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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/20/2023 in Posts

  1. Just be more selective on who gets reserves. GEN Ranks for Base, top 3 for SOC. 2LT's should NOT be getting reserves unless there is extenuating circumstances (deployment/medical). It doesn't take a particularly long time to climb to O-1, and in reality, you aren't contributing all that much as a 2LT anyway. (Training/Tryouts is something most people can do). Only exception would be for a leader's Reserves, but generally if they didn't completely fuck the faction, then they should be granted. Removing reserves entirely is a shotgun method when in reality the issue could be solved by the above going forward, and removing reserves from individuals who are not using them properly on a case by case basis as of now. Criteria for removing reserves would be a faction leader decision imo, not a staff one. Makes for better leaders. I don't expect the majority of US staff to know what is going on in Tali and vice versa. That being said, prepare to justify your decision for removing someone's reserves. This is just a general idea, there will always be exceptions to all of the above. I am very much for putting power back into the playerbase, and having staff observing, if that helps on what I'm trying to get at here. Strong Leaders = Strong Factions.
    8 points
  2. Description: I am suggesting to re-add Prone back to MRP. Easy as it sounds, Re-adding an addon as long as its fixed. Reasoning: I've been playing MRP for some time now, and I noticed that the prone addon was removed due to issues with other players not seeing it when someone goes prone right around when I started playing back 2 years or so ago. I understand the concerns that led to the removal of the addon, but I believe that there are some potential benefits to having the prone feature in the game. To address the issue of other players not seeing someone who is prone, I suggest that we consider changing the prone mod or looking into it again on the server. Maybe a visual indicator, such as a different animation or icon on screen, that appears when a player is prone. Just like Old CoD games that showed standing, crouching, and then going Prone. I believe that this solution would not only address the concerns about visibility and other concerns, but it could also enhance the realism and immersion of our GG MilitaryRP experience. It would give players the ability to use more realistic tactics, such as crawling under cover or hiding just under hills, or even just under the walls to make it harder to spot when raiding, which could add a new layer of strategy to the game. I feel that the Prone add-on not only will provide even more strategy but benefit weapons also. You're prolly wonder how in the hell will laying down benefit weapons. Most maps don't allow any great spots to mount and hold an angle with LMGs. Now. Any weapon that has a bipod will be able to be mounted on the ground with this addon. I've tested this in singleplayer and with others on a dedicated server. Additional Information: The One or two mods that goes along with this information. This is the standalone mod that might not work for multiplayer cases. This is 25.596 MB. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1100368137 But there is a wiltOS version which I believe StarwarRP used. It involves 3 Total add-ons, maybe more with the Animation manager and the animation manager might've been the reason the prone mod had issues. If that's the case they will be listed below also. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=775573383 0.939 MB https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=918084741 0.322 MB https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=757604550 23.406 MB Animation manager and legacy animations if needed: https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=2916561591 22.391 MB https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=2917050373 0.007 MB
    5 points
  3. Suggestion: Add a 30 second cooldown to the defib and give it 5 uses. Reasoning: I want people to play medic
    5 points
  4. Excuse me while I laugh at this. It's been reported numerous times, and the best advice I have gotten? "Don't talk on the mic". Yeah, "gather proof". Again, been there, done that. Maybe your TTT manager/admins aren't letting you know what's going on...ever think of that? As of yesterday, Garnet Gaming & Gmod in general are gone from my library - tired of it. IT'S DAILY.
    5 points
  5. People harassing you or anyone for that matter would fall under the communities punishment for harassment. Being targeted for a physical or mental characteristic certainly is not okay and behavior we wish to keep off our servers. If you’re a recipient of such harassment, please gather proof and report it to the appropriate management. If you’re under the impression that we can gather the proof, whether it be logs or what have you, let us know and we will do our due diligence.
    3 points
  6. While I do agree with the suggestion that a change needs to be made - largely for the reasons you pointed out @Reynolds. I think others like ( @PraetorDon@Smity_and I can't believe I'm saying this @Horseyyy ) have very valid points/counter-suggestions for how it should be handled. You don't need to remove them entirely, just fix the fact that there are factions with 30+ people on reserves and it's being shelled out to people who are still playing, just on another side, with no intention of coming back/helping again. If your keyboard is broken you fix/replace it, you don't get rid of your PC. There are definitely valid reasons someone needs to go on reserves, effective uses for them, etc. The system with-out-a-doubt devolved from it's original purpose and got a bit too much of a contest of who's friends with who. As opposed to previously mentioned, who deserves and/or needs them, as well as who's actually going to come back and help at a later date. +1 to the idea the the current system needs an overhaul and it's gotten a bit out-of-hand. -1 to the proposed solution, there have been better counter-suggestions in the thread.
