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MunchieZ's Staff Application!

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In-game name: MunchieZ

Discord username: seanmunchie

Age: 17

SteamID (https://steamid.io/): STEAM_0:1:159762197

Active Warns: None

Timezone: EST

Current Playtime: 282:00:22

Do you have access to Discord and a microphone?: YES
Are you a member of the Garnet Gaming DarkRP Discord?: YES

Do you have the ability to record Garry's Mod videos?: YES

Referral(s): Schyzo DsC, StS Errol, StS Orion
Past experiences as staff: No previous experience
Why should we choose you over other applicants?:

     I believe I should be chosen over other applicants because I feel as if I carry a lot of traits that would work perfectly with the DarkRP Team. I (personally) believe myself to be a respectful, understanding, dedicated, mature, and passionate individual. I hate picking one side of a battle and especially shine in a neutral, intervening spot, which in my eyes is perfect for a staff member.  When I began playing GG, probably at the beginning of last month(or the month before that), I originally just wanted to feel the nostalgia from when I played Garry's mod as a younger lad. Though, over the past month(ish), I've found myself loving the server and its community; I found myself after a a couple weeks getting on whenever I had a chance. I love talking to the people around, helping newer and original players alike with basing or any questions they had, or just running around, having fun, and being as friendly as possible to everyone I interact with. The times I've had on GG so far have been the most enjoyable I've consistently had in a bit. Overall I found myself In love with the community Garnet has built. I may not be the most well known individual but I'd like to get to that point; be a friendly face for everyone to know!

     That all being said, sometimes when I'm on, I've seen the chaos that can build. With people getting on just to troll or misunderstanding's, I understand these can stack up. While it does all get dealt with at some point, I'd love to help the server out anyway possible to keep Garnet an enjoyable and friendly RP experience. I already consistently try to help in the ways I can as a non-staff member, But as one would guess, I can't do as much as I would like. As stated previously, I thrive in a neutral spot, whether friend or foe, Rules are Rules. along with that I believe myself to be quite good at explaining and listening, so in a sit situation I could explain why someone's been reported and what they did. Now, I may not have any previous experience, but I catch on quick and If I don't know something I make sure to ask for help, I also consistently read the D3A and the server rules, having them up almost 24/7 on my second monitor. furthermore, while simple, I make sure to record clips and gather screenshots before any report, this would transition over to making sure I gather everything required taking any action necessary.

     I'd like to finish by saying I would love to join the DarkRP team, while I may not be the best, I feel I could try my hardest to help. I love to see the community thrive and would love even more to be put in a place where I can help that and be that friendly face for others to see and lean on when they need it. Garnet is truly one of the better servers I've been on in my 1000 hours of gmod. I'd like to truly commit to this server more then I already have and try my hardest to support. Thanks to all who have supported me to make this, and to whomever reading this, I hope you have a great day(or night)!

Have you ever been banned or punished on any server? If so, Include details: I have not and hope to keep it this way!

Have you made any previous applications, If so when?: This is my first staff application.

How much time do you have to contribute to the role?: On a bad day 1-2 hours, but most of the time Id say 4-5+ hours a day!

If you have any, what hobbies or activities are you involved in outside of Garry's Mod?: I enjoy playing sports, writing (even though I'm not the best at it),  playing other games and going for walks! :3

Did you read the staff rules?: MunchieZ

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  • DarkRP Administration Team



Confirming referral, for the past few weeks I’ve seen nothing but great things from Munchiez. Not only that his paragraphs are great, amazing referrals, and a great member of our community. I see nothing but great things coming from you as staff. Good Luck!!! :3

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  • DarkRP Administration Team

You meet all the requirements and your application is solid. I especially like that you took the time to write 3 good paragraphs as not many applicants will bother to go over the minimum of 2.


You also got 3 strong referrals which is great to see. If they trust you enough to refer you, then I got no problem giving you my +1

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  • DarkRP Administration Team


+ good paragraphs
+ great playtime
+ trusted referrals
+ read the staff rules 😁


really great application and honestly cant find anything that would hurt your chances


good luck! 😁

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  • DarkRP Management Team

Confirming referral!


Interacted with you a lot lately and you're for sure an upstanding dude. Very friendly and nice to talk to, and you are also quick to mention any issues that you may have had in a way that feels genuine. Your app is pretty well-done, you have a solid chunk of playtime and you have done your due diligence in reading all our rules. I think you'll do well, I wish you good luck!


(btw based choice of pfp, needs a season 2 immediately)

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  • DarkRP Administration Team

+1 I've seen you very active in game and I have also interacted with you quite a bit, I am very pleased with your paragraphs and performance on the server you have my vote

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+ Good Interactions with you

Really KOOL Refferals 

Awesome Playtime

I have had such great experiences with you in the past few weeks and hope to see you on the staff team, so for now ill give you a commically large +1

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  • DarkRP Administration Team

I am just confirming my referral here.

Really solid dude that we have here. I have interacted with you in-game a lot lately and you seem to be chill and overall easy going. Your app is very well written, your playtime is excellent, and your available hours are decent. I think you would make a great fit here on the staff team. And I am going to say this I don't give out my referrals lightly so I wish you the best of luck but looks like you don't need it here.

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