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One last attempt for MilitaryRP

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2 hours ago, Gythem said:

ie. Someone makes an addon, the addon is shared through a Discord with like-minded individuals. Then these individuals can either give criticism or edit it themselves

In case you guys aren't familiar, servers typically use a platform like Gitlab to facilitate development. The way it works is that there are two branches, a dev branch and a master branch. The master is what the live server runs off of, while the dev branch is the public and accessible branch that can be modified by developers. Changes are made to the code and submitted via merge requests, which have to be approved to before merged, and further approved before being merged to the master branch, so people can't just upload things onto the server without quality control. 

Additionally, the public dev branch can be altered so that critical components and content that doesn't need to be publicly accessible won't be, to avoid people creating a clone server using GG's custom content. 

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18 hours ago, Garnet said:



Bringing back a 3-way or 4-way faction set-up would bring all the veterans back and re-boost population.

When we had 3 or 4 factions available, they were hardly ever managed properly, and we do not have enough influential leaders that'd be able to lead the addition of 2 more base-factions and 2 more sub-factions. If we had some solid veterans speak out and say "I will most definitely come back if we went back to CSCDesert in a 3/4-way faction setup, along with 4 other members to play Taliban" I would most definitely consider the idea. Otherwise, it seems to be all talk from people being nostalgic. More than likely when I/If I switch to CSCDesert, players would cry the map sucks and the playerbase isn't the same.

Definitely a lot of it is nostalgia, and you're probably not wrong that there would be a large portion of people who like, and dislike, csdesert coming back. I personally like the map because it was simple and there was a lot of open ground but solid objectives to play on.


Four-way factions is also a tough call, because you wouldn't be wrong again to assume there is going to be a population struggle occasionally but it always shifts somehow. 


I can't really tell if you'd consider me a "solid veteran" because I know you like to group me into a lot of the dumb shit the people I talk to do, but I would actually consider coming back to at least help jump start the process if a lot of people want that to happen.

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  • MilitaryRP Super-Admin

Little Preamble: Some of the stuff will be direct quoted and others will just have quotes. I’m drafting this up in Google Docs because it’s just easier for me to review and revise.




I personally think the weapons update was a step up in the right direction. Reverting it back to how it was would be a colossal waste of time and not the proper fix imo. Having said that, there are some tweaks that can be made to continue to improve our arsenal and *hopefully* appease as many playstyles as we can.




I think it’s fair to say that the biggest groan is how hard snipers were nerfed. An outcry of “unusable” and “inferior to DMRs”! Which is a) overdramatic, and b) a matter of circumstance. The entire point of this update was to make sure not a single gun is a Swiss Army Knife. Ideally ever weapon class should have a circumstance in which it shines brighter than any other. Pencil’s thread, seen here:




Is a nice start to appease the sniper purists. Personally I feel SWEP.SpeedDec = 75 is more appropriate than SWEP.SpeedDec = 50. To my knowledge, all snipers already have the anti quickscope CW code in there but I could be wrong. I’m in favor of adding sway to all scopes that are 2.5x or higher (however I don’t know if it’s feasible to add the sway to the attachments as opposed to the guns themselves) for ANY gun with those scopes, as well as every sniper. I agree with your comment that running with a different weapon out is the natural option, however I’m not opposed to giving snipers a good bit of speed back. 




Again, this is being drafted in Google Docs so I won’t forum quote, but Garnet mentioned that he’s weary about reducing spread too much that we become a copy of IFN with our gunplay. I don’t believe it’s that bad of a thing. We have enough differences, that similar gunplay won’t obscure the lines of who’s who. Especially if it’s a proven formula. 


The biggest issue that my peers and I see with ARs is the aim spread. Aim spread, by definition, is RNG. RNG in gunplay should be minimized as much as possible in a shooter in my opinion. Now should every gun have 0 AS and lasering people like everyone’s favorite 2018 SMG? God fucking no. However it’s frustrating when you’re doing a great job at pulling down to counteract the recoil and your shots are still missing. I think the Scar-L (w/ attachments) currently has a value that feels closer to being right for Max Spread Inc and Spread per Shot. 38% and 7% respectively. I feel like the Max Spread Inc should fall between 30-40% for ARs depending on caliber/DMG and the Spread per Shot should be 5-10% depending on caliber/DMG.


I like the way recoil plays but it’s (call it bias or whatever makes you sleep better) a little high on the Honey Badger is it is the only Rifleman/Assault whitelist weapon without the option for a grip or silencer (The Vintorez also doesn’t offer a silencer but has a grip). I’ll create a suggestion around that as it’s more of a micro issue.




Pretty unknown honestly. Hardly anyone uses em anymore as ARs now come with extra firepower and a lucky headshot wins you fights. In the limited display of SMGs, I’d say maybe dial back the damage to 20-24 on them and crank up the firerates to around 950-1100.




People still use these? Even more unknown than SMGs tbh. I’ve used one for like 10 lives maybe. Felt good. Did what it should, didn’t do what it shouldn’t.