    3 points
  7. 3 points
  8. Gonna weigh in my two cents as a non MRP main, @Reynolds you laid out a beautiful argument that somehow I enjoyed reading even though I'm not sure how I got here. I do agree with @Draco_ though as it should just be for non-active players of the server (people gone for more than a month or two etc.). Again though, I'm basing all my info off of what I've read in this post and all the comments on it. +1 lol
    3 points
  9. -1 I can see both sides of the argument very well. However, I can not in good conscience +1 a removal of one of the server's most rewarding factors. Many players I've encountered grind through enlisted and officer ranks for the main reason of achieving reserves. These players boost the server's population which is one of the server's biggest problems right now, if not the biggest. They contribute to the population heavily through their own existence on the server as well as their ability to retain base faction and others through tryouts, trainings, and activities. You could argue that this is a lame reason to contribute towards a faction, but this is just reality. If this reward was removed, many players (including myself) would have no desire to join any factions, do activities, or even remain active on the server as we can have more fun in other ways and we can fight in war using donor weapons. I personally enjoy having reserves because they represent the place that I used to hold in the faction. Class weapons, officer permissions, etc. are secondary to me and not as important as the literal proof that I used to exist on the server, and that I contributed enough to a faction to gain an officer rank and reserves. If reserves truly need to be removed or changed for the greater good of the server, overruling the fact that the server population could drop heavily from it, then I'm all for it. But personally, this just doesn't seem like something the server needs right now, as I can see way more bad coming from a change like this than good. Personally speaking, I haven't noticed much of anything that I would consider abuse of reserves, but what I have noticed is a HUGE drop in server population over the years, and it would pain me to see this trend accelerate even faster than it already is, killing the server sooner than it already would've died. TL;DR: I'm wary about removing one of the server's most significant rewarding factors (reserves) due to the possiblity of losing even more of our average server population resulting from this event.
    3 points
  10. It’s not my department so I wouldn’t know if you have, but have you escalated your concerns to Proggy and/or Garnet? If there are people in positions of power and trust dismissing genuine claims of harassment then that’s an issue that would be dealt with swiftly.
    2 points
  11. I was reading this and had that exact idea while there are some problems with reserves I believe the pro’s outweigh the cons. Reserves not only keeps long term players interested but it also allows them in the right circumstances to mentor, help, and better factions. For instance there was a period of time in taliban and 2ga where we were lacking in active officers and people from reserves like soldier would literally get on just to help with tryouts or warleading with no benefits so this is what I propose. Make the rules to obtain reserves more strict. Players imo should only be allowed to apply for reserves when they have met the rank of captain in SOC and Major or LTCOL in base faction this keeps players motivated to continue to support the faction their in instead of tapping out once they get officer. Originally you weren’t allowed reserves for the same side idk what happen to this rule but I think at the very least US forces should not be allowed same side reserves due to afghans low pop. TL DR -1 MAKE CHANGES INSTEAD LISTED ABOVE (to lazy to revise this so sorry for any typos)
    2 points
  12. I like this, This is what I feel about them also. I think something should change about them instead of completely removing them.
    2 points
  13. I disagree with completely removing reserves but I feel a change is necessary. Many people who join SOC factions/base faction officers stay just for the promise of "you can come back whenever" instead of events. Reserves are kind of a reward to show that someone made a difference and put in the time and effort. I feel taking that away would be demoralizing to people who want the option to try different factions without something to fall back on. To some it may look like there's no point in trying to put in the time and effort to the server and could eventually hurt the server pop. I do thing the reserves needs a change. Maybe make it more difficult to get them. Maybe change how long someone can hold onto reserves. -1
    2 points
  14. I completely agree. Which I would recommend something like players can't use the whitelists on Reserves and when applying for reserves they should have a reason for example: I'm getting deployed for 9 months or moving for work. I think that would remove the issue of Officer abilities and make it more likely to comeback to help the faction. Instead of the imma use these for war thats it. Even though the purpose wasn't supposed to be a reward thats what it became to be. With what mentioned above that would fix that. With that we should remove those that have had reserves for maybe 1 year or even 6 months as they should have either came off of them or not, otherwise have them removed.
