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Greatest Accomplishment


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What is your greatest accomplishment? When you think back, what experience fills you with the most pride? This experience could be something you did in the community or something completely different, whatever you feel like sharing. I’ll start.

When I think back to my time on the server, my leadership of green beret is what stands out of me. Although it didn’t feel like it, I held official leadership of the faction for half a year. My main goal was to create a place for new players and old players to play beside one another. At this time as like now I assume, player retention was at an all time low so my focus for my faction wasn’t to be the best of the best, but for my members to have a fun time while not ruining the fun of others. Because of this, I pretty much allowed anyone into my faction if they were able to pass the tryouts. Some people may have believed my tryouts were easy because of the large amount of new players i was accepting, this was not the case. Most new players had an average of 20 tryout attempts before they eventually passed. The reason we took in many new players is because we didn’t discourage players who had many attempts,, but we noticed their determination and continued to push them to be at every tryout. Our tryouts weren’t designed to be passed on the first attempt by a skilled player, but to be passed after many attempts by a determined one. My main focus was to create a positive atmosphere which allowed players to connect with one another, not to win wars. I was sometimes ridiculed for this, but I firmly stand by my decision. Our faction attracted a lot of attention, as I left my teamspeak channel practically public for anyone to join. We were the head of the US SOC not because of our skill, but because of the open mindedness and atmosphere I had created. The conversations and laughs shared in that channel shaped my green beret into the faction you wanted to be apart of. While this isn’t my greatest accomplishment in life, I believe it to be my greatest accomplishment on MRP.  


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In-game (DarkRP)

The day I finally made a base that’s essentially unraidable. That feeling of taking everything you’ve learned over so many hours in game and creating something that’s absolutely perfect as a result.

Well… it WAS unraidable until I went for a cigarette (AFK) allowing all my printers to be taken without a single shot being fired. Jokes on me 🤣  

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