You’ve already said they're going bye bye. Only piece here is to make sure there are too many long sight lines to make sure we inch towards the CQC goal.




Feels a bit out of place like some people have mentioned. I thought a large hotel with roof access and a helipad would make for a cool idea but you know your brush limits better than I. If we stick with the Cons asset, yeah there will need to maybe be some additional cover to not make it a requirement in order to hold Mosque.


Power Plant


I actually like Power Plant but think it can use some elbow grease. 


  1. Fix ATTC 2 as currently the button doesnt work to raise the central gate and hasn't since launch. The office buildings in the NE corner should be built on and maybe made into one larger building with multiple stories and rooms. The NW corner of PP does need some cover though as its suicide to head East, and North of the Oil barriers.

  2. We ditch ATTC 2 and use some of CS’s Nuke’s assets to build a nuclear facility/factory in its place. The other cover changes proposed in A) should also happen here.


Shipment Parking Lot


I’ve already told you about the busses being quite annoying with their rendering. In addition, there’s a lot of empty space in that area as well as West towards RU’s Arch. There’s a parking lot next to the Hotel/Motel(HOLIDAY INN) that could use some cars as cover.


Obviously vehicles would make sense to use as cover here. Making a crater was also an interesting idea I thought of in this area. Like an IED blew a hole in the ground and there's a blown up military vehicle right next to it. Just a thought.



Factions & Countries

One of the mistakes I made previously was being too casual with faction merges, locks, etc. Looking back, I wish I knew what I do now but hindsight is 20/20. 




When the oasis of leadership is running dry, it makes sense to turn to merges. Combining the lowest SOC with a Base seems like the natural remedy as you can combine leadership firepower and hopefully help build upon the base faction enlisted which are the lifeblood of the server. However, I’m not certain we have the individuals with the time, skills, and polarizing personalities to pull it off. It is a tough and draining gig to lead a base faction. To then lead a base faction and a SOC faction, one of the two will eventually become a chore and it’s not the SOC. I’d be weary about merging again for that reason. I believe Kendal brought up the point first (sorry if I’m wrong) about how there should be staff presence in at least a General position for each side. I think that’s a great idea, that way there will be direct insight for the staff team on what the O-11 and Generals are doing for each side. 




Piss poor idea. Limits the amount of options players can have and variety is the spice of life. Not enough leaders or members to go around? So? Having low numbers in your faction is only a problem when the ignorant scoff at it without realizing the pool of prospects is a kiddie pool. Having low numbers isn’t a problem until someone decides to make it a problem. I’ve had 2 people in my SOC and I’ve had 17 people in my SOC. There are ebbs and flows when it comes to pop and I ask what’s wrong with 4 factions SOCs a side with 4 members each. Why is that worse than 2 SOCs a side with 8? “There won’t be camaraderie or any friendships built. The reason I stayed so long was because of the relationships I was able to have by being in the factions I was.” M I N G L E. For Christ’s sake, get out of locked TS rooms (unless you need to be obv), go talk to other factions in-game, and don’t recluse yourself into just your faction’s circle. More to come on this in the next section of my post.


New Countries


I honestly like the idea but don’t know if this is the time, assuming each country would come with a base and a handful of SOCs. We can withstand spreading ourselves out among what we have, but adding another 3-8 factions would stretch us mightily thin. However, I’d imagine some people would come back as there are shiny new things to be marveled at. Will they stay? Don’t know. Depends on their reason for leaving. If it was a time commitment then probably not but if it was the server running dull for them then they might. It’s possible that it could work out but this is akin to pushing a toddler into the deep end as opposed to your 5 year old. Possible but quite the gamble.







Don’t know who said it first, might’ve been Don or Shrimps, but adding a MRP Discord has been in the back of my mind for awhile. There can be channels listing new rules and server changes, and people frequent Discord a lot more than they frequent the forums. There will be only 2, maybe 3 voice channels that would be accessible by a select few and monitored heavily. These would be used for where voice chat is needed but users are not at their computers. Discord Mobile is free while TS Mobile is not. WE DO NOT WANT PEOPLE SITTING IN DISCORD CALLS. The Discord would be utilized for logging messages and useful pings for the playerbase. Many, if not all factions have unofficial discords where they log faction notes and changes. However, having a MRP Community Discord would help bring everyone together and hopefully allow more people to voice their opinion about server issues. A very large portion of the community don’t visit the forums, and I’d be willing to bet they visit Discord every single day.



I agree usage is low and most people stow away in locked channels. It will be re-stressed to players and staff that TS usage is expected by those in roles of power and should be actively encouraged for all players.

Edited by Ozzy
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  • The Garnut

Before I review everything in this thread and make adjustments for the server, I thought it was worth noting that some takeaways are that I've given in and opened a MilitaryRP Discord which i'll be working on over the next few days to get it set up. Since Discord is very limiting, we may require a Discord for both Russia and US.


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  • The Garnut
1 minute ago, PraetorDon said:

I believe unofficial discords for both RU and US already exist.