    2 points
  15. -1 on my beliefs. Reserves is a privlage that was granted years ago to people with merit, time, or connections. Anyone who is or was an officer knows that you need to put in effort typically to earn officer, and at some point real life catches up, or burnout clicks in. Reserves used to be even better for those players, reaching all the way to COL and LTCOL ranks. I was one of the people who had Reserves in more then 3 factions in those days. That's my bias regarding it, the useful aspect is diffrent. It's helpful for 3 reasons, when someone wants to come back in a more useful role, they have instant access, another manpower resource. During war balances, you have access to all your equipment, not just entry level equipment. It draws old blood back on occasion, which is helpful when we want pop to go up. Reynolds you got to keep you Reserves because you deserved them, not everyone does. That's why the staff team and as you said "even GMs" vote on viability regarding them.
    2 points
  16. Attention all members of our gaming community, We regret to inform you that we have recently been made aware that one of our players had been reported to allegedly have a history of child sex crimes and is a convicted sex felon. As a result, after many discussions amongst the management team, we have made the difficult decision to ban this player from our community. We want to make it clear that we do not condone any form of sexual misconduct or illegal behavior, especially when it involves minors. The safety of our community members, especially our younger members, is our top priority. As such, we determined the best course of action would be that user's removal from our online services. PLEASE NOTE: We urge all members to be cautious when creating contact with this individual. @Proggy has been made aware this alleged predator is creating contact with members of our community, claiming to be opening his own community now, which raised an enormous red flag on our radar. Moving forward, I urge all members to be cautious of others on the internet exhibiting concerning behavior, and PLEASE report any suspected behavior to us immediately. We are committed to maintaining a safe and welcoming environment for all of our players. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation
    1 point
  17. PREFACE WARNING! This suggestion will be very controversial, and I humbly request that you read through the entire suggestion before dropping a -1 "wahh i luv my reserves fuk u reynol" and maybe actually take the time to fully comprehend what I am about to say, and really view this in the light of what's best for the server and not for yourself. Introduction Currently, as it stands, the reserve system in MRP works like this. A player works towards an officer position in a faction, and once the rank of 2LT+ is achieved, the player has the option to apply for reserves. The reserves were initially made to create an extended LOA for players who did not have enough time to commit to the role of officer in their faction, but still looked forward to joining back in the future. However, that function is non existent today, as it is essentially abused by players in various different ways. Here, I will outline and present all the ways of which the current reserves system is being abused. Faction Hopping / Country Swapping Probably the function in the reserves system that is most exploited today, is the use of reserves to join a different faction or swap countries. A function that even I am guilty of doing, the entire premise is that players typically apply for reserves in the hopes to leave their current faction to join a different faction on another country or even on the same country. This function is bad because players often apply for reserves in their current faction to retain certain weapons and equipment to use during wartime. An example of this would be a TSFU player reaching the rank of 2LT, and immediately applying for reserves to then join 313. This player will now have access to all of the TSFU classes, as well as the equipment they now have in 313. This player in question, is what I am today. To put it very bluntly, I originally applied for reserves as a new player solely to have access to the TSFU Bomber WL as well as the various weapons they have. In all honesty, to this day I only go on TSFU reserves to raid the US with bomber and to get feeds as well as to use the other good weapons. This was when I was a new player, and in hindsight this is what I saw the function of the reserve system to be and I can guarantee you many players see the reserve system in this same light. There can be varying arguments to this function, however in totality it can be agreed that this purpose was not intended for what the reserves system was envisioned to be from the beginning, and is a clear exploitation of the system. Giving a player free access to all the classes of a faction of which they actively contribute nothing to is not good. 2. Retainment of Officer Abilities This point bridges off of the concept I mentioned previously, but essentially another motive for applying for reserves would be to retain the abilities of an officer while being enlisted somewhere else. As it stands, the 2LTR rank contains exactly all the powers a 2LT would have, which includes but is not limited to Raiding, Kidnapping, War-Leading, Overruling Objectives in WL, Spawning in vehicles, Arresting people and Access to Restricted areas. These officer abilities can be had at any time by people with reserves simply by switching to the faction class, and adding 2LTR to their name. Now, this player has access to all officer powers without having to contribute to anything. This point is not dismissing whatever hard work the player has done to achieve the reserves, however this is just a copout for some lazy players who want to get to the officer position of a faction without putting in anymore work for that specific faction. 