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- Puhnage - Staff application


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In-game name: Puhnage
Discord username: Puhnage
Age: 27
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:105198115

Active Warns: None
Timezone: Central Daylight time (GMT-5)
Current Playtime: 550 hours
Do you have access to Discord and a microphone?: yes
Are you a member of the Garnet Gaming DarkRP Discord?:  yes
Do you have the ability to record Garry's Mod videos?: yes
Referral(s): BusterBigBucks, Jonnyflame
Past experiences as staff: Once as a mod/admin on a TTT server (shut down)
Why should we choose you over other applicants?:


You should consider choosing me for a few reasons, I joined the server in 2015 and have watched the server grow and change throughout the years. Understanding the garnet environment and what players can expect to find in game is core to being able to correctly identify any and all issues that both the server and players can present. As a Vip member, I have played through all classes available to me up to level 50 and can offer insight and direction to newer players. With that said I have helped many of the players who have recently become staff and even assisted higher ranked members in finding exploits such as hiding textscreen names.


Another reason would be how neutral I am as a player. I treat everyone with a great amount of respect and don't make it a point to give any player special privilege. I hold myself accountable for actions I take inside and outside of the server as I myself am not above simple rules and understandings. When dealing with new players who are less versed in the rules, I do my best to give help and feedback before making reports. It is the players responsibility to read the rules of the server, however, as a staff member you have a small job to the server and community as a guide for new and returning players. It's not strictly about banning or punishments but more keeping the environment fair and fun for all.


As a side note; I have played this server on and off over the years and haven't ever banned for any reason. The harshest punishment I warranted was a 12 min jail for 2xRdm as we all know as a player sometimes you can get out of hand but taking accountability and owning up to mistakes is key to maintaining a great server balance.

Have you ever been banned or punished on any server? Never
Have you made any previous applications, If so when?: Yes, about a year ago.
How much time do you have to contribute to the role?:  A few hours per session roughly 20-40ish hours a week Give or take a bit. 
If you have any, what hobbies or activities are you involved in outside of Garry's Mod?: I have a regular job in the evenings.
Did you read the staff rules?: Puhnage

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  • DarkRP Management Team

+ Confirming Referral
+ No active warns or bans
+ Playtime
+ Age
+ Paragraphs
+ Read the Rules
+ Community Engagement (I've seen you on quite a lot and I've always had a positive experience when RPing with you.)

You're a great member of the community and I know you would do well on the team. You seem to always set an example for new players to follow and I can stand behind that. Best of luck!


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  • DarkRP Management Team

I've known you for a while and I'll for sure weigh in on you. You're a pretty solid dude with a good chunk of time on the server, always filing reports when needed and I hear nothing but good out of you. Honestly I don't have much else to say, plus you have a solid app and good referrals, what else more could I add?


Good luck!


  • Informative 1
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  • DarkRP Management Team

So while I have not interacted with you much like others have when I am on I see no issues coming from you. You don't get reported any that I know of. You interact with other players and I have actually come across you helping players when you weren't even staff. You have a really solid app and really solid referrals. I have no issue with giving you my +1 I wish you the best of luck here.

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Honestly this guy right here I consider a pretty good friend. He helped me A LOT when I was first new to the server. He's always been super nice and helpful, and I definitely think he deserves a chance being staff.

+1 In-game interactions
+1 Read the rules
+1 no warns or bans
+1 Paragraphs
+1 Playtime
+1 Referrals

I got nothing negative to say.

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  • DarkRP Administration Team


You have a great application, meet the requirements, and have read the staff rules which is already a massive plus. You're super chill in game and it's always a fun interaction with you. Can't wait to have you on the team!

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On 11/1/2024 at 11:38 AM, JonnyFlame said:

+ Confirming Referral
+ No active warns or bans
+ Playtime
+ Age
+ Paragraphs
+ Read the Rules
+ Community Engagement (I've seen you on quite a lot and I've always had a positive experience when RPing with you.)

You're a great member of the community and I know you would do well on the team. You seem to always set an example for new players to follow and I can stand behind that. Best of luck!


 I gotta agree with Jonny on this one big +1 hea definitely activea lot, gots good referrals awesome addition for the community player base wise and staff 

Edited by Wraith DsC
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  • DarkRP Administration Team

+1 paragraphs are solid, playtime is good, read the rules which is always a good sign. really friendly in game and ive seen you help out players even though you are not offically on the team love to see that. hope to see you on the team. if you have anything regarding staff stuff you need help on im always here to help.

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  • DarkRP Administration Team



Thank you for your application. After deliberation with the Human Resources Team, we have decided to tentatively accept your application and advance you on to the interview stage. Please ensure you have joined the GarnetGaming DarkRP Discord. A link to the discord can be found at the top of the page on the Navigation Bar.


Once in the Discord, please message anyone with the "HR Division" role, or any member of the Administration Team, with a few dates and times to coordinate your interview. Thank you again for the time and effort you put into your application. We look forward to speaking with you soon!


Responses will still be accepted at this time. Thank you for your time!

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