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HG Mysterio Gaming's (Mythical Phoenix)Staff Application

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Posted (edited)

In-game name: HG Mysterio Gaming

Discord username: (ex: merk.gg) Mythical Phoenix

Age: 27

SteamID (https://steamid.io/):STEAM_0:0:184850872

Active Warns: 0

Timezone: =2 ( Central African Time )

Current Playtime: HG Mysterio Gaming has played for 1154:02:25.

Do you have access to Discord and a microphone?: [YES/NO] Yes

Are you a member of the Garnet Gaming DarkRP Discord?: [YES/NO] Yes 

Do you have the ability to record Garry's Mod videos?:[YES/NO] Yes 

Referral(s): [What administrator recommended you to apply?] Recon & Schyzo

Past experiences as staff: [Optional] Ive been staff on Garnet twice but left due to some unforeseen circumstances.  

Why should we choose you over other applicants?: [minimum 2 paragraphs] 

I've been playing on garnet since 2018 and know all the rules in and out. When there is something i am not sure about i always consult with someone that is higher up and also love introducing new people to the server and teach them a bit more of GGdark RP and also the rules that follow.
I am open to everything and also am a good listener. I am very friendly with everyone i see or who i play with.
Most of the people i join and play with are some great people and also reliable. I know when there is a time to be a friend and also time to be a staffing member and make sure everything gets followed according to the server. 
I also know that you can't make a verdict unless you have proof or proof has been provided. 

I feel like i will be a perfect addition to the team as i know what is right and what is wrong. Due to my work i know how to talk to people about situations and how to calm them down in a heated moment.  I can control very sensitive and aggressive situations and deal with issues at hand. I have respect for everyone on the server and also other server mods, admins and managerial team members. I want to look out and keep this server clean and safe from people who join with negativity and foul play.
My soul duty if I do get accepted within the moderation staff is to do my work as efficient as i can and also have fun as well.

Have you ever been banned or punished on any server? If so, Include details: I have yes. I cant remember when exactly but this was years ago. One was For NLR when i was new to the server. And one was for RDM which i appealed and the appeal was successful due to the fact that the MOD back then banned the wrong person.

Have you made any previous applications, If so when?: Yes i have twice , Once was in Sept 2022 (approved) and Dec 2021(approved) on my other formus account(Unfortunately lost access to that account due to losing my first discord account)

How much time do you have to contribute to the role?: Due to the time zone difference i can be on when other can't be due to work or sleep and i can contribute 50 hours a week give or take.

If you have any, what hobbies or activities are you involved in outside of Garry's Mod?:
I am a fisherman and also a hunter so the outdoors are my prime grounds. I have kids as well so spending time with them and my wife is great. My eldest also plays Gmod and i have introduced him to GGDarkRP and he loves it. I go camping during holidays when i can. My work is also like a hobby to me as i work with people , customers and staff members. Im a Distributions for a Massive courier company in RSA and its fun, its a lot of fun.

Did you read the staff rules?: HG Mysterio Gaming (Mythical Phoenix)

Edited by HG Mysterio
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  • DarkRP Administration Team
Posted (edited)

Ok so just letting you know here real quick that you need to fix a couple of things. First off you only have 1 paragraph in the two Paragraphs section and while that is your steamid it is the incorrect one. This is the correct steamID: STEAM_0:0:184850872

Ok so after you have updated your app to include what I have said now I can give you my response. After looking over you seem to have a well written app I feel like your interest in rejoining the staff team are genuine and I myself have no issues with you. While I have not had many interactions with you in game I haven't had any bad ones. You have a lot of hours on our server and you have prior experience as staff as well which is a big plus for me. While you do have bans on record they are from some time ago so I see no issue with that but just thought I would mention that. You are able to dedicate a decent amount of hours on the server a week and your timezone will allow you to be on the server earlier than some of our other staff members. I feel like you would be a great addition to the staff team and I wish you the best of luck.


Edited by Orion8559
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33 minutes ago, Orion8559 said:

Ok so just letting you know here real quick that you need to fix a couple of things. First off you only have 1 paragraph in the two Paragraphs section and while that is your steamid it is the incorrect one. This is the correct steamID: STEAM_0:0:184850872

My apologies thank you for the advice i will jump on it and fix my Steam ID too 

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  • DarkRP Management Team

You've gone ahead and edited a couple things I had issues with on your app, so I'm glad you did fix that!

Your app is rather well-done, you have really good hours and I like to see another new timezone popping up (says you're in South Africa so that's good to see). Your paragraphs are solid and I'm glad you did add on a second paragraph which before only had one, and while you have some bans in the past these are seemingly from many years ago and won't affect my judgment of you. Overall, I don't object to giving you a shot.



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Posted (edited)

ive seen this man do his reports and i can honestly say he has a good understanding of the server rules and guidelines. also he seems mature enough to not get heated over little things so can definately handle a sit. lastly hes been staff before so ye...



Edited by StS Recon
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  • DarkRP Administration Team
Posted (edited)



Accepting Referral. Good playtime, good paragraphs, and good application overall. You’ve been staff before so you have plenty of experience on how things work so i have no doubt you’ll be able to get the hand of things easily. Good luck!!

Edited by Schyzo
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  • DarkRP Administration Team

Solid application and you have previous experience. I've seen you in-game a lot recently and never had an issue with you.


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Didn't interract with you a lot until yesterday, and I can say you definitely deserve to be staff. Pretty chill guy who knows the rules well



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  • DarkRP Administration Team

Great application, it sounds like you can dedicate a decent bit of time to the server which would be very beneficial. I do however encourage you not to burn yourself out. Staff or not, it's important to do what you can when you can to prevent burnout. I encourage fellow members to play other games or take a break a few days a week to keep their minds fresh. I have seen you on quite a lot and I can confidently say you know the rules. You would make a great member of the team. Best of luck!

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