3. Player Boredom / Disinterest Another point is that players will inevitably get bored of the server and lose interest, thus leading to them applying for reserves to return back later. This point is more nuanced, as it can be very arguable depending on how you view it. Yes, the reserves are beneficial in the aspect that burnt out players can return whenever they want, and always leaves the door open for potential returning players. However, a counter-argument can be made that if players truly wanted to return back from where they left off, they would be willing to go through the enlisted process again to fully fulfill the officer grind. To add on, players will be hanging onto reserves for months on end, sometimes years, and leads to them not knowing the current state of the server, players, or even the state of the faction they were in (i.e. faction changes, leadership changes, weapon changes etc.). These players should have to restart and go through the enlisted process again. The reason why is for one, these players would not be up to par skill-wise and may not be playing at whatever tier level they were once at. It is pretty apparent that old returning players do not retain their skill from, and thus these players should attempt to play the server more to regain their old skill to match that of what the current skill-level is at that present moment. Also, returning players would no longer be up to par leadership wise as they may be out of touch with the current community as well as its player-base. A player with reserves from 2019 returning tomorrow would most likely not know majority of the player-base, as well as not being aware of anyone in their current faction. Having an officer who is completely out of touch with their own faction is not ideal in any scenario. If players simply go onto reserves solely from disinterest of the server, this defeats the original idea of reserves which was to essentially create an extended LOA for players who ARE looking to return back to the server. It is very obvious a player who expresses the fact that they are bored with the server and say that they may come back when it becomes more fun, will have a much lower chance of actually returning compared to someone who is merely taking a break because of a circumstance like college or traveling. 4. Social Aspects of Reserves This point will be very opinionated, and this is simply my stance on what reserves are today. The current process of reserves being approved is through a staff vote in which members from the staff team (and even GM's) get to collectively vote if a player should or should not receive reserves. Now, this point will not be based around the previous idea to give the system of reserve decisions back to faction leaders, as even that idea has the same flaws of what a staff team has. Essentially, no matter where you place decisions of the reserves whether it be leader-chosen reserves, staff votes, COLs only, officers only etc. it does not solve the issues or points that I outlined above. What all these decision types have in common, is that essentially what you get out of every single one is a popularity contest. There will almost always be room for bias when it comes to the decision to give someone reserves, and in this due process there is no way to avoid it. There are many flawed factors that are in effect in the reserve vote decisions, whether it be: OOC Actions In-Game RP Interactions War Playstyle Community Popularity Connection to Staff / Executive Team Veteran Status All of these factors can greatly impede a player's access to their reserves, and one place this factor comes into play is veteran status. It is no secret that because of how much novelty and credit some veterans have, they will have a much easier time to earn reserves without having to put in as nearly as much work compared to new players who may find difficulty in garnering and overcoming some of the factors mentioned above. Any veteran who plays for a month will likely already have a good connection to the staff team and even executives, and do not have to worry about other factors such as community popularity as they quite literally spawn with it as soon as they return. Now for a new player, they now have the challenge of going out of their way to get good credibility amongst everyone in the server and staff team. One factor that I intentionally left out in the list above, is activity. Now here, this where the voting really gets skewed. Probably the first factor a staff member has when they see a new poll for a reserve is the player's activity. From the staff member's perspective, the only sense of activity that they can view is all the interactions they see the player have in game (Training, Tryouts, Playing War etc.) or forum posts. Now, when you introduce the concept of certain players being active in hours that some staff aren't active, it can seem to some staff members that a certain player is not active simply because they are never on when that player happens to be on. This staff member decision is then taken, under the pretense that "oh i never see him on -1" and collectively this can lead to someone's reserves getting denied. I do not need to point out the flaw in this system, as it is very clear how it is flawed. It is a whole different discussion when members of Admin+ go into certain faction activity channels and make their decision off of a players activity objectively, however for most decisions a staff member will -1 solely because they never see someone on. Conclusion Now, as you have seen I have outlined how the entire reserve system is flawed, and