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br0ken - Staff Application

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I remember seeing this guy around when I joined in like 2018-2019. I wont argue dude knows his stuff. Everybody is sometimes just a silly dude but don't let being a minge be your downfall.




+Prior Experience


+Read the rules




(Don't mess this up)

Edited by Danny_The_Dog
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  • DarkRP Administration Team


You have the playtime, experience, paragraphs, and good attitude to be a staff member. I know sometimes you can be a little grumpy but I know for sure you're mature enough to be professional as a staff member. I expect great things from you (also why you ain't ask me for referral smh). Good Luck!!

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  • MilitaryRP Management Team

Holy smokes, didnt know UNC played DRP. However, i've known broken for a hot minute (He even signed my steam profile) He's been around the block on GG and without a doubt would be a extremely good pick for staff. Over the years he's been a good help with MRP. I see zero reason why he should be denied +1 (I know i aint from DRP however i've seen his work on MRP)


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Ill give this sandal wearing, turban swinging, camel riding, pyramid building, Egyptian my +1; As well as my coveted referral. One of the only MRP managers that I had under me that was not fully retarded after getting the rank. Br0ken is a good long standing community member with staff ties. Hopefully without tossing sand into other staff members faces to blind them, he will climb through the ranks fast. (also if he doesnt auto click accepting sits) Just kidding that was "Toxic". We welcome you habibi br0ken Weiner; may you bless the staff team with your Anhk. 


Please just do not come back as a mummy to just haunt us, also please no scarab beetles or locust swarms. Thanks buddy.



Edited by Gildarts
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Dang twin I didn't think you were serious. You obviously meet the requirements. Can't wait to have you as part of the team!

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  • DarkRP Administration Team

I don't know what else to say besides what's already been said above. You got the experience and the reputation to be staff. Easy +1 from me.

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  • MilitaryRP Management Team

OG player. known him since 2018 on MRP. clearly knows a lot about DRP with his play time. chill guy and a blast to be around. +1

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Huge +1 

+ Playtime
+ Age
+ Past experience
+ In-game Interactions
+ Paragraphs

+ Read staff rules

Honestly nothing bad to say about Br0ken. He's will definitely be a great addon to the staff team!

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  • DarkRP Management Team

+ Age
+/- 1 Active warn from me (Diss in OOC)
+ Playtime
++ Prior experience as Staff
+ Paragraphs
+ Time to contribute
+ Community Engagement
+ Read the Staff Rules

I chose to give you +1 for a number of reasons. Reason one is that you have been playing for an extremely long time and have more experience than most people on the Staff team. I have no doubt that you've seen it all seeing as you were a Director and Manager at one point. I have also seen you on quite a lot and helping other players by giving tips. You also keep the server population high at times after a crash (which we all greatly appreciate). The only neutral aspect of this was the warn which I issued a few days ago for diss in ooc but that's understandable and I can easily look past it. Others also say great thins about you and I'm inclined to believe them. Thanks for applying and good luck!

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Plus Side of your application . attributes, and benefits of having you onboard

+AGE: Your an adults so I would hope that bring maturity 
+Rules: Over the past week's I've seen you on you've put many reports and explained how members broke the roles making staff's job easier. 
+Paragraphs : He put time and effort into his application and that doesn't go un noticed!
+ Prior Staff: Seeing how you where already a staff member before hopefully we can see u again!
+ Overall Interactions: I've had multiple interaction's with you  within "RP" or in sit you've shown nothing but respect, kindness and apparitions towards your fell members within the community.


Downsides Side of your application . attributes, and benefits of having you onboard
+/- Warns: You have a warn for Diss in OOC and that's not a good look.

This would be a HUGE +1 since I've had nothing but good interactions with this member. He does nothing but help the community, almost every interaction has been nothing but friendly and kind. He took time on his application and i can see him going a long way.

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