happens on other classes. - Set up a sit room as a Civ spawn with proper text screens. (The furthest NE sit room currently has a basic text screen for Civs). - RU Recruit Room needs a door. Not for the entire building but just for the room. - D Rose mentioned he already told you about the sit rooms and duel arenas. - The 1st iteration of this map had roughly 50% more jump height. Rather than going back to everyone wearing Moon Shoes, I say we allow Triple Stacks. Enough windows, boosts, and points of attack were reliant on that extra elevation that warrants a way to get higher. - PermaProp permissions need to be set up for Managers. Reasoning: All relatively quick fixes, especially if we tell Garnet exactly what needs to be done. All for the benefit of everyone and detriment of no one. Additional Information: N/A
    1 point
  36. Woah Hashim Ima miss you bigman was really fun being under your GRU. Goodluck on wherever you go next
    1 point
  37. But seriously though, I'm sad to see you go man. Hope you can come back sometime.
    1 point
  38. Fun playing witchu, gl in your future
    1 point
  39. Well Hashim it was a good run with you buddy. It was fun being under your leadership and I will hope to leave GRU in a better spot then it is now. You made a great roster for me to lead and I am very appreciative of that. You will most certainly always be welcomed in our channel.
    1 point
  40. Agreed. I supported Topshot during the first ban appeal (the one with lack of real evidence, wasn't here for the second) and was also one of the people who were memeing about it in private (with him). I have noticed a change the few times that he's been in TeamSpeak but granted I haven't been very active prior to my return, as expected. So while it would be a third chance, which is a rather risky move considering the likelihood of repitition in any situation, I also wouldn't mind seeing you unbanned and rejoining the MRP community. (so technically a neutral +1?)
    1 point
  41. Hey, Topshot's Appealing. but see this time, the dude has changed, Like actually. When I brought up something he had said, That he wasn't even sure he said, The dude was apoligizing. To come back from being known as a toxic dude, and then apoligizing for that behaviour, I think he's good and changed. +1
    1 point
  42. I’m going to +1, in the past few weeks, which since I lose track of time quite fast it’s probably more like a few months - you have been very mature on the forums. I believe if you stay like this there should be no issue at all with you in the future. Good luck!
    1 point
  43. +1 In the last few months I have known you, you have definitely improved. I wish you the best of luck top shot! I will be the first to welcome ya back!
    1 point
  44. +1 i've known you for a bit and i've seen your overall attitude change a lot. He has became less toxic and became more nice and positive. And I think this is good for him to be able to change and I'm proud of him.
    1 point
  45. The first permanent ban was based on laughable evidence and was rightly overturned. Those supporting that ban staying were hive-minded or hated Topshot, not because of the evidence. I wasn’t a fan of Topshot then but I was his biggest supporter in being unbanned the first time. 2nd ban was a legit hacking ban. 3rd accusation of cheating can be ignored like the 1st, as no action was ever taken. Just want that to be clear.
