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Ahmed's Staff Application


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In-Game name: Tali CPT Ahmed Mohamed

Age: 19

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:157559491

Warns: 0

Timezone: EST

Playtime: Tali CPT Ahmed Mohamed has played for 374:37:47.

Do you have access to TeamSpeak and a microphone?: Yes

Do you have the ability to record Garry's Mod videos?: Yes

Referrals(s): XL D, Mao, West, Reeper

Past experiences as staff: Moderator on Gaminglight Police RP server

How do you plan on benefiting our server?:

I plan on benefiting the server by helping provide an enjoyable experience for everyone on the server. I feel as if I understand the rules well and have started to also reflect the rules in how I act on the server, and that I can punish a player with what is appropriate to what rules were broken. Furthermore,  I am confident that I can moderate without bias towards either factions or specific players. Becoming staff would further alleviate the stress off current staff as well as playing at odd hours of the night often. Throughout my time playing I have received no warns and have been pulled into very few sits for something caused by me.  I would also like to help officers with tryouts and sims.

I feel as if I have shown to be respectful and a good role model of the rules for the server. Since going through the ranks of Tali especially, after training for BMI, I think that I have matured significantly. I have started to pay much more attention to the rules, and stopped being as much of a minge after taking the server more seriously. Ever since then I have also tried to make the server as enjoyable for newer players as possible to try and get them to come back. I try my best to be helpful to any new player and am respectful to everyone no matter the person. I really enjoy both the server, as well as the people who play on it. 

Have you ever been banned or punished on GG MRP? If so, include details: No

Have you made any previous applications if so when?: No

How much time do you have to contribute to the role: I can contribute at least 3-4 hours a day most days more

  • Spicy 1
  • Agree 6
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+1  Confirming my referral

Ahmed is very responsible, active, has past staff expierence and does a lot of work for Tali, i think he would be a great addition to the staff team. 

Edited by Anmol
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+1 also confirming referral

Ahmed has time and time again proven himself to be the one to take initiative and step up and try and help others around him, great activity and as far as I know a great tali officer.

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