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were so back baby

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In-game name: tadatd31

Discord username: (ex: merk.gg) tadtad31

Age: 15

SteamID (https://steamid.io/😞 STEAM_0:1:39440931

Active Warns: 0

Timezone: cst

Current Playtime: 750 as of wrighting

Do you have access to Discord and a microphone?: yes

Are you a member of the Garnet Gaming DarkRP Discord?:  yes

Do you have the ability to record Garry's Mod videos?: yes

Referral(s): [What administrator recommended you to apply?] I did this of my own fruition (no one)

Past experiences as staff: [Optional] I've been staff 2 times on here and have some minor experience as admin on Minecraft servers 

Why should we choose you over other applicants?: [minimum 2 paragraphs]


Hola I am Tadtad but people call me Tad. There are a multitude of reasons for why i Should be able to join the garnet staff team but I will be highlighting just a few. First off I would like to call back to an above question of my past experience as I have been a mod on garet reaching the prestigious s.mod before I quit because of some events that showed up in my personal life pertaining to my cancer that would have impaired my ability to give the server a true benefit. Within my short time I also was cool enough to join the game master program leading to me not only having experience dealing with a wide range of sits and situations pertaining to players and fellow staff members of the staff team.


Furthermore I have a plethora of experience interacting with the player base both old in new in my almost 2 years of experience on garnet and drp as a whole having seen this server go thru many admins, mods and managers in my time and seeing player some of which i consider friends come and go. Having interacted with a wide range of people on the server I believe this makes me have a less biased viewpoint pertaining to punishment and impact on the server. Coming with this time I've seen a lot of frankly shit that some new players do and I hope to be able to guide them the less mrdm and also have them impact the server in a more positive way. overall improving the atmosphere around the server and improving gameplay experience.


Thank you for listening to my ted talk and thank you for your time and consideration on my application. I hope to be accepted as I believe I am a good fit for the role.


Have you ever been banned or punished on any server? If so, Include details: alright I have to explain this. I have had some minor bans that I could not tell you what for they were when I first joined the server BUT I do have 1 perma ban on my record from nearly a year ago for saying the name of a website that hosts explicit content on it I posted the URL for the sight in ooc chat as the punchline to a joke but I believe I have moved past it as it was a inappropriate thing to do and frankly not the funniest joke

Have you made any previous applications, If so when?: yes I have created multiple in the past I don't have exact dates but I believe this is my 5th? 2 of which were accepted and hopefully this will make 3

How much time do you have to contribute to the role?: most likely 2-3 hours per day as I work an average of 3 days a week and do have school to keep up with but that will fluctuate heavy depending on a multitude of factors 

If you have any, what hobbies or activities are you involved in outside of Garry's Mod?: I am in high school at the moment although as of time of writing I'm on break for 2 more weeks and I work as a farm hand for 3-4 days a week depending on my schedule.

Did you read the staff rules?: tadtad31

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  • DarkRP Administration Team

I’ve been waiting for this.

Meets all requirements and more, former staff experience (on garnet).


Very solid paragraphs, which truly shows your dedication to get back on the staff team!


Real nice person and i’d like to see you back on the staff team again!!!



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  • DarkRP Administration Team

+ Age
+ Playtime
+ Prior Staff
+ Experience
+ Paragraphs


Welcome back to the server, and I'm glad to see you re-applied! I hope you're feeling better and let's get him back in! Nothing more to say.

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  • DarkRP Administration Team

Never met you in game but from what I hear you're very well known, your app is overall good and you have past staff experience so I'll give you my +1

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  • DarkRP Management Team

Happy to see you back, tadtad. For the sake of fairness because of another recent application, I am a bit worried about the speed in which you re-applied after starting to more regularly play again but overall I'm not too pressed personally. You've been staff here twice before and even helped me out a bit when I first became staff, you have a good grasp of the rules and you've always been helpful and friendly to anyone you've been in a report with. I would never object to seeing you come back to the team, so I wish you good luck!




(SIDENOTE: Remember to anyone commenting, please add important details to your replies. Just saying +1 with no constructive feedback is not needed.)

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  • DarkRP Administration Team



Great Fucking staff last time he was here. Everything about his application is good, should've asked for my referral tho : (

Bring back the Borderlands pfp pls :3

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  • DarkRP Administration Team

It's great to see you back and eager to join the staff team once again. You've got a good application and from what I remember you were a good staff member too. Right now I see no reason why you shouldn't be accepted back.


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+1 Had a multitude of interaction with Mr. Tad and i can say he is really laid back and down to earth. Not a time where i wouldn't want to talk or interact with him. He also is very creative and has made me a personal; pokeball. Much love!

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+ Experience
+ Paragraphs

+ Community Feedback
- Ban (Thank you for elaborating!)

It seems you are really liked by everyone above me and you have a really nice app. I personally have not interacted with you in game (To my memory) so I can't say I know your character but I'll trust everyone above. That ban is a little scary but considering you were staff before and with your explanation I'd assume that's a thing of the past and you've gotten past it. I'm glad to hear your doing good from what you said in your paragraphs and I hope to see you around/on the staff team. Very nice app and I wish you the best, Goodluck!

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  • DarkRP Administration Team


Thank you for your application. After deliberation with the Human Resources Team, we have decided to tentatively accept your application and advance you on to the interview stage. Please ensure you have joined the GarnetGaming DarkRP Discord. A link to the discord can be found at the top of the page on the Navigation Bar.


Once in the Discord, please message anyone with the "HR Division" role, or any member of the Administration Team, with a few dates and times to coordinate your interview. Thank you again for the time and effort you put into your application. We look forward to speaking with you soon!


Responses will still be accepted at this time. Thank you for your time!

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  • DarkRP Administration Team


After deliberation with the DarkRP Administration Team, we have decided to accept your Staff Application. This is largely in-part to some, but not limited to, the below reasons:

Overall you have an excellent staff app, prior experience, and your reasons for leaving last time are very understandable.
Your reasons for wanting to rejoin are genuine and I see no reason for you to be denied.
So welcome back and good luck moving forward.


Welcome to the DarkRP Staff Team! We're looking forward to getting you trained and having you on board! 

Please do not use any commands/permissions until you have been trained, please contact an HR Director to get assigned for training!

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