should be removed entirely. Obviously if these steps were taken as soon as soon as this post went live, there would have to be some actions to take before you completely delete all reserves. First of all, with the community wide announcement that reserves would be removed there should be a grace period anywhere between a week or a month for all players to come off reserves if they would like. Ideally, this announcement should be made so veteran players who are not in touch with the community hear of this, and can choose to return to the server. Many of the players who may disagree with the idea of reserves being removed may be entitled due to them likely having reserves themselves. A large majority of the time, the reason cited by them is that "players would be angry". While this might be true, a grace period would help aid this situation. Additionally, if the same logic applied to everything on the server, we would have poor leaders, as nobody would get removed. This logic is flawed, and should not be applied to this suggestion. - Reynolds
    1 point
  18. Preface: This suggestion was created to serve two purposes. Remove the most useless and underused class from each faction and to give firepower to SOC medical classes so that they are actually used. Remove 055 Brigade : Zealot. Give models/player/recon_1player.mdl to 055 Brigade : Healer. Give garnet_lmg_pkm to 055 : Healer. Remove Red Unit : Militant. Give khr_toz194 to Red Unit : Watchman. Give garnet_fraggrenade to Red Unit : Combatant. Remove ISI : Assassin. Give garnet_carbine_73 to ISI : Field Medic. Remove US Ranger : Marksman. Give cw_m14 to US Ranger : Field Medic. Remove US Green Beret : Demolition. Give garnet_shotgun_m3super90 to US Green Beret : Field Medic. Remove US Delta Force : Infiltrator. Give garnet_shotgun_m620 to US Delta Force : Doctor. "What about those infiltration classes?! Don't we need those to infiltrate??" No, allow any class from either T1 faction to participate in infiltration.
    1 point
  19. I just want to take a moment to recognize a few things, What garnet is today. How far things have developed from the last time I played. Unfortunately it's about damn time I go get a fuckin life. I'll go touch some grass for y'all. @Nutter Appreciate what you've done, I'll be back later and drop 2k for you qt. @ProggyYou're chilling man, Great help when need be @Ba11ParkFrank41Fucking proud of you man, Knew you could do it. @WreckEM Continue to be a chill ass dude. @AdricYou too hoe @TheDudeAbidesV3@TheDudeAbidesV2@TheDudeAbides I honestly don't know which one you use so why not all but love your taste in music homie, it's fresh. Oh and I almost forgot, @wuvgawore You a bitch and yo toes stink.
    1 point
  20. In-game name: FOUR BIG GUYS Age: 14 SteamID (https://steamid.io/): STEAM_0:1:612979920 Warns: 1 warn for nlr. Timezone: PST Playtime?: 77:40:21. Do you have access to TeamSpeak and a microphone?: [YES/NO] Yes Do you have the ability to record Garry's Mod videos?:[YES/NO] Yes Referral(s): [What administrator recommended you to apply?] HOBS Past experiences as staff: [Optional] I was co-owner of a friends discord server that had about 100 people in it. Why should we choose you over other applicants? [minimum 2 paragraphs] I think I should be a staff member on DarkRP because I am willing to dedicate time and effort into helping the people on Garnet and be a vital part of the staff making the server better. I know my way around the game either being the mechanics or the rules. I see the server as my get away from it all and it would be so great if I could be apart of those people who make the server great. I'm able to go through lots of hardworking to help people and I can be understanding and/or patient with innocent people or troublemakers. As a staff member I would be glad to take on such responsibility. I'm a great person for people to talk to as I can help people with their troubles and settle things between others if needed and people will be able to ask me for help and it would make me feel appreciated as a person to look up to. I'm an experienced player as I used to play on an old account before it was hacked so I've been around the place more than most people. This makes me a person who knows the difference between right and wrong and I can see the other side of problems. Have you ever been banned or punished on any server? If so, Include details I was falsely banned on Garnet but it got cleared as it was an accident by the staff member. Have you made any previous applications, If so when?: Yes I have made one other that was submitted February 1st. How much time do you have to contribute to the role?: As I'm a minor I will have school but as soon as I'm home I will get on and play on the server and hangout with my friends and as a staff member I will be able to contribute that time. If you have any, what hobbies or activities are you involved in outside of Garry's Mod? I have a bit of a hobby where I will go out and adventure in places I've never been to explore the world and see new things. Did you read the staff rules?: FOUR BIG GUYS
    1 point
  21. In-game name: not Not ClaffSteamID (https://steamid.io/): STEAM_0:1:147755492Staff members in-game name: Topg HamaStaff members SteamID (https://garnetgaming.net/darkrp/bans) (/id (name):STEAM_0:1:61883550Date & Time of incident: 2/19/2023 6:40 PM PSTTimezone: PSTBan Reason: MRDMHow long were you banned for?: 2 WeeksProof of Ban:What happened? (include any proof): I was being shot at so I killed the guy, 20 minutes later I killed people that were attacking me. The guy that I killed 20 minutes prior reported me for killing him when he shot at me was the one that ended up reporting me.Why should your ban be removed?: It should be removed as the kill was in self defense.
