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BillyBobs GM App

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In-game name: BillyBob
Age: 15
SteamID STEAM_0:0:212297368
Warns: 0
Timezone: GMT

Playtime?: | has played for 1657:00:26.
Do you have access to TeamSpeak and a microphone?: YES
Do you have the ability to record Garry's Mod videos?: YES
Referral(s): Rook, Splicer, Harus.
Past experiences as a Game Master: Senior GM on Garnet and LGM on a different server.

Why should we choose you over other applicants? I actually enjoy Gming. I've been a GM before and have had events that were stinkers, and I know what not to do.

Have you ever been banned or punished on any server? I Got banned from a TTT server when I was 9. That's it.

How much time do you have to contribute to the role? a good bit

In your own words, what are the responsibilities of a Gamemaster?: to entertain and keep the population.

 Describe how you would contribute to RP as a part of the Gamemaster team: do Cert RP and pilot training.

Explain your single most creative idea for contributing to the RP environment of the server: doing little battalion-specific missions and letting people do the battalion thing they joined for.

My five unique event ideas

Event 1
Vault 19
(This event will be done on low pop)

the 34th battle gets a call from the NCC holotable. the crewman tells the 34th that a planet that the republic is currently fighting for. all the troopers coming back for medical checkups are insane. and they need the 34th battle group to investigate the battlegrounds to see what's happening to them. once they arrive at the planet, they will move into the bunker, and once they enter, the doors will close behind them (TP will be set up). Now that they are in the bunker, they will have to roll to resist going insane and will see and hear things that are not there, and there will be rocks in the way of paths (in RP are not real) they will need to follow the fake voices and people to a reactor and there will be a barrier, EC should say something along the lines of, you need all trooper to come together as one to walk through the barrier it's not real (it's real they have to blow it up) then they find out this place is here to research how to drive clones insane
we capture him and CG/SOB do what they want. THE END

Event 2
Rebels at the base
a resistance group has taken a medical space station, and we have to take it back so wounded clones can get the medical attention they need. we go to the station and start clearing. Once they get to the main room, the leader, Taylor K. Busch, will be there, surrendering and turning off the self-destruct. it turns out the main group was just coming back from a scouting mission and we have to defend the main room so they don't destroy the space station. Once we are, he will be put in the brig. THE END 

Event 3 
Taylors escape
(this is a CG on-world)
Once Taylor K. Busch is captured and in the brig, he will escape through a tunnel, and the CG will have to follow the tunnel and find him. Once they start moving through the tunnel, they will have to sneak past Rebels (No-target them, and if they make noise or are seen they get un-notargeted) once they sneak/shoot past they will be met by the leader leaving on a ship and a console, once they hack into the console it will say "With this new video of clones shooting people dressed as doctors our "information leak" will cause some real unrest in the republic" Now they can look around do some more RP.THE END

Event 4
Traitors of the republic
We follow a tip we got from the Coruscant guard that the rebel leader has escaped to Coruscant and we must him and stop him from broadcasting the footage. once we get to Coruscant,    There will be protesters and Gangs, and we will receive a tip from a rival gang that one of the 3 gangs is supporting the rebels, and we need to find out which one. then the protesters will punch the Clones and tell them to go home. once the correct gang is found, they will breach the building and kill the gang and the rebels. then burn the information. THE END

Event 5
For rock and stone
The republic gets a call from a Mining corp. They want the republic to fight the CIS, who have taken their mine, and they want it back. Because it is one of the biggest mining companies in the republic, the fleet tells us to help them out. We go to the planet to fight the CIS and find out. the mine is for rare Crystals that are used by the Jedi. once all is said and done, we leave and go back to base. THE END

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I played with you on the server for a good chunk of time and you seem like a great guy, your events are pretty basic but the thoughts behind it, I like.
The single most creative idea isn't thaaaaat creative but obviously, I would see no reason why you shouldn't be given a chance to prove yourself as a GM and join the team
Personally Id be looking forward if I could ever do an event with you.

Edited by Julian
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After deliberation with the StarWarsRP Gamemaster Leadership Team, we have decided to accept your GM Application. This is largely in-part to some, but not limited to, the below reasons:

Significant community and staff support
Sound event proposals
Past experience as SWRP Gamemaster


Welcome to the StarWarsRP Gamemaster Team! We're looking forward to getting you trained and having you on board! 

Please do not use any commands/permissions until you have been trained

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