Really, anything that exists that is not in my possession or the possession of an admin+ is against the server rules if they operate in a way that is GG-affiliated. 

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18 minutes ago, Garnet said:

Really, anything that exists that is not in my possession or the possession of an admin+ is against the server rules if they operate in a way that is GG-affiliated. 

Well the RU one was at one point, as it's owned by me. No idea who owns the US one. I was more offering that these discords are set up and have everyone in there already. Like Shrimps said earlier, TS was not a viable strategy for organization.



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1 hour ago, Garnet said:

Really, anything that exists that is not in my possession or the possession of an admin+ is against the server rules if they operate in a way that is GG-affiliated. 

May I add that if you go with this idea of making official discords Garn, that (and it’s just my suggestion) they don’t discriminate against some players

if they are official make them public and make sure the owners don’t remove people they dont want (unless it’s the obvious ones like hackers, comm banned folks, the usual people who aren’t allowed on the servers in the first place)

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7 hours ago, Captainswag said:

if they are official make them public and make sure the owners don’t remove people they dont want

Most places require that each faction have its own discord, owned and setup by the faction leader. The only caveat is that a manager is required to be in a discord for it to be official, whether they are in the faction or not, in order to keep an eye on things. This lets players have some modicum of secrecy in the way they run their faction, as well as allowing a degree of freedom in choosing how they set up their primary means of communication.

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22 hours ago, PraetorDon said:

So, I'll ask a question seeing as I don't play anymore. What do you think new players want?


22 hours ago, Party said:

as i said before idk what new players want cuz i enjoy the server as it is 

Not going to make a particularly long post, but this is likely a common issue. We need some new player perspective so I'll likely spend a little while today asking around with the newer guys to figure that out and get back to you as they typically don't use forums.



23 hours ago, shrimp said:

You can always rip out the floorboards, but another approach I've been taking part in lately is the artform of building an enormous dev team by making the server open source (with some caveats so people can't just clone it and start their own servers), and encouraging the playerbase to become the dev team through a platform like Gitlab, where contributes can submit their changes and updates through MR's, instead of just suggestion threads. It would take a while to put together, but creating an environment where experienced code monkeys and aspiring developers can come together and improve the server is a way to dramatically increase content output at little to no cost.

(I just recently became an official member of an OS dev team of nearly 30 people for an unnamed community because I wanted an internal perspective on how they were able to push out updates so efficiently, which is why I'm making this recommendation. While there are only approx. 30 people on the dev team officially, the total amount of contributors numbers in the hundreds.)

That would be fantastic.

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To be honest, as a current leader of a faction, and staff I've been noticing every single player gets burnt out so quick. Myself included, I have stopped playing for 2 days due to the fact that the pop is so low and we cannot include new players, as many of them aren't good enough. If we had server pop go back to its normal state, with changing huds, weapons, like it use to be then the server would be sky rocketing right now. It's just due to the fact that the server has so many little problems leading from hit reg, player models, the weapons, hud, and so on. This is just my opinion... Lastly, I believe there is one main faction that is missing which use to attract all of new players, which is marines. My suggestion is to implement marines once again, while allowing MARSOC to merge with them having them working with marines all the time. No clue if this will happen, however if it were to I believe it would be super beneficial to the server, allowing army players and marine players to interact and make fun of each other having a good time like it use to be.

Edited by Valor1
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Ok, I finished asking around a while ago with a considerable amount of people. General thoughts are the server development is fine, main issues are officers and their ability to lead (whoda thunk it). So thats currently being addressed, one development thing brought up was more classes on base factions so we're looking into 6 classes for them again.

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To be honest, the current map is a pretty standard and playable map. (it may be my favorite map after echo). But when you say "its going to be cqc map" I thought of its gonna be like modern warfare style afghan cities. Dense buildings, narrow roads (i think narrow roads are most important thing for cqc map, but ofc there are vehicles so i can understand that). But adding more buildings can improve cqc imo/ (like town on charichar).


Other than that i love the sniper buff. Its more realistic and hard. And it should be like that. 
Shotgun nerf ? Eh, make sense since people use them like a sniper. But spread could be lowered a little bit on serbu shorty (its only have 3 bullet/shell and it was always a "high risk, high reward sidearm". But right now its useless because its just like a regular shotgun with 3 bullet/shell. No reason the use it.
Only thing i didnt like about gun revision is AR's. I dont know the US side but as an RU mainer right now its hard to find "decent" AR. Even CZ is worts then ak right now.

But the point I will agree with you is that this weapon update has exposed the hypocrisy in some people. I guess some people don't even know what they want.

Adding more factions ?

I can dig that. It would be nice seeing factions like NATO (since there are soo many eu players) and Afghan. 

sorry for the grammar mistakes im still learning

Edited by VBSA
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RU has some internal issues that can't necessarily be fixed by server updates. around 30% of the 2GA online don't show up to DB; And atleast 60% of SOC don't attend RU DB or a separate DB. Contrast this with US which has nearly every player online in DB. Things feel too relaxed in RU; Not calling DB before or even after war. Things feel very sloppy.

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