    1 point
  22. My screenshot did not save from this interaction. You had killed over 10 people and during the sit mentioned nothing of self defense or I would have asked the reporter to submit a clip. @stretchyYou can accept this given I don't have the logs screenshot.
    1 point
  23. Thanks for not giving me a -1 because you didn't know if it was me but I believe it might be when I'm trying to confront people for breaking a server rule and they are acting immature but either way thank you
    1 point
  24. All you have to do is be involved as staff, assuming existing staff are competent, and vet who is getting reserves and in what faction. Come up with your own criteria that enables X or Y to get reserves instead of the straightforward easy "hit 2ndLt." A couple executives tried pushing for this before but it got shot down and when we tried damage controlling reserves people effected threw a fit. (Green Beret circa 2019-2020) Maybe this time around y'all can get it under control. For the posts having the criteria "ideas" limited to "Up the rank to X or Y from 2ndLt" historically it doesn't work and you regress to having the same problem you have now. (All this is is moving the goalpost further back) People will do the bare minimum to hit that rank, as seen since that change was put in place, and resign soon after. No offense to anybody but majority of officers that have held reserves likely were a name and a face in a faction who did nothing good but also didn't do anything bad which is all but too common but is and has been the norm for a long time. (Fixable but needs proactive behavior from staff which might not be favorable with players)
    1 point
  25. +1 i really think can add new mechanics to the Combat and the RP itself , and it can be good for Stealth during combat or raids Plus the Download size for the Prone addon is small and it can be a small but an exciting Improvement , only downside is if people use it and exploit it into gettin through walls and etc. but im sure that our amazing Management team can handle that plus im ready to help by not lettin them exploit it
    1 point
  26. ping me on discord next time LOL
    1 point
  27. I'm a little biased on this one, but +1This would make the defib a lot more powerful but not OP with the 30 second cooldown. Def something people should look at.
    1 point
  28. I’m coming back to DarkRP, Nuked it this morning and AFK in it rn.
    1 point
  29. Haven't talked to you in awhile but I miss talking with ya. Anyways see ya around.
    1 point
  30. @Hoalyou missed the nuke.
    1 point
  31. Not sure what y’all had going on over there on US if this is true. For Afghan, the same can’t be said. It did happen sometimes don’t get me wrong, but we definitely didn’t have factions with an upwards of 30+ reserve players like we do now.
    1 point
  32. This is insane cap out of you considering you did play back then. Reserves were not a reward in the past, they were used for people who needed to be absent from the server for longer than a reasonable LOA length. You know that
    1 point
  33. There are very easy ways to improve the current civilian element so that it fits with RP. For example, we could change their model to an Afghan-esq civilian one and then let them spawn in Afghan village when Garnet creates that on the other map. If you don’t want to spiral into DarkRP, maybe you should comment on additions like the casino and backrooms. I also know you're a fan of kidnapping and intel, so I think some actual real civilians incorporated into the world would add another level of RP to that. I used to sell CDs out of a van on the server a few years ago and it was a great time. I’d have my vehicle stopped occasionally by both sides, I’d make money during peacetime, and overall just had fun. I want more interaction during peacetime and more things to do. +1 to the suggestion, love the idea
    1 point
  34. In all honesty, I was always gearing towards making embassy into a town, or maybe shipment (on the map Delta) but the idea of simply converting the afghan base into a village is so fucking unique that i'm absolutely down to do it on the next iteration.
    1 point
  35. I know there is already a timer for when it opens for use so we should keep that but then also add a cooldown per use so people cant spam it
    1 point
  36. -1 Might spiral into a DarkRP with Military stuff on the side. If you want to play as a civilian, just play on Taliban without drawing a gun.
    0 points
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