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  1. To whom is may concern, SEALs are now wiped.
    5 points
  2. Not to tell you your guide is shit but your guide is shit this is the proper way to do it....... RU Attachment Guide. Preface: This guide is not the be all end all when it comes to attachments it simply gives recommendations based off the current meta and trends on the server. This guide will be seperated into 4 sections going over the basics of the weapon, recommended attachments, non-recommended attachments, and a final workup of the recommended attachments and play style. without further waste of time lets begin. TLDR at end The Basics The RU entry weapon is a modified version of a rifle from the AK platform and retains the ability to swap to different versions including the RPK and AKU variants each having their own play styles and effective ranges for the purposes of this guide we will consider them alternate weapons for completely different purposes. The RPK Being the long range high damage LMG variant, and the AKU erring more on the side of an SMG. Not Recommended Magnum Rounds - For obvious reasons this attachment is a hard pass a 33% increase in recoil and a measly 5% for damage. The reason we don’t use this with the base variant of the AK is the trade off between recoil and damage with the 5% increase and damage your Time to kill (TTK from now on) does not decrease meaning its wasted damage, on the RPK variant however its a completely different game because it does decrease. Match Rounds - 5% aim spread for a 10% reload speed decrease. The tiny 5% increase does not warrant the 10% reload nerf. Recommended Foregrip - 20% recoil decrease with a 30% increase in mobility with a trade off of an increase in deploy speed by 10%. A pretty good option IMO the deploy speed only increases to .67 from .60 which has little meaning H. Stock - 10% recoil decrease for a 10% in handling, another attachment like the foregrip where the trade off doesnt really matter with the handling already being high as is. RPK Mag - 15 round increase in mag capacity for a slight nerf of 5% to handling and 10% to reload speed. Not much to say here other than the debuffs are marginal. PBS-1 - 10% Recoil Decrease along with firing noise decrease for 10% in damage and handling. Same concept with the Magnum rounds from earlier the 10% damage decrease doesnt matter because it doesnt change time to kill meaning the same number of shots will still kill the opponent while handling really isnt too important in my opinion. Conclusion - TLDR The RU AK weapon is a joke in terms of aimspread and recoil and you wouldnt be able to hit the broadside of a barn with this weapon. my personal recommendation would be to swap to something more useful like medic, but if you have your heart set on the AK here are the attachment lists. As for the playstyle with this weapon you have to be up close or your going to be fucking useless because every donor weapon will butcher you due to their far superior stats. RPK Variant - RPK Mag, Magnum rounds, H stock, and Kobra Short/AKU Variant - Foregrip, RPK Mag, Kobra, and H stock. Standard Variant - Foregrip, RPK Mag, PBS-1, Kobra, and H stock That moment when you cant figure out a good way to get pictures in....
    5 points
  3. Me: Where is seals? Phantom: Gone. Reduced to atoms.
    2 points
  4. Nevermind y'all, I was wrong. This guy is the greatest comedian of our generation and we are living at the same time as him. This act has NEVER been done before and it truly is a momentous occasion to be witnessing it. We should all be happy that we will be able to tell our grandchildren what we saw here.
    2 points
  5. This is a rule that needs critical clarification and without that, it is a huge flaw in the rules due to the confusion it may cause. The clarification needed is in the situation where there would be a sign with both building and KOS on it, which of the two would be canceled out in the RP situation. For example, would the building sign would cancel out and the base could be raided without an issue, or would the KOS sign cancel out and the sign would act as if it were by itself? Or would it be both KOS and the building sign, so the base is not building and the owner can't enforce KOS rules? Please reply if you need me to explain this. Unfortunately, I was in a rather toxic dispute with staff members (whom I will not mention) over this due to the confusion and none of them could properly answer me when I asked which of the entities of the textscreen would cancel out and they just took it as me being stupid for not knowing basic rules (I do know the rules). So it would be great to add clarification to this rule for anyone who would not have read this rule and were to get raided. As I have said please ask any questions about this and if you plan to, please reply with somewhat constructive criticism and not some "hoes mad" type of stuff. Thanks for reading! -Trollman
    1 point
  6. Yesterday I was in a sit and the sit taker was @Cam_g. The guy reported me for nlr or something. The reason was that "there is not cap on distance of a raid" is something along the lines he said. Me and cam was raiding a base then he said in the sit ( I have video ) saying he adverted under the base we was raiding, he killed us and went to our base which is the admin tunnel ( the base we raided was the hotels in the subs which is a good distance form the tunnel and in no way in the nlr zone ) and he started raiding it with out advert, his defense was he could kill us from any distance if we were the owners of the base and he can raid a base from any distance, I tried to tell him this was not true but he refused because he said the rules never specified this. I would like if you can make this clearer on the rules on the distance of how far you can call raid and distance you can kill the owners of the base. This will help with cases like this in the future. I know I should have called a higher up, but the problem was that I was the highest rank on the server atm and Cam did not know what too do. We did figure it out but please make it clearer in the rules, please.
