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Ridaar's 3rd Staff Application

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Posted (edited)

In-game Name: Ridaar 


Age: 14


Steam ID:  STEAM_0:1:651187922


Active Warns: 0


Timezone:  Eastern European Standard Time


Playtime:  545 hours



Do i have access to discord and a microphone? Yes


Am i a member of the Garnet Gaming Dark RP discord server? Yes


Do i have the ability to record GMOD Videos? Yes


Refferal(s)[What staff recommended me to apply] Schyzo, mrjohnweak


Past experiences as staff: None


Why you should choose me over other applicants:

I have been a loyal member to this server for quite awhile, i always keep my eye on the rule breakers and would like to take action on it. Being staff would boost up my confidence and make me even more active which would lead to more sits being resolved by me. At the time of writing this forum post, it is summer, very close to the end of the school year, i would be even more active on the server after school ends, which is beneficial as staff.  Whenever there was a propblocking or mass rdming , all the other staff were offline or afk, but i wasnt, many reports were coming in but none were resolved and  the only action taken was the rule breaker leaving the server and saying that the mods are trash at their job, wouldnt be a good face for the server, thats one of the many reasons why i should be chosen over other applicants.


The reason why i was online whenever these stuff happened (the paragraph above) was my timezone, it is much more different compared to the timezones in North America, it is a blind spot for american staff and action needs to be taken, i do not think that there are any staff from Eastern Europe, if there was one, the problems that i mentioned would have been solved. My mother tongue, which is Romanian would be helpful when taking sits and a Romanian does participate in one, as a matter of fact i have seen some new players from Romania, which  could not speak english so well, so of course i had to help. And speaking of my bans, they were purely a flaw in my knowledge, firstly i listed the orange and black site in chat with ".com" at the end as a joke thinking nothing would happen, secondly when i mass rdmed a person was only because the dude was propblocking (he also got banned 10 minutes after i got banned), i did not know that i wasnt allowed to kill propblockers and it was my idiocy. Yet it is no excuse that i got banned, its my fault but i did learn my lesson.


Have i ever been banned or punished on this server?  Yes i have been banned for Soliciting Pornography and for Mass RDM (yikes)


Have i made any past applications? Yes i have.


If i have any, what hobbies or activities am i involved in outside of GMOD?  Game development is one of my top priority hobbies, but playing sports is also one of my hobbies.


How much time do i have to contribute to the role?  2-3 hours


Did i read the staff rules? Ridaar

Edited by Ridaar
  • Agree 1
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  • DarkRP Administration Team
Posted (edited)

i think ridaar can be very helpful so from me +1

also, I confirm my referral 


Edited by mrjohnweak
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Your application itself is alright, but I'd love to see a bit of an explanation or at least just some background to your other two applications, both of which were moved onto pending interviews, after which both were denied for in-game behavioral issues





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  • DarkRP Management Team

I haven't seen you on lately (since our timezones don't exactly line up) so I can't attest to how you are right now. I will say overall that your app is rather well-written and you have a long span of time dedicated to the server, and while you have been denied in the past I don't think I've heard anything bad out of you in recent times. I'll have to see you in-game a bit more to give you a definitive vote, so for now I'll stay on the fence.


Neutral for now.

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Haven't seen you in a while, but never really a bad interaction. Chill guy, the bans are kinda suspicious but who am I to talk about bans



  • Haha 1
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  • DarkRP Administration Team


Confirming Referral. Since your last staff application, I've definitely noticed that you've kept yourself out of trouble. I do see you on a lot more so that's a plus. You meet all the other requirements so I think you're solid. Good Luck!!

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  • DarkRP Administration Team

I agree that your timezone would benefit the server greatly but I would like to know a few things first. How long ago was the soliciting/Mass RDM? Also what changes have you made personally to ensure that you will not repeat these actions going forward? I have played with you in the past and you seemed pretty chill and I think you have the potential. As Errol stated I have not been on at the same time as you lately (not a bad thing) but I have not had any bad experiences with you. Depending on your answer, I will update my response with my vote for your application. Best of luck!

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15 hours ago, Jonnyflame said:

I agree that your timezone would benefit the server greatly but I would like to know a few things first. How long ago was the soliciting/Mass RDM? Also what changes have you made personally to ensure that you will not repeat these actions going forward? I have played with you in the past and you seemed pretty chill and I think you have the potential. As Errol stated I have not been on at the same time as you lately (not a bad thing) but I have not had any bad experiences with you. Depending on your answer, I will update my response with my vote for your application. Best of luck!

The mass rdm was 1 month ago maybe later but the changes that i have made was the fact that im trying to not get into more trouble, for example when there is a minge, i wont proceed to rdm him instantly like i used to do, i would try to make him stop, and if it wont, i will just report him and continue my day. The reason why you and errol havent seen me so much was probably because of the time i hopped on, when there is morning for me its night for him, and i usually go online in the morning  maybe later sometimes. Hope this helped!

On 6/2/2024 at 8:23 PM, ADVDUPE said:

Your application itself is alright, but I'd love to see a bit of an explanation or at least just some background to your other two applications, both of which were moved onto pending interviews, after which both were denied for in-game behavioral issues





What do you mean by behavioral issues? Ingame or on the forums? The first application was denied because i did not respond on time, because i was too busy and forgot about it, the second one was denied because my rep was low. By the time i posted the 2nd application, i was actually motivated to pursue this position, since i had more free time. Hope this helped

  • Confused 1
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  • DarkRP Administration Team

As for some general advice, I would ask that you ignore players who attempt to troll someone such as yourself. Do not let these players get under your skin and sway you to make rash decisions that could negatively impact your standing. If you can keep a level head and look past these players during sits I believe you will be fine. I'm willing to give you a shot.

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  • DarkRP Administration Team

I have hardly seen you in game much if at all so I think that maybe we get on at different times? But seeing as johnweak gave you his referral I would assume he at least has seen you. Now with that said you have made two previous apps which both were put into interview stage and then both denied after the fact to which you have gave your explanation but in the denied reason it does give due to behavior issues or things we have seen in game. However I cannot attest to these again due to I don't see you any. Your app is well-written and you have a decent amount of hours in game. You say you can give 2-3 hours but didn't give whether that was per day or per week. But overall I am just going to remain NEUTRAL due to I don't see you any.

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4 hours ago, Orion8559 said:

I have hardly seen you in game much if at all so I think that maybe we get on at different times? But seeing as johnweak gave you his referral I would assume he at least has seen you. Now with that said you have made two previous apps which both were put into interview stage and then both denied after the fact to which you have gave your explanation but in the denied reason it does give due to behavior issues or things we have seen in game. However I cannot attest to these again due to I don't see you any. Your app is well-written and you have a decent amount of hours in game. You say you can give 2-3 hours but didn't give whether that was per day or per week. But overall I am just going to remain NEUTRAL due to I don't see you any.

Not to be mean but whenever im on, i often see you afk in spawn. And the reason is because yes we get on at different times.

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-1 when two russians joined to minge you bailed them out of prison and were hanging out with them while they propblocked the mayors office and were shot at people in the street. also that massrdm is crazy

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10 hours ago, vdot.co said:

-1 when two russians joined to minge you bailed them out of prison and were hanging out with them while they propblocked the mayors office and were shot at people in the street. also that massrdm is crazy

I obviously expected this post, firstly, is it actually bad that i bailed them out? I consider any eastern european as a brother to me. Yes i did hang out with them, but i waited for the staff to take action. I always hang out with people from other countries besides america (since it is quite a rare sighting), especially the ones from europe, i show them around, i give them money, a gun and everything you need to start on this server. 

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