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In-game name: sunnymuffins
Discord username: sunnymuffins3714
Age:24 (almost 25 😧 )
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:61510234
Active Warns: 0
Timezone: EST
Current Playtime:393:43:04
Do you have access to Discord and a microphone?: Yes
Are you a member of the Garnet Gaming DarkRP Discord?: Yes
Do you have the ability to record Garry's Mod videos?:Yes
Referral(s): BusterBigNut, mrjohnweak, Recon, lemegetuhmufuckinuhhh, NuT Omi, DONTTOUCHMYFROG87
Past experiences as staff: None

Why should we choose you over other applicants?:

 I've dealt with high pressure situations before as a Firefighter/EMT so the high report volume and potentially aggressive behavior of certain players won't be an issue for me. I'm a big stickler for the rules and it shows because I'm usually the first one to report people for breaking the rules, and all those sits I've been a part of will probably help me be staff as well when it comes to decision making and my overall flow when managing a sit. I don't have any past experience as staff but I'm a quick learner and I'll be receptive to criticism and coaching while adapting to the role. I enjoy being active on this server but sometimes there aren't enough staff online to take reports and I see and feel the frustration as MRDM and prop block ruin the experience of many people playing, I'd love to be able to jump in and help the team out so everybody can keep enjoying themselves. I'm more engaged with the community then I ever was before, I check for staff applications and ban appeals daily and respond to staff apps if I know the person well enough. I know the rules and I'm familiar with a good amount of the staff already.


 I've seen in other apps that people in other time zones are a good thing for staff coverage throughout the day, although I'm in EST I work overnight so I might as well be on a different continent! Working as a Firefighter/EMT helped me mature a lot since the homophobia ban, seeing people from all walks of life in different stages of their lives going through horrible situations will definitely stop someone from being immature about someone's personal life choices. I've been helping more people recently instead of reporting them so that they'd get in trouble about it, sometimes even writing in the report something like, "he is new, don't want him in trouble but it's better for an admin to correct him." or just walking up to them and telling them what they did is against the rules and to do X instead. I'm a trustworthy person so nobody will worry about me admin abusing or lowering the reputation of the server. I've gotten pretty fast at uploading clips with only the pertinent part to expedite the process for admins so I'm sure that will come in handy with how many times Admins tell me to keep the clips uploaded for the duration of that ban, (I assume there's a discord or something for ban evidence that gets referred to in case the person makes an appeal). I'm an active member on the server since I've played over 100 hours since my last application a month ago and I don't ever AFK. Sorry if my app is a little stale to read I'm just trying to give as many reasons as possible with little to no "fluff" and I've never been good at writing, thank you for your time!


Have you ever been banned or punished on any server? If so, Include details: Yes, I was banned for 24 hours for failRP and ltap, I logged off while a guy raided me and didn't think it was an issue as long as I remained logged off. 
 Two weeks for homophobia, I said the "F" bomb, definitely not a word that should ever be used and not a word that is a part of my vocabulary and hasn't been for over  year. The last time was for a year but it was for ban evasion. I tried using a different steam account to talk to an admin about my previous homophobia ban, didn't realize it was against the rules so it was extended to a year, but they rescinded the year ban and brought it back down to 2 weeks. At this time I just didn't really think of the forum and I wanted to get unbanned ASAP, it was stupid but the sunnymuffins back then was obviously a little stupid lol.

Have you made any previous applications, If so when?: Yes in 2016, too far back to even find it on the forums ha-ha. I applied again May 7, 2024 and was DENIED due to my previous bans as well as toxic behavior.
How much time do you have to contribute to the role?: About 8-10 hours a week
If you have any, what hobbies or activities are you involved in outside of Garry's Mod?: Kickboxing training is my main solo hobby, my wife and I spend the majority of our free time together watching TV, taking the dog on a walk, cooking/eating together, video games, taking our dog to state parks or outside concerts. She's my life. I've been working on my 2005 Sequoia recently as well but here in Florida with no shade I don't spend too much time on it.
Did you read the staff rules?:sunnymuffins

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  • DarkRP Administration Team

You got a good app and great referrals.

I see you online quite a bit and I personally haven't seen any toxic behavior from you recently.

You don't have any prior experience but everyone has to start somewhere and we have an excellent HR team that will help you get trained up.

I seen no reason not to give a  +1  


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I gave sunnymuffins a +1 just because I see him constantly active on the server, he is always putting in reports to try and take care of trolls. Never had any problems with sunnymuffins and always see him interacting with new players, I think he would be a great add-on to the staff team. Makes players aware of the rules to ensure they're following the guidelines, I see him doing great things for the server to make sure it's not a toxic environment! Goodluck

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  • DarkRP Administration Team

Really happy that you decided to apply sunny

i've seen this dude on a whole lot. He follows the rules very strictly and is a very honest and nice guy. He's a pretty respected member of the community.
I see him as a good fit for the staff team, i mean hey he meets all the requirements and he knows the rules of the server.


And the best of luck to you sunny 😄

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  • DarkRP Administration Team


Great referrals and application, nothing more than a great application with noticeable improvements in the past few months. Good Luck!!

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  • DarkRP Administration Team

HUGE +1 
Happy to see you get this application in. I confirm my referral and I want to provide a HUGE +1. One of the best applications I’ve seen and I’m going to provide a shopping list here for my reasoning; relevant experience that I think is applicable to the role, great attitude, great reputation, effectively covered your bans & how you’ve grown from them, extremely knowledgeable in the rules and always professional in every sit I’ve had with you. I wish you the best of luck with this application brotha!

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  • DarkRP Management Team

I've seen great strides from you the past while since your last app, so I don't really have too much to say. Your app is good, your referrals are good, and you've been on pretty good behaviour for a while now. I'm happy to give you a shot personally, good luck!



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  • DarkRP Administration Team

I will say this. I am proud of you for cleaning up your behavior since your last application. You have really kept yourself on your best behavior from what I have seen. You have very big referrals which I think is great. Your paragraphs are excellent and well written I think. Honestly the only thing holding you back on your last app was your behavior but since that's better I see no reason why you shouldn't be accepted. I am willing to say you deserve it. Good luck moving forward!!


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