    1 point
  7. I recommend you add some games on luck like coinflips, jackpots, roulettes. Pretty much anything just to spice up the gameplay a bit and add that lucky feeling after doubling your money, also makes people more active because they have an opportunity to coin flip a part of their money to double it, on roulette just wait for all the bets and then spin it, no faking no bias please. And yea Green = x14, Red = x2, Black = x2, for Jackpot just make people enter above 10-20-30k to enter and the guy who enters with the most cash has the highest chance but doesn't mean he will always win. Also, a fun idea which I haven't seen yet is gambling weapons for better weapons or upgrades.
    1 point
  8. I don't know what to say, a person is only allowed to buy 2 printers and upgrade them halfway? Please add more printers because it's not fun farming from 2 printers which make 280$ per 18 seconds, do the math you get 932$ per minute, and if you are trying to get a normal gun lets say 20-40k that means you need to sit next to your 2 halfway printers for 20-40 mins and watch so they don't overheat and then collect it to buy a shipment of guns you can use for a day or two.
    1 point
  9. I feel like there isn't much of a use to levels except getting the job needed for that level but, I feel like the level is how you can separate the active from the inactive players and the good from the bad players and you can use that to your advantage by giving them more options to get richer by having more printers/ammo/weapons to buy and I think that by showing that a level 128 has a lot of money or has an armor or nametag really inspires the player who played less to play as much as the level 128 player to get the same perks/player models/jobs/printers this will work since the not so high levels will look up to the OG's (I guess) there for getting you more active players wanting more to show off, and then inspiring more players by seeing that guy that got inspired and the loop continues, keeping your server in check with new inspired players, of course this wont guarantee filled servers but will make the experience better for all of us.
    1 point
  10. We All want the Adv dupe to work and we can stop making bases and start pasting them so +1 or -1 your Choice
    1 point
  11. Description: I think we can all admit that spam crouch jumping is annoying. It looks like someone is running a fucking CS:GO bhop course (obviously not actually bhopping, because that's a no no.) during war time. To nerf this movement, Garnet added a stamina system in the server that was supposed to remove the spam crouch jump meta. While it did remove it, it also made rotating to an objective across the map and combat movement difficult and annoying. This latest update removed this system, so now we are back to square one. My suggestion is instead of punishing a player for sprinting and jumping, just punish jumping. Make it so people can sprint as much as their heart desires but start to reduce stamina if people exceed a number of jumps per X amount of time. Players shouldn't have to worry about having enough stamina to engage in combat. Reasoning: I kind of stated this in the description. Players shouldn't be punished for sprinting, and I think that was the main issue with the last system. This will allow people to use natural movement but stop people from spam crouch jumping. P.S I would love to hear the communities opinions on this matter and maybe we can come up with a good idea for Garnet. I could be totally wrong with this suggestion, but I think we should all voice our opinions because we are the ones that are playing the server. And we should want the server to be the best it can.