    1 point
  46. +1 youve definitely improved, and arent the same toxic person from before. Would love to see you back on the server
    1 point
  47. I have been looking over a lot of the staff applications being submitted and I can't help but cringe at some of them. Throughout my 2,000 hours on GMOD and my 2,000 hours on Rust, I have made a lot of staff applications for various servers. I have been a staff member 3 times on the Garnet Gaming DarkRP server and have made about 5 applications for this server alone. After having my many applications both accepted and denied on many different servers, I have learned what most staff teams want to see while looking over staff applications. So in an attempt to raise the standard of staff applications, I thought I would make a list of the do's and don'ts of making a staff application. 1. Honesty It is very important to be honest in your staff application. Most staff teams will instantly deny an application if they find out you have been lying in it. This goes for your playtime on the server, your referrals, your previous punishments, and your previous staffing experience. The staff have certain requirement for a reason. By asking for your playtime on the server, they are finding out how familiar you are with their community. This also gives them a taste of how well you know the rules. Do not lie about your previous punishments either. It is very easy for staff members to check and see if you have a clean record or not. Don't set your reputation as a liar, that will only hurt you. Finally, do not make up fake previous experience. Most staff teams I have experienced on Garry's Mod have been happy to let people with little to no staffing experience onto their staffing team, as long as you are willing and ready to learn. A lot of the higher ranking staff members know people from other servers. With that being said, it isn't hard for them to find out if you were actually a staff member on that server. Don't lie in your application. 2. Grammar + Effort It is extremely easy for a staff member to see how much effort you put into making your staff application within 10 seconds of clicking on it. The staff members want to see effort put into your application. This includes detailed responses and the USE OF GRAMMAR. There is nothing more cringe-worthy and irritating than an application full of misspelled words and improper grammar. Capitalize your letters when it is necessary, use the correct punctuation, and use complete sentences. Don't be afraid to spend an extra day or two reading over your application and making edits to it. If you get denied, do not just copy and paste your application the next time you apply. You should always improve and change your application somehow when you are reapplying. 3. Answering the dreaded question "Why should we choose you over other applicants" It is important to listen to the prompt and actually type two paragraphs. Almost every single staff member will pay attention to this and call you out for not doing it. Save yourself the trouble of having to go and edit it on the fly when you can just do it right the first time. This next tip is extremely important, pay attention. Do not just go and write the same thing everyone else does about how you are going to catch and punish all the trolls and hackers. This is the most boring and generic answer you can give and it does not make you stand out in any way. Of course you will be punishing trolls and hackers, that's your main task as a staff member. We want to see how your personal experiences, both in-game and IRL, will help you be a better staff member than Joe over there who just wrote about how he wants to ban trolls. What personality traits do you have that you think would make you a great addition to the staff team? How did you obtain these qualities? Are you in any clubs, outside activities, or jobs that teach you anything that could better you as a staff member? These are the types of things you should be writing to answer this question, not how you want to rid the server of trolls. 4. Use of colors I have seen applicants that thought it was a good idea to use brightly colored text in their applications. 9/10 of these have resulted in getting -1's solely for this reason alone. If you want to stay on the safe side, just use the default color. 5. Be active in the community. This goes for both in-game and on the forums. Staff members want to know who you are before seeing your name for the first time in a staff application. By being active in the community, you are bound to run into many of the staff members of that server which could ultimately result in you getting a referral to put onto your application. Don't just play on the server for 72 hours and then instantly make a staff application because you have met the time requirement. Get to know the community. This goes for the forums too. By being active on the forums before you even make a staff application, you are immersing yourself even further into the community which will only help you (unless you are constantly toxic, don't do that!). 6. Accept criticism This is a mistake I made on my first few applications. After receiving a negative rating on my application, I felt the need to defend myself and tell that person that they are wrong. Don't do that. Read over that person's comment and reflect on it. Use their advice to further improve your application. That person must have done something right because they are on the staff team, so use their advice. 7. Patience After submitting your application, just wait. Under no circumstances should you ask anyone to look at your application. This will result in your application getting instantly denied. Give the staff team time to read it on their own. 8. Keep it professional Think of the staff application as an actual job resume. Would you swear or criticize other people in a job resume? No. So don't do it in your staff application. This will only make you look immature and unfit for the staff team. Being immature is a -1 magnet. 9. Persistence Don't give up after being denied once. Read over the feedback you received and try and improve yourself for next time. By doing this, you are showing the staff team that you are willing to adapt yourself and keep trying. Determination and persistence are both great qualities to have as a staff member. Some of these tips may be very obvious to some, but trust me, there are applicants that need it. If you have any other tips that may help future applicants, feel free to add them below. Enjoy.
    1 point
  48. Welcome to SWRP! I've never met you but hope I'll be able to meet you! Find me in game if you're interested in joining 41st. Hope SWRP treats you well!
    0 points
  49. Your suggestion had been Denied Reserves are still a thing, they are approved by executives. The changes that were made to reserves are not subject to change at this time.
    0 points
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