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Conway - StarWarsRP Ban Appeal

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-1 you removed me from seals in 2019 and I still hold grudges (jk)


+1 I found Conway as a good admiral and with the whole situation that caused this I think a perma ban from SWRP was definitely unnecessary 



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  • The Garnut

I want to start by again, addressing the situation that happened in the community and express that I was incredibly disappointed in what has taken place at the time you had left. I have expressed to you that in your upcoming appeal I would be much happier if you had JUST included a simple apology, as opposed to pointing fingers at in an attempt to partially justify the actions you took. I mentioned this to you explicitly earlier in our chat. I understand that nothing that happened back then was all that positive, but lets move on and not hold grudges.

With all that being said, we have had a dozen recent private conversations, which have all proven to be helpful, and you have GENUINELY helped me to a HUGE degree as of the past month or two; far more than alot of the current staff - whether it comes to coding or mapping. I do appreciate your follow-up apology which goes a long way towards making things right. I acknowledge your significant contributions to the community over the years and in my own opinion you are the best admiral the server has had to date.


Being that in my opinion, your overall impact on the server has been net positive ESPECIALLY AS OF RECENT, I personally look forward to you joining back with all the knowledge you have gathered from the servers you have played while taking a step back from Garnet. 

+1 from me

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+1 When Conway, got banned from messing with docs it was quite weird to me and didn’t sound like that would be some he would do. As you can see bishop mentioned he had the right of doing that. 

Conway set up the foundation of where the server went even if it was good or even bad. Even though we had some discrepancies in the past he was mostly professional about everything. I think he needs another shot with helping out the server but, obviously don’t allow him to own any important documents just incase. 

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There's been issues in the past, but at the end of the day, with the server where it is, you could be a hugely beneficial addition. Even now, your period as Admiral is widely considered the best term of an Admiral on the server, and with your vast experience even beyond that, I feel it will be worthwhile to have you unbanned.

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@Ziggy (doin this because no one else has)


I personally feel like this ban wasn't entirely proportional to the wrong he committed way back whenever it was (i'm not good with dates). Not to mention the extended history Conway has in regards to community contributions for MRP and SWRP, and how he could influence the current state of the communities would prove beneficial. I admit though, I don't know the story behind why he was banned but I 100% vouch for his potential future contributions. +1 o7 brother.

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From what i've seen you've only contributed positively and i know you help garnet quite a bit regardless of the ban. 

also i beg for you to be 1st life naval 🙏

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3 hours ago, AlexConway said:

I was told by the then Superadmin that I would have a "right to do so"

Alright you little worm, first of all, we both know what I meant by that is you literally had the capability to erase those documents. I then asked you not to. You’re using this piece of evidence here as a blanket of nuance to say, “Wellll…. he /did/ say I could do it technically.” Lame as fuck. 

3 hours ago, AlexConway said:

regain the "public"/servers trust and be a contributing member. 

I’d also like to bring light to the fact that a consideration of your removal/ban was the constant attempts to go around me to get what you wanted done without consulting me or even special. 

We’ve done this song and dance a million times before so what’s more time? You’ll be unbanned, we’ll talk, pretend to be friends for a little bit, and eventually even while on different GG servers we’re gonna find a way to end up clashing it out down the line. 

Welcome back! +1

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the cycle continues i guess 😞 I hope it's different this time (It's a cycle for a reason)
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d8fd6d70cf5fc52495e13d232bddcf9a.png My name is Hm "Himothy" Timothy

(Self explanatory) 

^ me on garnet

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