    1 point
  12. Prop ID(s): models/dav0r/camera.mdl(cam) models/props/cs_office/tv_plasma.mdl(monitor) Picture/Location (optional): Why should these prop(s) be whitelisted/blacklisted?: We all love to protect our bases so why not protect them more I say we have buyable monitors and Cameras that can be fixed and destroyed or just enable the camera tool
    1 point
  13. In-game name: 1MD DI MSgt Clunk, 2GA RFR SNS Clunk Age [minimum 15 y/o]: 15 SteamID (https://steamid.io/): STEAM_0:0:33029149 Warns: 0 active, 1 for RDM (Was early on when I was playing) Timezone: EST Playtime? [minimum 75 hours, use /playtime in-game]: 216 hours Do you have access to TeamSpeak and a microphone?: Yes Do you have the ability to record Garry's Mod videos?: Yes Referral(s): None Past experiences as staff: I have had multiple past experiences as staff, even once being an owner, although the server could not follow through due to lack of funding. I have coding experiences as well. Some servers I have staffed on are Hearthigen and Xeno, from which I had resigned. How do you plan on benefiting our server? [minimum 2 paragraphs] There are multiple ways I plan on benefiting the server. My top one is enforcing the rules. My second is reporting bugs. Lastly, my 3rd goal is ensuring those on the server are having a good time. Now, about how I am going to achieve these goals, specifically my main goal, is by claiming reports quickly. I can do this efficiently because Xeno had a 50 ticket requirement for a week. Furthermore, as you already know I have experience staffing so I know my way around the ulx menu and other staffing utilities. I also know how to calmly handle a mingy, toxic person. On to my second goal, I have a good eye for bugs and therefore I can report them to support my third goal, ensuring those on the server have a good time. Lastly, although it may not seem, I am a very mature person when it comes to staffing. You may disagree with this since I can tend to cut a little loose sometimes, but as a staff, I’ll ensure to keep that side of me locked away. I can ensure I’ll make the server proud. The qualities that I have that make me believe I'm fit to be a staff member is I'm curious, fast-thinking, and let's take a risk and say I'm wise. Let's cover these in more detail and why they are good. It's good I'm curious because then I'll be more interested in things fellow staff members may overlook that I could be interested in. It's good that I'm fast thinking because in a heated situation I can think of the best way with the short time I'll have. It's good that I'm wise so I can know the fit punishment if it is a big or small deal, and that will teach them appropriately and remind them not to do it again. I understand that we all make mistakes. We were BUILT to make mistakes, mistakes to learn what not to do. And if it was truly a mistake and I knew it was, that person would be excused. This isn't always a good place either, this place can be dark. That's something most applicants don't mention. I've been through dark things and I'm ready for darker and sometimes I understand I can and will be bullied. In conclusion, I believe I have a lot to bring to the table. Maybe more than existing staff from past staff experiences to coding to lastly ensuring others enjoy the game. I also see things multicolored, not just black white. Lastly, I make sure to not be biased. Have you ever been banned or punished on GG MRP? No Have you made any previous applications, If so when?: No How much time do you have to contribute to the role?: I am on all day, including in the morning when no staff is on, which if I was staff would secure another time from minges or other rule-breakers. Thank you so, so very much for reading this application. I hope that you had a positive reaction to it. If not please let me know. Also, if you believe I should change something in the way act, please feel free to let me know.
    1 point
  14. In-game name: L̷o̷u̷d̷C̷l̷o̷u̷d Age: I am 14 years old. SteamID: STEAM_0:0:52703806 Warns: 2, I was firstly warned for RDM. I don’t believe I deserved the warning because I thought it was to be consensual but I ended up in a bad situation receiving the warning. The second warning for FailRP was a confusing warning and I meant to talk to higher-ups or appeal it but I haven’t yet. Playtime?: | L̷o̷u̷d̷C̷l̷o̷u̷d̷ has played for 809:33:27. Do you have access to TeamSpeak and a microphone?: Yes, I do. Do you have the ability to record Garry's Mod videos?: Yes, I use OBS. Referral’s: [What administrator recommended you to apply?] Tyelynd, Evolve, Bob, Chubz DaB Past experiences as staff: I, unfortunately, do not have any. Why should we choose you over other applicants? Since I started playing this server I have always respected the community and its players. In the past, I have run into some bumps that I regret making. Those mistakes have cost me a lot of hate. Since my mistakes, I have been learning and improving my maturity. I truly believe I am well fit to become a staff member due to my personality and efforts. I don’t have any experience in being a staff member quite yet but I have been playing on Garnet DarkRP since 2016. I have also played Garry’s Mod for Seven years. Over time I have learned the rules fairly well. I am also familiar with the d3a handbook. I have also been in various sits that I have learned from them. One of my specialties is to help people in-game and out. If anyone asks for help in OOC or in chat I am very willing to help and I give the best response to my knowledge. For a while, I have wanted to assist other staff members to keep this server at its best! If I climb ranks I can guarantee I will try to change things up a bit and add as much fun as I can. At the same time, I want to keep the community in-line. There have been occasions I was active online and the staff members weren't. At that time I only wish I could have handled the rule-breaking that was occurring. My schedule is very open this summer and I have a lot of time that can be spent on this server. I am very passionate about this role and I can provide fast and efficient support when I am needed. I am on at times that staff members are not online and in that sense, I could be a benefit to the players. I have great leadership skills that give me an advantage in leading any task. These leadership skills help me to act professionally when I need to. I took some time to look over the commands so I know most of them and can use them if I achieve a rank. I will do my best to use these commands in the correct way. I have been on TeamSpeak for a year or two so I am familiar with using the interface. I enjoy this server greatly and will keep it fun for others. To sum it up I would love to help out this community greatly and I would be honored to become a staff member! Have you ever been banned or punished on any server? If so, Include detaI: I was banned 3 previously because I said I was gonna sell my account. I was just messing around and didn’t think any action would have been taken and also hitting the warn limt but that was in the past. Have you made any previous applications: I did in 2018 and Just recently How much time do you have to contribute to the role?: I do not currently have any activities or anything to attend to so I have as much time as possible. If you have any, what hobbies or activities are you involved in outside of Garry's Mod? I love to play sports and in my free time playing video games. Did you read the staff rules?: Loudcloud
    1 point
  15. Denied your blacklisted by evity it will stay in place for a while aka I'll talk to evity about it @DarkAlias next time you wake me up from my sleep I will murder you and your family
    1 point
  16. You sent me this application before you posted it, forgive me for not providing feedback. I remember when you asked me about applying for staff the first time, I remember telling you that you should wait a bit to do it. To really get a feel for the community. I'm pretty sure you've only played marines, don't take this as me saying that's a bad thing, it's simply a statement for my next point. You've only made it to GySgt, as far as I've seen, you're a good guy. However, as a faction leader, I've known people longer and of higher ranks that have pulled some really stupid stuff. Not to say I don't trust you, but I have to have maintain a certain level of doubt as to people's responsibility/trustworthiness. Even more so now considering 2 people in relatively high positions in my faction got banned for hacking. I recommend climbing a bit higher and just generally getting to know more people. It's a -1 from me for now, but take what I've said and I think you'll be able to become a decent staff member.
    1 point
  17. +1 Noticed more contact with RU, seems very qualified good luck!
    1 point
  18. Not sure, But i believe this is what you have to do..... I don't know chief....
    1 point
  19. Thank you all for the responses so far, I am going to try my hardest to work on talking to others. Once again, thank you all so very much!
    1 point
  20. my bad I fucked up but its fixed
    1 point
  21. -1 Apart from seeing you play war a few times, and the occasional message in OOC, i haven't really seen you that much. I would recommend talking to other people more outside of your own faction, and getting to know others.
    1 point
  22. I believe we should stick with the old stamina system with simple changes. -1 stamina every 2 seconds for sprinting (200 seconds or 3 minutes and 20 seconds of sprinting)*Enough to go anywhere or do anything unhindered* Jumping -15 stamina(6 jumps from max) Regen +2 a second on rest(jogging) Keep in mind this is coming from someone who didn't mind the final version of the stamina system. However, I can see how I'm bias because i'm not one of the people who had their entire play style crashing down on them. Sometimes the changes that need to happen to balance the server directly hinder how you use to play. I'd almost go as far to say if you were fully against the stamina system, it's probably because you were part of the reason it was added in the first place.
    1 point
  23. Only regenerating 1 stamina a second seems a little slow for me, in my opinion. Having to wait over a minute to get a fully recharged jumping stamina bar just seems way too long. I personally think if they were to go with your idea it should be like 3-5 seconds stamina regened in a second.
    1 point
  24. 1 point
  25. -1. This isn't anything personal against you but I just don't believe that staff on the RU side can evaluate you enough to give you a clear and definitive response. Now, it isn't entirely up to individual staff and I'm not saying I'm in disagreement with you applying - this response probably won't affect your chances very much because I'm not saying you like to break rules or anything like that. I don't know who you are. I've seen you in war a few times; we've had a few firefights. I've never talked to you, never seen you in US base when I play on Army. Don't think I've ever seen you speak in OOC to the best of my knowledge, but then again I don't normally do that myself. You provided an excellent answer to the questions you were asked in the application and I commend you on that, but I'll be sticking with a -1 personally as other than the application I don't think I could evaluate you, your behavior, or to how true your application is, no offense to you. Now, a little bit of correction here as a "just so you know": GG uses a modified version of D3A, a private admin mod originally developed for another community but sold to medium-to-large communities by its developer. This is nothing like ULX and is mostly chat based. This isn't much of a problem as you'd go through a short training session showcasing the commands you'd be able to do, how to look at commands you don't know, specific links on forums, etc. Staff have a sit quota that they have to reach to ensure they don't get removed, and have a goal to reach if they'd like to get promoted. Sits aren't the deciding factor, you can be promoted or removed for any reason (more likely removed or demoted). In the event you get Trial Moderator, don't expect to get all of your sits done quickly. This isn't normal DarkRP, we don't get as many reports as you'd think (go look at the Staff Roster for DarkRP and you'll see what I mean).
    1 point
  26. To be fair I tried to find a way to rewrite and honestly, everything i wrote just never sounded right or better it was always worse so, i do admit to coping cause i couldn't figure out a better way to say it. but thank you for the input.
    1 point
  27. This might be because I’ve been on LOA but I don’t believe I recognize you. Because of this I’m not going to -1 as I could be in the wrong but for now I’m not sure I’ve had an interaction with you. You seem capable with experience, but not knowing you is holding my +1 back.
    1 point
  28. +1 Pretty good the server can use more mods but its not up to me
    1 point
  29. You're just a kid baiting for attention.
    1 point
  30. 1 point
  31. Forgive me if I sound slightly toxic. I feel like you're at a point where the only thing that makes you feel better is whining over stupid shit. But, when you see the reactions you get you can do nothing but go along with it. Maybe it's a sign to stop posting unless you have something good to say and don't make a dumbass fourm post about "sTaFf AbUsE".
    1 point
  32. lmao bruh this is hurting my eyes just stop
    1 point
  33. You need to edit this post. This testing has been labeled classified until we get the results we are looking for. Continue to play as you normally would. Just know that when you die by a staff member sitting in the wall for testing, you are doing the server and staff team both a great service. We could not do it without your continued support. -staff member Tsop Tihs
    1 point
  34. 1 point
  35. Good update, finally don't have to worry about stamina.
    1 point
  36. Clearly greater powers are at bay
    1 point
  37. Glad to see you made a good choice and decided to not stress yourself out more than needed over a gmod server. As well for the kind words and being able to find my forums account.
    1 point
  38. The tryout information will be found in the document linked above (right click the emblem). The purpose for this thread is to spread awareness of the Special Operations Forces tryout guideline. This guideline is mandatory for all trainees to read through. Before attempting to tryout, you must fully read this guideline and come prepared for this tryout by practicing before-hand. If at any point you ever have a question, concern, or complaint, message me in-game, or on the forums. Good luck to those that attempt the tryouts! ~Colonel Ethan Greshnev of the Russian Special Operations Forces
    1 point
  39. What happened to that premium snap tho
    1 point
  40. Prop ID(s): models/maxofs2d/button_05.mdlPicture/Location (optional):Why should these prop(s) be whitelisted/blacklisted?: We need 1 more button allowed
    1 point
  41. +1 with my experience in marines hes good at what he does and he does it efficiently. As for the -1s in the post because you dont know him i dont think thats a valid reason to minus one a staff app, you are not required to be known on both sides of the server to be staff and by -1ing you are saying there is something wrong with him and that he is not fit to be staff. In my personnel opinion withholding any rating whatsoever until said person is engaged with or conversed with is the proper course of action. This is because you dont know the person, his capabilities, problems, and weak points and you are -1 saying there is something wrong with him when there is a very likely possibility that there is nothing wrong with him. this is all personal opinion of course and should be taken as such.
    0 points
  42. Too bad that ain't how it works Not saying I'm trying to get this guy unbanned, frankly, I don't give a damn. Just thought that this was a bit overkill, but if you think it should stay at a permanent ban for typing/saying a few words in chat/voice then so be it. It was just a thought I had.
    0 points
  43. BRUH O CLOCK Not to Rip on Garnet: The stamina system was very well made and had few major bugs. It changed the combat pace of the server for the better, but unfortunately, it had drawbacks. On the macroscale level, Stamina helped the shit out of the server, making combat more refined and limited instead of people jumping all over the place. It's drawbacks, though just weren't worth it. I hope we can find a new system to combat the issue of unrealistic combat being abused.
    0 points
  44. There Should Be A Rule Where If You Or Someone In The Base Blows Up The Printers So The Raiders Can't Get Them It Should Be A Warn For FailRP Since The Raiders Took Time And Effort To Raid Just To Get Nothing I Hope Others Agree With This Rule Being Added And Hopefully It Does Get Added
    -1 points
  45. Ok so during war I keep getting shot from an unknown location. I thought "strange I know he's not at emb because of my blood and the hit notifier thing. Ok, maybe a glitch." Die come back again and shot again and again. Same spot and this time I'm pretty sure a something was off. I ask in TeamSpeak and the only thing that we came up with was garnet headshots me and then flying into a wall or a mod or admin. I know they are in the wall because there's nowhere else they could've shot me from. In perspective, I was on the dunes next to crates next to 2GA base and close to gas station. Downvote so I can get worse rep on the forums
    -1 points
  46. Successful raiders (and sometimes party members) like to pull this stunt as a cherry on top to base owners to piss them off. This is unacceptable and should be a warnable offense. It technically is already against the rules, but can easily be gotten away with since it is not explicitly stated as such. Please reply with any thoughts, or criticism if necessary. Thanks for reading. -Trollman
    -1 points
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